"We cannot mount another assault on the palace, Colonel," said young Lieutenant Cutera. "The forces of Slaanesh have had time to fortify their defenses. We can’t come within a hundred yards of the wall without losing more men than we can afford."

"What are the losses?" replied Colonel Blake. He knew the answer, but needed to hear it from the lips of another before it would sink in.

"Verifiable enemy casualties are about 42 of the heretics, two Rhinos, and one Predator. Our losses are as follows: 343 dead; 217 wounded; 87 tanks of various types…"

"Enough. We must inform the Administratum that Corphyx VII is lost," said the Colonel, knowing that it would mean his death. The Administratum has never been known for treating failed infantry commanders with kindness. His shoulders slumped, defeated in spirit.

"Commander! Colonel! You must come to Communications at once!" shouted a young comm-link officer. "You won’t believe your ears!"

"What is the status here?" asked Blake, upon entering the tracking station.

"About ten minutes ago, the orbiting Dauntless light cruisers radioed the arrival of a Space Marine Battle Barge in this sector," answered the communications technician. "Two minutes ago, our radar tracking picked up what we thought was chaff or interference. The cruisers got a visual, though. It’s more Thunderhawks and drop pods than we’ve ever seen! They appear to be heading for the Chaos Legions’ position, sir. Apparently, the commander is on the comm, waiting to speak to you," he said, with awe in his voice.

"One of the Masters wants to speak with me?" Colonel Blake was visibly shaken. Never in his long career had he spoken to one of the Emperor’s Finest. He had fought along side them, but never tried to talk to one of them. To the common soldiers (of which he was one), they were akin to living gods. He slid into the communications chair, and activated the screen.

"Colonel Blake here. Force Commander, identify yourself and your Chapter." He tried to get that annoying quaver out of his voice.

" This is Commander Ravenhawke, of the Zweihanders. Our force is on route. Move your troops to a distance of 2.5 kilometers from the Chaos-held Governor’s Palace. We will arrive in eleven minutes." The stoic commander spoke in a soft voice, which belied his true power.

"Commander, I don’t think you understand the situation. The Chaos Marines have fortified the Palace, making it impossible to assault directly. We are currently awaiting the arrival of 45 Basilisk armored siege vehicles. They should be here in one week. Please do not throw your lives away needlessly." The Colonel watched the expression on the Marine’s face for some sign of acceptance of his plan. None was forthcoming.

"Colonel, we are coming. Move your troops." With that, the Space Marine Commander terminated the comm-link.

"All hands! Move the battalions back three clicks from the Palace! NOW! We have eleven… no, ten minutes before the Space Marines arrive!" The Colonel was afraid that any troops of his caught in the crossfire would be annihilated.

Somehow, the troops, vehicles, command units, and tanks made the deadline. Over the masses Catachan army, a deep rumbling was heard. Drop pods and Thunderhawk gunships were raining from the sky, aiming for the former Governor’s Palace.

"I need binoculars! Get me the strongest set we have!" screamed the Colonel. After receiving a pair that was so heavy they could only be used with a tripod mount, the Colonel stared at the battle taking place in the nightmarish maze of trenches, traps, and fortifications that used to be the highest office on this planet. He viewed the scene with awe, and growing amazement. To his eyes, the palace seemed to be the center of the greatest fireworks display in existence. Multicolored flames, balls of star-hot plasma, laser and tracer shot all turned the late evening to midday. Almost as if on cue, a huge cloud of dust rose from the site of the titanic clash. When it settled, the warped palace was nowhere to be seen. Only the rubble and fires gave any evidence to its existence. The drop pods and gunships were leaving the planet’s surface.

Suddenly, the portable communicator the Colonel carried crackled to life. "I’m relaying a message to you, sir. Stand by," said the voice on the other end.

"Go ahead," said Colonel Blake.

The unmistakable voice of Commander Ravenhawke came through the speaker. "The Governor’s Palace has been cleared," he said simply, and cut transmission.



Before the Great Heresy, the Iron Warriors chapter of the space marines was specialized in trench warfare. When dealing with an enemy who was firmly dug in, the Iron Warriors were called in. When the Iron Warriors rebelled against the Emperor, another Sapper Company was needed. The remaining Primarchs splintered their legions into a thousand chapters, each a thousand men strong. One second founding chapter of the Ultramarines was picked to be the new fortification assault specialists. These men were known as the Zweihanders. The name derived from an old Terran weapon. It was a sword over two meters long, and weighing as much as the men whom carried it. These new space marines rapidly developed a talent for totally obliterating fortified bunkers, entrenched armies, and well-defended structures.



The home world of the Zweihanders is called Geneva 5, a d t -class planet in the Segmuntum Obscurus sector of the Galaxy. The planet earns its death world rating from the local fauna, which is, to say the least, not the least bit friendly to humans. Another reason is that on Geneva 5, as nowhere else in the known galaxy, a type of tree grows that is remarkably similar to, and can be used as a substitute for, Eldar Wraithbone. Many Eldar Craftworlds visit the huge jungle planet of Geneva 5 to replenish their supply of the rare material. The Administratum chose this above all other worlds for the Chapter’s base of operations, in hopes of destroying any Eldar that attempted to harvest the trees. The new Lord of Geneva 5, Commander Ravenhawke, was ordered to "pacify the threat to the Imperium, and destroy any evil aliens encountered." Lord Commander Ravenhawke followed his orders to the letter. During one raid by the Ghost Warrior army of the Iyanden Craftworld, the battle was not going well. The Space Marines were having a difficult time routing the dead constructs, both Wraithguard and Wraithlords, from the planet’s surface. In what was supposed to be one final titanic battle, a strange thing happened. In the main press of the Zweihanders’ attack, there strode a venerable Dreadnought called Ezekiel the Shabbas. Ezekiel was unique in that he was a Librarian of great power before his internment in the armored sarcophagus. The Eldar Wraithlord Kree, whose Spirit Stone contained the bound essence of a farseer many millennia old, faced off with Ezekiel in close combat. Somehow, in the heated battle, the two formed a telepathic bond. In the din of the fighting, the two constructs stood still and silent connected by the experiences of their former lifetimes. Then, in unison, the two massive war machines built and trained to deal death in large quantities, turned to their respective forces and called a halt to the fighting.

The surprise alone caused nearby units to cease the melee. This caused a ripple effect that slowly quelled the conflict along the entire battle line. When all eyes, human and Eldar, focused on the hulking robots, they spoke the same words to their commanders. The combat communicators of the Space Marines recorded the words of Ezekiel.

" I have just spoken with one who is very proud, very weary, and very dead. Much like myself, who has gone through life and into undeath. The spirit of this noble creature, Kree of the Eldar, has reached out to me in hopes of ending this incessant fighting. Why do we attack each other? Our Administratum, so far away from these aliens, deem them evil beyond reproach. The rulers of the Craftworld floating high above us deem us evil beyond reproach. Both are WRONG. I have seen this man’s life, and he has seen mine. I have felt his childhood, and he has felt mine. I have lived his training, and he has lived mine. I agonized in his death, and he mourns mine. The one sure thing I know now is that they are no more evil than we. They are no different than we. If there is any among you who would strike me down for these words, I will not stop you."

With that, Ezekiel powered down his weapons and stood quietly. The shock of what he had said was an almost physical blow to Commander Ravenhawke. He felt betrayed by Ezekiel, whom he considered a friend. Ezekiel was his best counsel. In fury, he ignited his jump pack and leaped for the now silent dreadnought. His masterfully crafted power sword flickered with righteous wrath. He pulled his fist back to deliver the killing blow, but he could not deliver it. His hand was caught in the grip of the massive fist of the Eldar Wraithlord. Expecting an attack, he aimed toward the Eldar with his bolt pistol. This too was caught. Lord Ravenhawke was held, impotent and furious, in the casual grip of the dead warrior. Slowly, the Eldar construct shook his massive Wraithbone head, and put the commander gently down. All the fury and fight drained out of the Lord of Geneva 5. Once again, Ezekiel proved to be his best counsel. All was still on the battlefield. A low whine in the distance heralded the approach of a Falcon grav tank. It slowed to a stop, and settled inches above the ground among the two dreadnoughts and the supreme commander. A lone Eldar stepped from its interior. It was the Farseer commanding the Eldar side of the battle. He approached Lord Ravenhawke and drew his ornate rune sword. Upon reaching the Space Marine force commander, he plunged his blade point first into the ground. Lord Ravenhawke drew the lightning claw gauntlets off, and set them aside. The two commanders slowly shook hands, and smiled almost shyly at each other. Since that time, Geneva 5 has had an Eldar warp gate active on the planet. The Iyanden Ghost Warriors use this planet to serve as a temporary shelter for their wounded. The Space Marines, in exchange, were allowed to send one of their librarians to the Black Library.

The Zweihanders have always been asked to experiment with various gene-seed processes to try to build a better warrior. The Priesthood of Mars has specially trained the Apothecarion of the Zweihanders in all manners of genetic engineering. Not all of these experiments have worked with the greatest of success. Although Lord Ravenhawke does not like his role as a guinea pig, he understands that the Imperium needs to try to build a better warrior to win the battle against Chaos. Grog, Hyperion, and the Learned are all the results of the few experiments that were successful.

Also, new vehicles and equipment are tested and used by the Zweihanders. The opponents they face, more often than not, turn these special vehicles into smoldering piles of twisted metal. Some however have proven extremely useful, and are used as often as needed.

However, the Zweihanders must keep their Eldar allies secret from the Imperium. If the Inquisition were to find out about the Warp gate, the planet would be virus-bombed. This is the secret that would spell the doom of the Chapter. They would either be subject to attack from another chapter, or declared Heretics and hunted to the ends of the galaxy. Thus is the fate of the Zweihanders.


The Story of Grog

The Tech-Adepts of the Imperium had often wondered what the effect of progenoid glands would be on abhumans. Over two hundred Ogryns were sent to Geneva 5, the Zweihanders’ home planet, to attempt this process. The Ogryns were put through the trial by arms given to all would-be Space Marines, as is their custom. Typically, 79% of all inductees are killed in this initial testing. However, over 98% of the Ogryns survived. The remaining Ogryns were given the preliminary appraisal, and all tested were found to be acceptable. The first stages of gene processing began. The primary stages of zygote implantation started, and went on without incident. The Neophyte Ogryns were adapting well to their new organs, and vice versa. The Battle Rites administered daily showed that the Ogryns would make an incredibly powerful force for the Emperor. At this stage, there was even talk of forming a new Chapter, manned solely by enhanced Ogryns. The speed and power exhibited by each of their charges was amazing. Dreadnoughts were used in hand to hand combat simulations with the hulking warriors, and more often than not the fight would be a draw. One such warrior, known as Grog the Mighty, would routinely wrestle with the Dreadnoughts, and was only defeated once, by a venerable dreadnought known as Brother Maynard, the Raging Minotaur. The two became fast friends. As the genetic alterations of the Ogryns continued, the Chapter Librarians grew increasingly restless and apprehensive. They took to wearing full battle gear at all times, carrying their force weapons openly and peering into shadows. When asked about their actions, they would make enigmatic comments about a calamity of arrogance, and would say no more. When the Apothecarion began the process of muscle augmentation, the Librarians’ fears were justified. Ogryns were programmed for enhanced muscular development before their birth. The addition of the chemicals for a normal human drove the poor beasts completely insane. All but one of the Ogryns became a super-strong killing machine. Only Grog did not suffer this insanity. He fought with the Space Marines against his mad brothers. He personally slew over one hundred of the rampaging berzerkers in the Great Hall of the Chapter House. When the last Ogryn fell, he cursed Grog with his dying breath to be an outcast, never again to walk among the Ogryns as an equal. To this day, four centuries later, he is still haunted by that curse.


Friend of the Beasts

A young Neophyte of the Zweihanders 10th Company named Hyperion was causing quite a stir. It seems he could do things in the wilderness that no one else had ever seen. Whenever practicing his Battle Rites in the incredibly dangerous forests of Geneva 5, he could move among the fauna as if he was one of them. Even the aardwolves, nasty tempered members of the canine family capable of ripping a man’s arm off in one bite, would let him walk among their pups without even a growl. The dreaded clawhawks, roughly the size of a Thunderhawk gunship, would permit him to ride on their backs as they wheeled and flew through the sky. The Librarians tested the young scout for psychic ability. The readings were off the charts. It seems that this recruit had the ability to communicate telepathically with animals. Not one to waste an opportunity, the Administratum decided to make him better suited for this role. In place of the normal augmentation a Space Marine gets, Hyperion was subjected to animal hormones and modifications. He became incredibly fast, with very acute senses, and an uncanny ability to sense danger. He also became much more irascible, and less inclined to speak, communicating rather in grunts and growls. In addition to modifying him, the apothecaries genetically enhanced a pack of the deadly aardwolves that roamed the planet. Hyperion, and his pack of hunting dogs, is a force to be reckoned with in the extreme heat of battle.


Where Eagles Dare

Hyperion is not the only Space Marine who could talk to the beasts. However the other one who demonstrated this ability presented a unique problem to the recruiters of the Chapter. This particular person was often seen wheeling in the sky aboard the backs of the giant hawks that nested in the mountains nearby. Her name was Artemis.

Never in the history of any chapter had a woman been inducted into the ranks of the Space Marines. The apothecaries were unsure of the abilities, and limits, of this woman. Doubting their course of action, they allowed her to attempt the Battle Rites of the 10th Company. Much to the surprise of the Chapter leadership, she not only survived, but she excelled. This, coupled with her abilities to speak to animals, assured her a place in the rolls.

The ruling council decided that she, and her unique allies, should serve a hit-and-run role on the battlefield. Artemis and her warhawks flit about the melee, appearing where they are most needed.


New Models

The Zweihanders not only exceed in genetic manipulation experiments, they also excel in vehicle enhancement. There were three dreadnoughts that volunteered to be enhanced for siege attacks.

The first dreadnought, Brother Mordred, was designated as a Siege-class assault vehicle. The techmarines designed him to be able to resist the firepower of a concerted fortress defense. No thoughts were given to antipersonnel weaponry. Every last bit of ceramite armor was enhanced. All light weaponry was removed, and the close combat weapon was replaced with an entirely new design, called the pounder. Although the success of this new design was thought to be questionable, Brother Mordred has proven his worth in battle time and time again.

Brother Nigel, the second dreadnought, was refitted as a Dominator class siege engine. The technicians decided against the heavier armor of the previous Siege design. Rather, they enhanced his already impressive weaponry, with enhanced targeting systems and redundant damage compensators.

After the previous two dreadnoughts were complete, the Adeptus Mechanicus was called in to help. The Tech-Priests realized that they had taken their abilities as far as they could go. The Priests of Mars modified the plans of the Zweihanders’ engineers, and gave them plans for the Ultima dreadnought. Brother Gustav was enhanced beyond all of their expectations.

It is interesting to note that as a test, these three dreadnoughts were asked to attack a Chaos-held space port, causing the Heretic Legions to miss a repair deadline. With only these three dreadnoughts, the entire base was destroyed. All of the Chaos marines were killed, and every last building was razed. For the exercise, the dreadnoughts smashed the currently docked Murder-class cruiser beyond repair.


A Tale of Loss

When the Lord of Geneva 5 befriended the Eldar of Iyanden, a momentous alliance was forged. The apothecaries learned Eldar physiology to better treat and heal the few Ghost Warriors who remained. For this service, the farseers of Iyanden offered a chance to the librarians of the Zweihanders. One of their numbers could travel the secret Webway portals to the dreaded Black Library. One young librarian accepted the invitation. The name of this librarian remains a mystery. The only information that the Council of Farseers can say is that the price for his knowledge gained was his self. Upon his return, he had no knowledge of who he was, what he was, or what he had seen. Even the Chapter Rolls, inscribed on the hardest of adamantium, listed only his classification and his position. His name had been completely obliterated from the universe. Even his closest friends and compatriots could not recall him. His teacher and mentor, one of the oldest psychics in the entire Imperium, lost his ability to speak his name. Such was the price for the knowledge he received.

Terrible knowledge it was, too. The young librarian, while having no knowledge of who he was, had command of some of the most terrible psychic powers ever seen. He could cause a rolling blast of energy to sweep the enemy from the field, guide a gunner’s hand to make incredible, and impossible, shots, and drive enemy psychics insane by his will alone, among other fantastic abilities.

Since he retained no knowledge of his past or who he was, he took on the nickname the Learned. His only memory is that of the Guardian of this Library. The terrible creature told him that he could regain his self by breaking the staff of Ahriman. The Learned waits, patient and potent, for the day when fate brings the two together on the battlefield.


Action Reaction

The Zweihanders have long been subjected to battles for the lush, green planet that they inhabit. All types of opponents have met them on the field of battle. However, being a Chapter dedicated to new methods of modern warfare, they have made mincemeat of them.

An active Eldar Warp gate on a planet is sure to attract unwanted attention. The Dark Eldar have made several attempts to capture Geneva 5 for their own ends. Lord Ravenhawke and the stalwart defenders of Mankind have repelled the invaders time and time again. However, analyzing the battle reports brought a disturbing fact to light. It seemed to the Chapter Masters that the Dark Eldar Lords, and their Incubi bodyguards, caused more carnage than most of the rest of their forces. These savage soldiers would cleave through tactical squads, devastators, scouts, and even terminators with relative ease. This was deemed unacceptable. A new method of defense was needed. Thus was created the Nemesis squads. Nemesis squads were designed and trained to kill Incubi, and were given the tools to do so. Each Nemesis Marine is armed with a Nemesis halberd. This potent weapon combines a heavy power blade and an integrated storm bolter. With their training, jump packs, power weapons, and determination, they carve through Dark Eldar retinues with abandon.

During their exploration of Geneva 5’s vast interior, Zweihanders scouts came across a strange pyramid-like object. It was symmetrical, immense, and made of a metal never seen throughout the Imperium. The decision was made to gain access to the strange structure. This proved more difficult than was thought. It seemed that the metal of the pyramid was impervious to bolter shells, melta blasts, high intensity lasers, and even super-heated plasma. Further exploration revealed an access door. Techmarines, working feverishly, unscrewed the inscrutable, and opened the lock. That is when the nightmare began. The pyramid was an incubation chamber for a force of Necron Raiders, who proceeded to activate and attack with reckless abandon. The stalwart Space Marines again suffered heavy losses. The most effective unites against the Soulless Ones were the revered and mighty Dreadnoughts, able to fight toe-to-toe against the mechanical menace. In each battle, though, Dreadnought casualties were numbered in the dozens. A new way to fight these ancient monstrosities had to be devised.

Again enlisting the aid of the Tech-Priests of Mars, the Zweihanders devised a method of defeating Necrons without loss of life. Calling on all of their advanced knowledge and experience, they created the Knights Errant. These metal machines were fully automated combat robots, able to meet the venerable constructs on even terms. With their powerful electro-lances and particle beam weapons, they are equipped to march implacably toward their foe, and destroy them utterly. Currently, experiments are being attempted to match their performance against the common foe of all life, Chaos demons.



The Zweihanders chapter has very little use for subtlety. Nearly every squad fielded in a Zweihanders’ force is mounted in an armored vehicle of some sort. While most space marine chapters use the ubiquitous Rhino to transport their squads, the Zweihanders’ vehicle of choice is the Razorback. Able to mount a good selection of heavy weapons at a relatively cheap cost, the Razorback is perfect for their use and application. For this reason, Zweihanders’ command, veteran, tactical, and devastator squads are limited to 6 models.

Due to the emphasis of the Zweihanders Chapter on heavy weapons, players can field one Devastator squad as a Troops choice on the Force Organization Chart. Only one such squad can be fielded in this manner. All further Devastator Squads are counted as Heavy Support.

Even if the squad in question does not have the ability to use a vehicle, such as assault squads or scouts, it will always use the maximum amount of heavy weapons. Even the scout squads carry missile launchers and heavy bolters, simply to destroy the enemy fortifications. Assault squads use plasma pistols with abandon, accepting the fact that the weapons are dangerous in the extreme.

Zweihanders are somewhat limited in their organizational units. Certain choices, like Assault squads, Tornadoes, and Predator Annihilators, are very limited in their configurations. Zweihanders armies can not take other units, such as Terminator assault squads, Scout bike squadrons, Predator Destructors, and Land Raider tanks. However, the unique units and vehicles deployed by this Chapter more than make up for the lack.

Another strange occurrence is rampant in the battles fought by the Zweihanders. The Librarians of the Chapter believe that it happens because of the Learned and his awesome Warp energies. In many instances, the Zweihanders are joined in battle by the Legion of the Damned. These spectral warriors arrive unheralded and unannounced. In addition, large battles can cause the appearance of up to two squads of the fabled Marines (note: in any battle over 2000 points, the Legion of the Damned has a rating of 0-2, instead of the normal 0-1).



The Zweihanders’ chapter does not follow the standard pattern of Space Marine armor designations. Overall, these marines’ armor uses a ruby red color, with white elbow and knee pads. On the left shoulder are two red elephant trunks, with four silver diamonds on each trunk, on a black field. The right shoulder holds the shield symbol of the chapter, which are three triangles on a field of white. Squad designations are carried on the right knee, while the company designation is carried on the left knee. Some , however, use different colors in their armor. Lord Ravenhawke, for example, has a gold-edged black pattern. Hyperion uses a forest-green color, and the Nemesis Squads wear silver armor with gold accents.

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