Squad: The Scout squad consists of one Space Marine Scout Sergeant and between four and nine Space Marine Scouts. Weapons: Bolt pistol and close combat weapon. Options: Any model in the squad may replace their bolt pistol and close combat weapon with a sniper rifle at +5 pts, or a bolter or shotgun at no additional points cost. Up to one model in the squad may be armed with one of the following weapons: heavy bolter at +15 pts; autocannon at +20 pts; missile launcher at +20 pts. The entire squad may be equipped with frag grenades at an additional cost of +1 pt per model and krak grenades at an additional cost of +2 pts. The Scout Sergeant can be upgraded to a Veteran Scout Sergeant at an additional cost of +13 pts.
Squad: The squad consists of one Space Marine Sergeant and between four and five Space Marines. Weapons: Bolters. The Sergeant may replace his bolter with a bolt pistol and close combat weapon at no extra points cost. Options: One Space Marine in the squad may be armed with one of the following weapons: heavy bolter at +5 pts; missile launcher at +10 pts; or a lascannon at +15 pts. In addition one Space Marine in the squad may be armed with with one of the following weapons: flamer at +6 pts; meltagun at +10 pts; or a plasma gun at +6 pts. The entire squad may be given frag grenades at an additional cost of +1 pt per model and krak grenades at an additional cost of +2 pts per model. The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at an additional cost of +15 pts. Transport Vehicle: The entire squad may be mounted in a Razorback at an additional cost of +70 pts or a Bridgelayer at +85 pts.
Type: Tank Weapons: The Bridgelayer is armed with two side sponsons armed with lascannons. Options: The Bridgelayer can have any of the following vehicle upgrades at the cost given in the Space Marine Armory: dozer blades, extra armor, hunter-killer missile, pintle-mounted storm bolter, searchlight or smoke launchers. No upgrade may be used more than once per vehicle Transport: The Razorback can carry up to six Space Marines but may not carry Terminators.
Type: Tank Weapons: The Razorback turret is armed with twin-linked heavy bolters. Options: The twin-linked heavy bolters may be upgraded to one of the following: twin-linked lascannon at +20 pts; multi-melta at +5 pts; lascannon and twin-linked plasma guns at +15 pts. The Razorback can have any of the following vehicle upgrades at the cost given in the Space Marine Armory: dozer blades, extra armor, hunter-killer missile, pintle-mounted storm bolter, searchlight or smoke launchers. No upgrade may be used more than once per vehicle. Transport: The Razorback can carry up to six Space Marines but may not carry Terminators. |