Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
MearNovas 21 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+
Fiann Lord/Exarch +12 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+

The MearNovas are equipped with wings that allow them to fly over the battlefield.

Squadron: The squadron consists of 5-10 MearNovas.

Weapons: Lasblaster, plasma grenades, Swooping Hawk grenade pack.

Character:  One model in the squad may be upgraded to a Failleanan at an additional cost of +12 points.  The Failleanan may be armed with a power weapon for +10 pts or exchange his lasblaster for a Web of Skulls and splinter pistol for +19 pts or a Hawk's Talon for +15 pts.

The Failleanan may be given the following powers: Bounding Leap for +5 pts; Sustained Assault for +20 pts.


Swooping Hawk Wings:  See the Wargear section of Codex: Eldar.



  Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
YirrikShad 50 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5(10) 1 9 3+
Fiann Lord/Exarch +20 5 5 3 3(4) 1 6(10) 2 9 3+

The YirrikShad ride Eldar jetbikes and carry a laser lance.

Squadron: The squadron consists of 3-5 YirrikShad.

Type: Eldar Jetbike.

Weapons: The jetbike is armed with twin-linked splinter rifles.   The riders are armed with a laser lance.

Character:  One model in the squad may be upgraded to a Failleanan at an additional cost of +20 points.  The Failleanan may exchange his laser lance for a bright lance for +25 pts or a power weapon for +5 pts.

The Failleanan may be given the following powers: Skilful Rider for +5 pts; Evade for +10 pts. 



  Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Jetbike 35 3 3 3 3(4) 1 4 1 8 3+
Jetbike Esdainn 41 4 4 3 3(4) 1 4 1 8 3+

Dyann are the militia made up of the crafters, technicians, etc. of the Craftworlds. They are part time soldiers.

Squadron: The squadron consists of 3-10 Jetbikes.

Type: Eldar Jetbike.

Weapons: The jetbike is armed with twin-linked splinter rifles.   The riders are armed with a splinter pistol.

Options:  Up to one in three jetbikes may replace their splinter rifles with a single splinter cannon at +10 points per model.

Character:  The Jetbikes squad may be joined by an Esdainn from the Isdainu's bodyguard.  See the entry in the HQ section of the army list.



  Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Vyper 40 10 10 10 3

Squadron: The squadron consists of 1-3 Vypers.

Type: Fast, Skimmer, Open-topped.

Weapons: The jetbike is armed with twin-linked splinter rifles and a splinter cannon.

Options:  The shuriken cannon may be replaced with one of the following heavy weapons:  scatter laser +10 points, Eldar missile launcher +25 points, bright lance +20 points, starcannon at +20 points.

The shuriken catapults can be upgraded to a single splinter cannon at +10 points per model.

A Vyper may be given the following vehicle upgrades: crystal targeting matrix, spirit stone, holo-field, vectored engines, star engines, scythes.

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