Cannakus' Kabal


As Cannakus awaited the arrival of the intruders pure evil and hate filled the air the screams of his warriors and servants were all that could be heard from the dark corridors which stood before him.  As Cannakus stood up his Incubi stood at his side ready to defend him to the death if need be while his son stayed seated believing that there was no point in fighting, the intruders' numbers were much to great.

Cannakus turned to his son and in a strong voice said "take the west passage to the scourges chamber there you will find Romculi and his finest sons ready to help you escape", looking at his father the thoughts of the streets of which he grew up on filled his mind with pure horror.  But in an instant he obeyed his father and slowly fled to the chamber of Romculi.

As the Dark Prince entered the dreary passage the thrown room filled with Wyches and the master haemonculi Urien Rakarth.  The prince stopped as the voice of Urien filled the air, it was a voice that wasn't very loud but strong enough and evil enough to make anyone listen, it stated "Walk away now and we will let you go peacefully or fulfill my wishes and stay and fight".

As Cannakus looked around at the enemy which stood before him he knew that him nor any of his incubi would walk away from the room that they were standing in but were to be dragged to the darkest chambers that the Dark City of Commorogh had, while the master haemonculi performed the most vile tortures ever imagined on there awaiting bodies.  Then glancing at his Incubi a smile appeared on his face knowing all to well he would not win this battle he was very happy however knowing that he was giving the prince time to escape, until, Urien glanced threw the corner of his eye at the passage and then with a hideous laugh said "beastmaster follow the prince".

When Cannakus heard this he jumped forward along with his Incubi all the while screaming "Romala Calla rattata" (which translated into English means "for the Dark Souls").  As the battle raged on the incubi fell rapidly soon there was only one left fighting for the life of Cannakus as well as his own, he bounded into the crowd his tormenter helm spreading a hail of splinter fire while his punisher tore into the chest cavities of the warriors which stood before him however his fury was soon brought to an end as a hellion skyboard came crashing into his cranium sending a wave of blood across the floor.

As Cannakus looked at what was left of the fallen warrior he raised the bladed end of his soul staff and charged taking on the full fury of the wyches however after a minute the fighting was interrupted as an acidic spray washed over the lord and the wyches around him weakening the lord to the point of where he fell on his knees.

The final thing he saw was his son walking towards him with the head of Romculi in one hand and his(Cannakusses) mighty soul staff raised high in the other.

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