Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Hunter-Killer 100 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+
Veteran Sergeant +10 3 4 3 3 1 4 2 8 5+

Valhallan Hunter-Killer squads are specially trained to infiltrate enemy lines and set up ambushes and to assassinate enemy leaders.

Squad: A Valhallan Hunter-Killer squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 4 Troopers.

Weapons: Needle Sniper Rifle, laspistol, sword, frag and krak grenades.

Character: The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at +10 points.  A Veteran Sergeant may choose extra equipment from the Armoury.


Infiltrators. Valhallan Hunter-Killer may infiltrate.



  Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Ski-Troopers 15 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Veteran Sergeant +10 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+

Ski-Troopers are specially trained to make hit and run attacks during severe weather and snow conditions.  They use skis for movement so that they can move swiftly over the snow.

Squad: A Squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 4 to 9 Guardsmen.

Weapons: Hotshot assault laser carbine, Frag and krak grenades.

Character: The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at +10 points.  A Veteran Sergeant may choose extra equipment from the Armoury.

Chimera: The squad may include a Chimera for an additional +95 points, for details see the Chimera transport entry at the end of the Troops section.


Infiltrators. Valhallan Ski-Troopers may infiltrate as per the Infiltration rules on page 16 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Movement: Valhallan Ski-Troopers have a Movement rate of 8" with an Assault Move of 8" when using Skis on snow, and they take no penalty for moving across snow.



  Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Commissariate 10 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+
Commissar 40 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 10 5+

These are the soldiers of the Valhallan Guard that have fought through many campaigns and have shown their ability to stand against the enemy.  Commissariate Squads are fanatically loyal to the Emperor.  They are often used as military police.   Commissariate Squads always have black collars and cuffs on their uniforms.

A Commissariate Squad must always be lead by a Commissar, who replaces the usual Sergeant.

Squad: A squad consists of 4 to 9 Commissariate Gaurdsmen, plus a Commissar.

Weapons: Lasgun, laspistol, and frag grenades. The Commissar has a laspistol, and sword.

Options: The entire squad may be equipped with krak grenades at +2 points per model.

Character: The Commissar can be given any equipment allowed from the Valhallan Armoury, except those allowed to Independent Characters only.


Fanatic Loyalty. The Commissariate squads are so accustomed to fighting, they no longer fear their enemy.  They ignore all psychology tests and do not have to make a Break test unless they lose 50% of their present number.



  Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Cossack 14 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Veteran Sergeant +10 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+

Squad: The squad consists of 1 Sergeant and between 4 and 9 Cossacks.

Weapons: Hunting lance, laspistol, and chainsword.

Options: The entire squad may be equipped with frag grenades for an additional +1 pt per model.  Any number of models may be given a lasgun in addition to their other weapons at +1 pt per model.  One model can have a comm-link at +5 pts.  Up to one model may have one of the following: flamer at +5 pts; meltagun at +10 pts; plasma gun at +8 pts; grenade launcher at +8 pts.

Character: The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant for an additional +10 points.  A Veteran Sergeant may choose extra equipment from the Armoury.


Cavalry: Cossacks are Cavalry.

Hunting Lance: Rough Riders are sometimes issued with a long hunting lance whose head bears a shaped explosive charge.  In the first combat round of the first close combat they fight in Rough Riders must use this lance if they have one.  Thereafter it is useless, those that have not exploded on impact are discarded as they draw their laspistols and chainswords.  A model using a hunting lance receives only one attack in the close combat phase.  Ignore the model's Attacks value and any modifiers that would normally apply.  The lance adds +2 to the user's Strength and ignores armour saves.  A charging model using a hunting lance doubles its Initiative.  Hunting lances may not be combined with other weapons and the user does not receive any benefit for being armed with any other close combat weapons.

Trot:  Rough Riders may move at a trot.   Declare this in the movement phase, before moving the unit.  Any that move at a trot move up to 9" in the movement phase but may then only charge 9" in the assault phase.  Rough Riders moving at a trot may only shoot with pistol weapons and may not enter or cross difficult terrain.

Blood Standard: Rough Riders carry a special standard into battle called the Blood Standard, this is a standard that has been dipped in the blood of the Valhallans' fallen comrades. This standard can be given to any or all Rough Rider squads including Command Squads for a cost of 10 points per squad. Any squad carrying the Blood Standard into battle may add +1 to their close combat result.

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