New Vehicle Upgrades

40K3 conversion by Tom and Erik Setzer; Based on 40K2 background and rules by Mike Freeman

Comm-Link - 15 points

This can be anywhere from a delicate Eldar crystal headset, to a large earmuff-like Orkish design. It patches the driver of this vehicle with the army's commander, and he gives them orders directly, informing them of fire, telling them who to shoot at etc. The crew of this particular vehicle may re-roll any to hit rolls during the shooting phase. Although, it may not be given to Dreadnoughts, as they are often better commanders than the ones present, and they may not be picked for an entire squadron.

Extended Barrel - 30 points

This makes the barrel of any gun bigger, allowing it better range. One weapon on the vehicle gains +50% range.

Frag Mine Dispenser - 15 points

These are specially adapted frag grenades that are shot underground by he dispenser. The dispenser is loaded with 6 mines, and they may be shot out all at once, or 1 at a time. Where ever they land, place a marker. When any model gets within 2" of this marker, they must roll a d6. If they roll a 5 or 6, they have set off the frag mine. It explodes with a S4, AP5, using the normal blast template.

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