Codex: Chaos Cultists

by Matt Anderson


Chaos Cultists

Characters: Up to half the points value of the army.
Squads: At least a quarter of the points value of the army.
Support: Up to a quarter of the points value of the army.
Daemons: Up to half the points value of the army.

Marks of Chaos: Please note that the characters in a Chaos Cult army are not allowed to take Marks of Chaos, although they are allowed Chaos rewards and special Daemon-gifts.  This restriction does not apply to allied troops.


1 DEMAGOGUE.......................38 points

The leader of a Chaos Cult is called a Demagogue.  The Demagogue dedicates himself to Chaos Powers in return from the uncertain favours of the Dark Gods.

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Demagogue 4 5 5 4 4 3 5 2 8

Equipment:  Armed with a laspistol.  The  Demagogue may have up to two Wargear cards, and any additional combination of wargear allowed by the Chaos Cult Wargear list.

Special Rules:  Army commander, strategy rating of 3.  The Demagogue may have one daemon-gift chosen at random.  H  may be upgraded to a Chaos Magus Master with a mastery level of 3 at a cost of 90 additional points.

CHAOS MAGUS........................32 points
CHAOS MAGUS CHAMPION.......................68 points

A psyker who pledges his soul to Chaos becomes a Chaos Magus.  These individuals can become very powerful, and are second only to the Cult's Demagogue in the hierarchy of the Chaos Cult.

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Magus 4 3 3 3 4 1 4 1 7
Magus Champion 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 7

Equipment:  Armed with a laspistol.  A Chaos Magus may have up to 1 wargear Card and any combination of additional wargear allowed by the Chaos Cult Wargear list.

Special Rules:  A Chaos Magus has a mastery level of 1 and a Chaos Magus Champion has a mastery level of 2.  He may be given a Daemon-gift for an additional 10 points.

0-1 CULT ICON BEARER.......................48 points

The army may include up to one Icon Bearer.  He carries the Cult's Battle Standard, and is picked from amongst the strongest and most fervent of the Cult's followers.

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Icon Bearer 4 4 5 3 4 1 4 1 8

Equipment:  The Icon bearer may carry a Chaos Cultist Icon and may have any combination of additional wargear allowed by the Chaos Cult Army Wargear List.

Special Rules:  The Icon Bearer carries the Cult's Battle Standard (the rules for Battle Standards are in the Warhammer  40,000 rule book).  He may be given a Daemon-gift for an additional 10 points.

ACOLYTE.......................12 points

Acolytes are crazed followers of the Chaos Gods chosen for their dedication and unthinking devotion.  They deliver blood curdling speeches before a battle which inspire their followers to insane acts of bravery.

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Acolyte 4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8

Equipment: Armed with a laspistol.  May choose any combination of additional wargear from the Chaos Cult wargear lists.

Special Rules:  Up to one Acolyte may be added to any Cultist Coven or Neophyte Coven.

BEASTMAN CHAMPION.......................23 points

Cult armies often include packs of Beastmen led by ferocious Champions.  Such beasts revel in the destruction of man and willingly flock  to fight alongside the forces of a Chaos Cult.

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Beastman Champion 4 5 4 3 4 2 4 1 8

Equipment: Armed with sword or axe and wearing primitive armour (6+ save).   May have any combination of additional wargear allowed by the Chaos Cult Army Wargear list.  May also have a primitive shield for (+1 point.)

Special Rules:  Up to one Beastman Champion may be added to any Beastman Pack.



CHAOS CULTIST COVEN.......................8 points per model

The vast bulk of the followers of a Chaos Cult are organized into Cultist Covens.  These crazed human followers of the Chaos Gods have been  driven to the edge of madness and beyond by the terrifying sights they have seen and the unspeakably vile acts they have carried out.

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Chaos Cultist 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Equipment:  Each coven consists of 5 to 20 Cultists armed with a laspistol and  flak armour (6+ save).  Any number of models may be equiped with   additional assault or basic weapons chosen from the Chaos Cult Army  Wargear list and up to one model may be equiped with a special or  heavy weapon.

Special Rules:  All Chaos Cultists are subject to frenzy as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

SUICIDE SQUAD.......................12 points per model

One of the most respected and revered positions in a Chaos Cult, only  the most devoted and fanatical cultists may join the suicide squad.  These insane suicide bombers rush onto the battle field amid their cultist  brethren only to charge the enemy and detonate themselves in hand to  hand combat.

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Suicide Bomber 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8

Equipment: Each squad consists of 3 to 5 Suicide Bombers armed with frag and  krak grenades and flak armor (6+ save).  All suicide squad members are equiped with a suicide bomb (see New Weapons section for complete  rules).

Special Rules:  Suicide Bombers are immune to all psychology except for frenzy and dispersed formation as described in th  Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

NEOPHYTE COVEN.......................4 points per model

New members of a Choas Cult form the ranks of the Neophytes.  They are the fresh blood of the Cult who have yet to prove their worth and  experience.  After several battles when the weaker members have been  weeded out of the Coven and they are more experienced they are  inducted into the ranks of the Chaos Cultists.

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Neophyte 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5

Equipment: An Neophyte Coven conists of 10 to 30 Neophytes armed with knife club or axe.  Any number of models may be equiped with additional assault weapons chosen from the Chaos Cultist Wargear list.

Special Rules: Neophytes are subject to frenzy as described in the   Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

RENEGADE GUARDSMAN SQUAD.......................10 points per model

As a Chaos Cultist Army begins it's uprising, one of the first targets is the Imperial Guard in the area.  Some of these guardsmen cast off their Imperial allegiance and join forces with the Chaos Cult in hopes of  money, power, fame, things that they do not have as members of the  Imperial Guard.  Once their loyalty is determined they are taken into a Cultist Coven to continue their service of Chaos.

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Renegade Guardsman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5

Equipment: A Renegade Guardsman Squad consists of 3 to 7 Guardsmen   armed with lasguns, frag grenades, and flak armor (6+) .  Up to two of the guardsmen may carry either special or heavy weapons from the Chaos Cultist wargear list.  Any number of models may be equiped with  additional assault or basic weapons from the Chaos Cultist Wargear list.

Special Rules:  For each cultist coven you may take one squad of Renegade Guardsmen.  The amount of guardsman must be less than or equal to the amount of Cultists in your Chaos Cultist Army.

BEASTMAN PACK.......................15 points per model

Beastmen are the foul spawn of the Chaos Gods, creatures so twisted by their mutations that it is impossible to tell whether their forebearers were men or beasts.  They are violent and lowminded creatures and are often found in Chaos Cult armies.

  M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Beastman 4 4 3 3 4 2 3 1 7

Equipment:  Each Beastman Pack consists of 5 to 20 Beastmen armed with a  club or axe, and wearing primitive armour (6+ save).  Any number of   models may take additional assault or basic weapons chosen from the  Chaos Cult Army Wargear list.  Any model may take a primitive shield for 1 additional point per model.



RHINO.......................50 points

Occasionally when Renegade Guardsmen join forces with Chaos Cultists  they may bring along support.

See Datafax.  Note: Though a part of a Chaos Cultist army, use the wargear card for an Imperial Guard Rhino.

Special Rules:  For each Renegade Guardsman Squad you may take one Rhino.  Only Guardsmen may drive the Rhino while Cultists may use it for transport.






Flak Armour (6+ save) 2 Flamer 9
Mesh Armour (5+ save) 3 Grenade Launcher 18
Carapace Armour (4+ save) 7 Melta-Gun 8
    Plasma Gun 8
Chain-axe 2 Autocannon 25
Chainsword 2 Heavy Bolter 15
Power Axe 7 Lascannon 45
Power Glove 10 Missle Launcher 45
Power Sword 6 Multi-melta 65
Sword or Axe 1 Heavy Plasma Gun 40
Double Handed Weapon
(+2S, but always lose combat on a tie)
1 Heavy Stubber 10
Autopistol 1


Bolt Pistol 2 Blind Grenades 2
Hand Flamer 7 Plasma Grenades 3
Laspistol 1 Frag Grenades 2
Plasma Pistol 5 Krak Grenades 3
Stub Gun 1 Melta Bombs 5
Photon Flash 2  


Autogun 1
Boltgun 3
Lasgun 2
Shotgun 2



The cultist suicide bomb is activated when engaged in hand to hand combat or if a suicide bomber is killed, the bomb goes off immediately. Also, if a cultist carrying a suicide bomb is hit by a weapon with a blast template (ie. an explosion) the bomb goes off, even if the cultist model lives.

The stats for a suicide bomb are:

strength damage save mod blast area
4 1 -1 1.5 inch radius

Due to close proximity to the explosion, the cultist is killed immediately.  All models in base to base contact suffer a strength 6 hit causing 1d6 damage at a save of -3.  Models in base to base contact do not take a strength 4 hit at a save of -1. (You take one or the other, if in base to base contact, you only take the more powerful hit) note: a suicide bomber does not have to win hand to hand combat to detonate the bomb, it is automatic. (even if they can not set it off themselves, the chaotic nature of hand to hand will cause the bomb to detonate anyways)

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