The MearNovas are equipped with wings that allow them to fly over the battlefield. Squadron: The squadron consists of 5-10 MearNovas. Weapons: Lasblaster, plasma grenades, Swooping Hawk grenade pack. Character: One model in the squad may be upgraded to a Failleanan at an additional cost of +12 points. The Failleanan may be armed with a power weapon for +10 pts or exchange his lasblaster for a Web of Skulls and splinter pistol for +19 pts or a Hawk's Talon for +15 pts. The Failleanan may be given the following powers: Bounding Leap for +5 pts; Sustained Assault for +20 pts.
The YirrikShad ride Eldar jetbikes and carry a laser lance. Squadron: The squadron consists of 3-5 YirrikShad. Type: Eldar Jetbike. Weapons: The jetbike is armed with twin-linked splinter rifles. The riders are armed with a laser lance. Character: One model in the squad may be upgraded to a Failleanan at an additional cost of +20 points. The Failleanan may exchange his laser lance for a bright lance for +25 pts or a power weapon for +5 pts. The Failleanan may be given the following powers: Skilful Rider for +5 pts; Evade for +10 pts.
Dyann are the militia made up of the crafters, technicians, etc. of the Craftworlds. They are part time soldiers. Squadron: The squadron consists of 3-10 Jetbikes. Type: Eldar Jetbike. Weapons: The jetbike is armed with twin-linked splinter rifles. The riders are armed with a splinter pistol. Options: Up to one in three jetbikes may replace their splinter rifles with a single splinter cannon at +10 points per model. Character: The Jetbikes squad may be joined by an Esdainn from the Isdainu's bodyguard. See the entry in the HQ section of the army list.
Squadron: The squadron consists of 1-3 Vypers. Type: Fast, Skimmer, Open-topped. Weapons: The jetbike is armed with twin-linked splinter rifles and a splinter cannon. Options: The shuriken cannon may be replaced with one of the following heavy weapons: scatter laser +10 points, Eldar missile launcher +25 points, bright lance +20 points, starcannon at +20 points. The shuriken catapults can be upgraded to a single splinter cannon at +10 points per model. A Vyper may be given the following vehicle upgrades: crystal targeting matrix, spirit stone, holo-field, vectored engines, star engines, scythes. |