HQ |
Command HQ..................55 points/70 points
Command HQ squads form a vital part of the Valhallan Imperial Guard army, coordinating the actions of platoons or companies with the regimental HQ. A Command HQ consists of a Captain or a Colonel and four troopers. These troopers are communications officers, guards, aide-de-camps, and other orderlies or lower ranking officers. Squad: One officer and four Imperial Guardsmen. Weapons: Lasgun or laspistol and close combat weapon. Options: Up to four of the Guardsmen may have one of the following each: flamer +6 points; a plasma gun at +15 points; a meltagun at +15 points or a grenade launcher at +15 points. Two of the Guardsmen may be formed into a weapons team armed with one of the following heavy weapons: heavy bolter at +10; missile launcher at +15 points; lascannon at +20 points; autocannon at +15 points; a mortar at +15 points. The entire Command HQ may be equipped with frag grenades for +5 points. Characters: The Command HQ is led by either a Captain or a Colonel. One Guardsman may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at an extra cost of +10 pts. Any character may be given additional equipment from the Armoury. Standard Bearer: One Guardsmen may be upgraded to a standard bearer at a cost of +10 points. Any Imperial Guard units with models within 12" of the standard bearer may re-roll failed Morale checks. The Standard Bearer may be given a regimental standard or holy relic bought at an additional cost from the Armoury. Medic: One Guardsmen may be upgraded to a medic at a cost of +10 points. The medic receives a medi-pack (see the Wargear section) Primaris Psyker: The Command HQ may include 1 Primaris Psyker at an additional cost of +40 points. He carries a laspistol and a close combat weapon and can be given any equipment allowed from the Valhallan Armoury. The Primaris has the psychic power Scan. Scan: The psyker uses Scan at the start of his Movement phase, and it remains active until the start of his next Movement phase if successful. If the psyker successfully casts Scan, all enemy models within 36" of him are automatically detected. The psyker communicates their positions to his comerades, so all troops in the psyker's army will also consider those enemy troops detected. No enemy model may set up using Infiltrate within 18" of the psyker. Tech-Priest Engineer: The Command HQ may include 1 Tech-Priest Engineer at an additional cost of +40 points. He carries a power and a laspistol and can be given any equipment allowed from the Valhallan Armoury. Transport: The squad may include a Chimera for an additional +95 points, for details see the Chimera transport entry at the end of the Troops section. Sentinel Squadron: The platoon may include one squadron of Sentinels, see the Fast Attack section for points values and upgrades. The Sentinels operate as a separate unit, including for set-up and Reserve rolls. Comm-Link: One of the Guardsmen may be given a comm-link at an additional cost of +15 pts.
0-2 Anti-Tank heavy weapon squads......................................................................................35 points + wpns
Although the majority of the Imperial Guard's heavy firepower lies in its battle tanks, infantry squads will always be more useful for their ability to maximise the use of cover and fight in dense terrain. The Anti-tank squad uses its lascannons and krak missiles to pick out armoured targets which have avoided the battle cannons of the tanks. They can set up ambushes and crossfires that leave enemy vehicles twisted, burning wrecks. Squad: The squad consists of six Imperial Guardsmen organised into three heavy weapons teams. Weapons: Each of the weapon teams must be armed with either a missile launcher at +20 points or lascannon at +30 points. All six Imperial Guardsmen carry lasguns. One model may carry a comm-link at +5 pts. Chimera: The squad may be mounted in a Chimera at an additional cost of +95 points, see the Chimera transposrt listing at the end of the Troops section. 0-2 Fire Support heavy weapon squads...........................................................................35 points + wpns
While the massed infantry squads of the Imperial Guard can overwhelm many foes by their sheer numbers, it falls to the Fire Support squads to deliver the killing blow. With their heavy bolters and autocannon, the Fire Support squad lays down a curtain of fire that can tear apart light vehicles and well armoured infantry. Squad: The squad consists of six Imperial Guardsmen organised into three heavy weapons teams. Weapons: Each of the weapon teams must be armed with either a heavy bolter at +15 points or an autocannon at +25 points. All six Guardsmen carry lasguns. One model may carry a comm-link at +5 pts. 0-2 Mortar heavy weapon squads.........................................................................................................95 points
It is common for Imperial Guard infantry to be supported by Heavy Weapons squads. These sections bolster the battle line and provide close fire support. The notorious mortar is used to rain high explosive shells on enemy positions to pin them down whilst other Imperial Guard units move up for the kill. Squad: The squad consists of six Imperial Guardsmen organised into three heavy weapons teams. Weapons: Each heavy weapons team is armed with a mortar. All six Guardsmen carry lasguns. One model may carry a comm-link at +5 pts.
Commissars are ruthless characters who are full of zeal. They are utterly devoted to the Imperium and worship the Emperor with total faith. In battle the Commissars fight at the forefront of the action, where their inspirational presence serves to drive the Guardsmen forward. It is common for Commissars to lead Imperial Guard squads, inspiring them to fight with the utmost bravery. Commissars also ensure that the Imperial doctrine is being followed and that Imperial Guard officers are acting in the best interests of the Imperium. No Commissar will tolerate cowardice in the face of the enemy, Guardsmen are ordered forward with rousing speeches, while officer who turn tail are likely to face the wrath of the Commissar and the justice of an instant battlefield execution. Commissar Squad: You may include up to five Commissrs in your army. These do not count as one of your HQ choices and may be taken in addition to your usual allocation of HQ units in a scenario. Each Commissar must join a separate unit in the army, as described below. Weapons: Laspistol and close combat weapon. Options: The Commissar can be given additional equipment from the Armoury. Commissars accompanying a Sergeant who is leading a unit of Rough Riders must also ride a mount, although he receives one at no additional points cost.
Weapons: Power axe and laspistol. Options: A Tech-Priest Engineer can be given any equipment allowed from the Valhallan Armoury. Command: Tech-Priest Engineers may be attached to any Command HQ or Command Squad. |