Adept-Forged Weapon: A model with an adept-forged weapon may re-roll the first failed ‘To Wound’ die per turn for that particular weapon. This modification is suitable for ranged and close combat weapons. It is not applicable to weapons which already re-roll wounds, such as Lightning Claws.

Artificer Weapon: An artificer weapon has +6" range. This modification can only be applied to weapons that do not use the flamer template for range.

Artisan Armor: A model wearing artisan armor may re-roll failed armor saves. This does not allow the model to increase his AP value at all, and cannot be combined with artificer armor, Iron Halos, or a Rosarius.

EMP Missile: Any Zweihanders Space Marine armed with a missile launcher can be equipped with an EMP missile, which can be fired instead of a frag or krak missile. EMP missiles cause no damage to living targets, but have devastating effects on vehicles. When a hit with an EMP missile is rolled, roll on the following table for the effect of the hit.

1 = No effect
2-4 = Glancing hit
5 = Penetrating hit
6 = Ordnance hit

Hellfire Round: Replacing the core and tip of a bolter round with a mutagenic acid vial gives the space marine a hellfire round. Not only does the impact cause damage, but the target is more vulnerable to splashes from the breaking capsule. However, since a glass vial doesn’t deliver the punch a deuterium shell does, the strength of the attack is reduced. Bolters using this shell have both their Strength and Armor Piercing values reduced by one (a boltgun becomes a S:3, AP:4 weapon). The cost of the ammunition varies with whichever type of bolter in which it is used. The cost is as follows: bolt pistol +3 pts; bolter +5 pts; storm bolter +8 pts; heavy bolter +10 pts. The cost of the ammunition is added to every model in the squad, in the same manners as frag grenades, krak grenades, and melta bombs.

Inferno Bolt: The inferno bolt is a bolt whose deuterium core has been replaced with an oxy-phosphor gel. This has the effect of putting a casing around a meltagun blast. Boltguns using this type of ammunition add +1 to their Strength (a storm bolter becomes S:5; a heavy bolter becomes S:6), and add 2D6 to their vehicle penetration roll. The cost of the ammunition varies with whichever type of bolter in which it is used. The cost is as follows: bolter +10 pts; storm bolter +15 pts; heavy bolter +20 pts. Inferno ammunition cannot be used in bolt pistols. The cost of the ammunition is added to every model in the squad, in the same manners as frag grenades, krak grenades, and melta bombs.

Kraken Pattern Penetrator Round: The deuterium core has been replaced with a heavier solid adamantine core, and the bolt has a heavier main charge. Kraken rounds will punch through any armor with little effort. Kraken rounds fired have an AP value of 2, regardless of the type of bolter used. The cost of the ammunition varies with whichever type of bolter in which it is used. The cost is as follows: bolter +10 pts; storm bolter +15 pts; heavy bolter +20 pts. Penetrator ammunition cannot be used in bolt pisols. The cost of the ammunition is added to every model in the squad, in the same manners as frag grenades, krak grenades, and melta bombs.

Metal Storm Frag Shell: The metal storm frag shell is a bolt grenade. The mass reactive cap has been replaced by a proximity detector, and the diamantine tip and deuterium core has been replaced with an increased charge and a fragmentation casing. This gives the bolter shot a 1 ½" blast radius, at the expense of strength and hitting power. The strength of the shot is reduced by one, and the armor piercing value is increased by one (a heavy bolter would be S: 4, AP: 5, Heavy 3 Blast). The cost of the ammunition varies with whichever type of bolter in which it is used. The cost is as follows: bolt pistol +5 pts; bolter +10 pts; storm bolter +15 pts; heavy bolter +20 pts. The cost of the ammunition is added to every model in the squad, in the same manners as frag grenades, krak grenades, and melta bombs.

Nemesis Halberd: A Nemesis halberd is a powerful weapon used exclusively by Nemesis squads. These weapons are treated as power weapons, and add +1 to the user’s Strength. In addition, these weapons have an integrated storm bolter, which can be fired if the model is not in close combat.

Nemesis Sword: The Nemesis sword is a potent power weapon and can be used as a single-handed or double-handed weapon. If used as a single-handed weapon it is treated as a power weapon with +2 Strength. If f used as a two-handed weapon it counts as a power fist. Nemesis swords also have an integrated storm bolter, which can be fired if the model is not in close combat.

Photon Grenades: Photon flash grenades are used when a model (and its unit) flees from close combat. The model may force pursuers to re-roll the result for pursuit moves of the opponents. The new result must be accepted, even if it is worse than the original. Note, squad Sergeants only carry photon grenades, and the cost of the grenades applies only to them.

Refractor Field: A model with this force field may force an opponent to re-roll successful ‘To Wound’ dice in close combat.

Stalker Silenced Shell: The stalker version of the bolter ammunition is used exclusively by scouts. The main charge has been replaced by a gas cartridge, and a solidified mercury slug replaces the normal deuterium core. This allows scouts, when deployed in missions that allow infiltrators, to get one free shot before combat begins (beware of stalker-loaded heavy bolters!!!). When used against sentries, resolve the bolter attack as if it were a sniper rifle. The cost of the ammunition varies with whichever type of bolter in which it is used. The cost is as follows: bolt pistol +2 pts; bolter +4 pts; heavy bolter +8 pts. Stalker ammunition cannot be used in storm bolters. The cost of the ammunition is added to every model in the squad, in the same manners as frag grenades, krak grenades, and melta bombs.

Vortex Grenade: A vortex grenade is used against vehicles in the same way as krak grenades or melta bombs. A model with a vortex grenade rolls 4D6 to penetrate armor with a +2 modifier to the damage chart. However, vortex grenades are notoriously unstable. If the armor penetration roll is less than or equal to 6, the model using the grenade is killed, regardless of Toughness or remaining Wounds, with no Armor Save possible. A model may never carry more than one vortex grenade into battle, and may only use it once during the course of the battle.

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