Type: Tank. Note that as the
crew of the Basilisk are wearing powered armor, it does not count as open-topped. Weapons: The Basilisk is armed with an Earthshaker artillery gun and a hull-mounted heavy bolter. Options: The Whirlwind may have any of the following vehicle upgrades at the cost listed in the Space Marine Armory: dozer blades, extra armor, searchlight, smoke launchers. No upgrade may be chosen more than once per vehicle.
Squad: The squad consists of a Space Marine Sergeant and between four and five Space Marines. Weapons: Bolters. The Sergeant may exchange his bolter for a bolt pistol and close combat weapon at no extra cost. Options: Up to four Space Marines may have one of the following: heavy bolter at +15 points; missile launcher at +20 pts; lascannon at +35 pts; multi-melta at +35 pts; plasma cannon at +35 pts. Character: The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant with Terminator honors for +15 pts. Transport Vehicle: The entire squad may be mounted in a Razorback at an additional cost of +70 pts or a Bridgelayer at +85 pts.
Type: Tank Weapons: The Zweihanders Annihilator is armed with a turret-mounted twin-linked lascannon, and two side sponsons armed with lascannons. Options: The Annihilator may have any of the following vehicle upgrades at the cost listed in the Space Marine Armory: dozer blades, extra armor, hunter-killer missile, pintle-mounted storm bolter, searchlight, and smoke launchers. No upgrade may be chosen more than once per vehicle.
The Devastator Terminators were another experiment in power armor augmentation. By fitting twin-linked weapons to housings similar to those of the Cyclone missile launcher system, an awesome new Tactical Dreadnought armor had been created. Terminator Devastator squads count as one Heavy Support choice on the force organization chart. Squad: The squad consists of one Space Marine Terminator Sergeant and between four and nine Space Marine Terminators. The +1 Attack bonus for having Terminator Honors and the Terminators 2+ save have already been included in the characteristics above. Weapons: The Terminator Sergeant is equipped with a power sword and storm bolter. The Space Marine Terminators are armed with power fists and storm bolters. Options:Up to four Space Marine Terminators may have one of the following: Cyclone missile launcher +20 points, twin-linked heavy bolter +20 points; twin-linked lascannon +45 points; twin-linked multi-melta +45 points; twin-linked auto cannon +30 points; twin-linked plasma cannon +45 points. These heavy weapons replace the models power fist. The Terminator Sergeant may have additional equipment from the Space Marine Armory.
Type: Tank Weapons: The Vindicator is armed with a hull-mounted demolisher cannon and a storm bolter. See the Ordnance section of Warhammer 40,000 for more details. Options: The Vindicator may have any of the following vehicle upgrades at the cost listed in the Space Marine Armory: dozer blades, extra armor, hunter-killer missile, pintle-mounted storm bolter, searchlight, smoke launchers. No upgrade may be chosen more than once per vehicle.
Type: Tank Weapons: The Whirlwind is armed with a turret-mounted multiple missile launcher. See the Whirlwind entry in the Ordnance section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for more details. Options: The Whirlwind may have any of the following vehicle upgrades at the cost listed in the Space Marine Armory: dozer blades, extra armor, hunter-killer missile, pintle-mounted storm bolter, searchlight, smoke launchers. No upgrade may be chosen more than once per vehicle.
Brother Mordred has been reclassified as a Siege class dreadnought. He must be used as described and cannot have any additional equipment. Wargear: Walker; twin-linked lascannon, pounder, smoke launcher, head shield