Captain of the Dathedi and Feared Eldar Pirate40K3 conversion by Tom and Erik Setzer; Based on 40K2 background and rules by Mike Freeman Submitted by Quinton Woeppel Yrldaen took up the pirate life directly from his Mother, a notorious Pirate leader. He grew up without ties to any Craftworld or Maiden world. His home was his Mothers ship, the Dathedi (or Between Colors). On Yrldaens ceremony of adulthood the Dathedi set down on an Exodite world in order to celebrate. A troupe of Harlequin was performing there. During the performance, one of the minor crewmen from the Dathedi was given the signal honor of respect from the Troupes High Avatar. Apparently the Laughing God himself had lived amongst them. As the Laughing God leapt to the stage he lightly touched Yrldaen on the brow. The young Rogue was compelled to join in the dance without end. Yrldaen entered the society of the Rilletann for the next few decades. He advanced in ability and agility to become an Athair (or Avatar), a Harlequin officer. As the Troupe under him performed across the Cosmos, word reached him of his Mothers death. The Dathedi and her path called him home. Yrldaen has gathered several hundred renowned Outcasts to follow him. He has collected many Veteran pirates, exodites, and Harlequin and meshed them into a deadly force. Without Yrldaens commanding presence the group would quickly scatter and disband.
Weapons: Shuriken Pistol, Yrldaens Power Mesh Armor, Yrldaens Red Arm.
WARGEAR Yrldaens Power Mesh Armor This suit of specially adapted Mesh armor includes a Holo-field generator. This gives an armor save of 4+ and the benefits of a Holo-suit. The Holo-suit gives Yrldaen a 5+ cover save regardless of whether he is in cover or not. Yrldaens Red Arm This special bionic arm incorporates a Power fist in its matrix. The Master Bonesinger of the Dathedi created it for Yrldaen after he lost his left arm in a battle against Slaanesh renegades in the Battle of Reanthan. The Arm gives Yrldaen +1 Strength (included in his profile above). |