Canoness Hypolotta of the Order of the Valerous Heart scanned the horizon through her macro-binoculars, while rutine check-ins crackled through her comlink. So far there had been no contact with the enemy for four days. Before that it had seemed almost impossible that the war would ever slow down, but then suddenly and with no warning the enemy had withdrawn. Hypolotta had ordered that the pause in the fighting was to be used to strengthen the position of the Sisters. Now they had dug trenches, and created makeshift barricades, in an effort to slow the enemy.
Hypolotta knew that it could not be long before they would strike again. However it was practically unheard of that the Genestealer-cults made a tactical withdrawal. most of the time they would just keep comeing back for more until they were either destroyed or they had taken the planet. Suddenly the comm-net crackled into life, "Sister Canoness, this is Sister Avariel, I have movement in sector delta-omega-5." Hypolotta quickly turned her attention to the specified sector. "Affirmative Sister Avariel, I see them too" she responded.
Hypolotta was stunned for just a second, what was that! For a moment there she thought that she had seen a Chaos Icon amongst the Cultists. Wait there it was again. Her eyes had not betrayed her. Matters were worse than she had expected at first, this was no mere Genestealer-cult, this was far worse, a Genesteraler-Chaos-cult, the unholy alliance between the two greatest enemies of the Imperium.
Inquisitor Harkon paced up and down the floor of the command bunker, this was not the way of the 'stealers, something was very wrong, and he hoped that it was not what he thought it was. Then he suddenly heard the voice of Canoness Hypolotta over the comm-net. "Inquisitor Harkon, this is Hypolotta, we have sighted the enemy. Matters are more grave than we thought, the 'stealers have allied themselves with the unholy chaos-powers, we need to inform earth immediately, we will hold them here for as long as we can." Harkon turned to face the dark shapes who huddled in the shadows of a corner. He motioned for them to come forward and the two assassins stepped forward. "You two will be needed at the front." Harkon said, the Culexus and the Vindicare nodded and each touched a switch on their arm, and disappeared as they were teleported to the front.
Harkon opened the door to the hall, outside one of his aides stood. He snapped to attention as the door was opened. Harkon gave hin a quick order, and the aide stormed off towards the astropath's chambers.
At the front Hypolotta was preparing to face the oncomeing assault, when the two assassins suddenly apperaed at her side. She looked at them and each of them nodded a greeting and started to find the most advanteagous position for their assignment.
Suddenly the genstealer-chaos cult was on the move. The army surged forward and it almost looked like a sea of people and monsters. The first to open fire were the Heavy bolter retributers, along with the Heavy Bolters of the regular squads, and the Vindicare. Then suddenly the whole battle line of the sisters seemed to explode as the sisters opened up with every thing they had. Still the cultists still surged forward trampling their own fallen as they went. Hypolotta made a silent prayer to the emperor, and prepared to sell her life and those of the sisters as dearly as possible. Then the enemy was upon them, and the line of the sisters war assulted in hand to hand combat. hypolotta herself was attacked by the biggest genestealer she had ever seen. It was as if the monster had an unholy glow about it as it lurched forward towards its prey. Hypolotta met the assault by pounding the foul thing with her powerfist, but the momentum of the stealer still managed to knock her off her feet. The 'stealer prepaired to rend her apart, and as it struck Hypolotta whispered a final prayer to her master. But the blow never landed. Hypolotta saw the huge claws of the 'stealer descend upon her, and just before they hit the foul thing was lifted off its feet as a row of jagged hoes were torn across its chest. Hypolotta looked around to see who has saved her, and saw a tall slender man in colorful clothes standing above her, his face was covered by a mask, which seemed to be changing it's image unendingly, and in one hand he held a shuriken pistol, while the other held a chainsword. The man made a casual salute and lept into the air, cartwheeling and somesaulting as he cut a swathe of death as he went.
Hypolotta lept to her feet. The battleline of the sisters had been breached several places, but the places of the sisters had been taken by new combatants, all dressed in those colorful and flashy colthes. Even as Hypolotta gave the order for a counter-attack the cultists were being pushed back all along the line. It seemed that this battle wound be another victory in the name of the Emperor.