The YirrikMarg are heavily armoured and employ deadly fusion gun. Squad: The squad consists of 5-10 YirrikMarg. Weapons: Fusion gun and melta bombs. Options: The squad may be equipped with plasma grenades for +2 pts per model. Character: One model in the squad may be upgraded to a Failleanan at an additional cost of +11 points. The Failleanan may exchange his fusion gun for a Firepike for +18 pts. The Failleanan may be given the following powers: Burning Fist for +20 pts; Tank Hunter for +15 pts Transport: The squad may be mounted in a Battle Barge for +85 pts.
The SuinMure are mobile and lethal hand to hand fighters. Squad: The squad consists of 5-10 SuinMure. Weapons: Power sword and splinter pistol. Character: One model in the squad may be upgraded to a Failleanan at an additional cost of +16 points. The Failleanan may exchange his power weapon for an Executioner for +5 pts or be equipped with powerblades for +5 pts. The Failleanan may be given the following powers: War Shout at +20 pts; Acrobatic at +8 pts. Transport: The squad may be mounted in a Battle Barge for +85 pts.
The MeanTokath are heavily equipped hand to hand fighters. This unit of the Yirrik-lir craftworld wears bone white armour. Squad: The squad consists of 5-10 MeanTokath. Weapons: Chainsword, splinter pistol, and mandiblaster. Options: The squad may be equipped with plasma and haywire grenades for +3 pts per model. Character: One model in the squad may be upgraded to a Failleanan at an additional cost of +12 points. The Failleanan may exchange his chainsword for one of the following weapons: Biting Blade at +5 pts; Scorpion's Claw at +15 pts. The Failleanan may be given the following powers: Crushing Blow at +10 pts; Stealth at +20 pts. Transport: The squad may be mounted in a Battle Barge for +85 pts.
The QuasNanar wear unique warp jump packs and carry Death Spinners. Squad: The squad consists of 5-10 QuasNanar. Weapons: Death spinner. Character: One model in the squad may be upgraded to a Failleanan at an additional cost of +12 points. The Failleanan may be armed with an additional death spinner for +10 pts, turning his death spinner into an Assault 2 weapon instead of rapid fire. The Exarch may also be armed with powerblades at +15 pts. The Failleanan may be given the following powers: Surprise Assault at +30 pts; Withdraw at +15 pts.
The Carreciann are robotic devices animated by the power of an Eldar spirit stone. They are drawn from the Craftworld's infinity circuits ready to do battle alongside the living. Squad: The squad consists of 5-10 Carreciann. Weapons: Wraithcannon. Character: The Carrecian may be joined by an Esdainn from the Indainu's retinue. See the Esdainn entry in the HQ section of the army list. Transport: If there are 5 Carreciann and up to 1 Esdainn in the squad, it may be mounted in a Battle Barge for +85 pts.