Here you will find submissions that range from hilarious to very useful. You will at least get a good laugh! We will mark the ones that are mostly humorous.
The articles contained within this section have a code to help you know what game and edition they are for.
40K2 | Warhammer 40,000 2nd Edition |
40K3 | Warhammer 40,000 3rd Edition |
WHFB | Warhammer Fantasy Battle |
GEN | General Article |
General Articles
My Thoughts on 3rd Edition (40K3)
Historical Influences for Scenarios (40K)
Modeling Articles
Modeling Grasslands (GEN)
That's not a Thunderhawk! This is a Thunderhawk! (40K)
Blood Angels Sanguinary High Priest (40K3)
Chaplain Lemartes Conversion (40K3)
Space Marine Hornet (40K)
Special Characters
Captain Cerberus (40K2)
Blood Angels Commander Borealis (40K3)
Commissar Jayko (40K3)
Scythes of the Emperor Special Characters (40K3)
New Troop Types
Starship Troopers Bugs (40K2)
Oculari (40K3)
New Sisters of Battle (40K2)
New Vehicles
Space Marine Hornet (40K3)
New Wargear
Flashy Grenades for Orks (40K2)
Codex: Chaos Cultists (40K2)
(All GEN)
Da' Uvver Side Uv Da' Story (The 23rd Baratarians)
The Bloodied Talons vs. The Tridons
(All GEN)
Brother Captain Grimace (40K2)
Happy Prancers (40K2)
Marauding Penguins (40K2)
Funnies About 40K (40K2/3)