Valhallan Armoury

Characters can have up to two single-handed weapons, or a single-handed weapon and a two-handed weapon.  You may also pick 100 points worth of wargear per model but no model may be given the same item twice.  The full rules for Imperial Wargear can be found in the section of this codex titled 'Imperial Wargear'.  All wargear and weapons must be represented on the model.



Bolt pistol

2 pts

Close combat weapon 1 pt
Force weapon
(Primaris Psykers only)
30 pts
Hellpistol 2 pts
Laspistol 1 pt
Power fist 15 pts
Power weapon 10 pts
Plasma pistol 10 pts


Boltgun 2 pts
      Bolter-flamer 10 pts
      Bolter-grenade launcher 10 pts
      Bolter-plasma gun 15 pts
      Bolter-meltagun 15 pts
Hotshot Laser Assault Carbine 2 pts
Lasgun 1 pt
Shotgun 1 pt
Storm bolter* 5 pts



Any Imperial Guard vehicle, apart from bikes, can have the following additional equipment.  All upgrades must be shown on the model and no upgrade can be taken more than once.

Armoured crew compartment 20 pts
Camo netting 1 pt
Crew escape mechanism 10 pts
Dozer blade 5 pts
Extra armour 5 pts
Hunter-killer missile 10 pts
Improved comms
(One vehicle only)
20 pts
Mine sweeper 5 pts
Pintle-mounted storm bolter 10 pts
Searchlight 1 pt
Smoke launchers 3 pts
Track guards 10 pts


Auspex 2 pts
Bionics 5 pts
Carapace armour 7 pts
Frag grenades 1 pt
Holy Relic (Standard Bearer or Commissars only, no more than one per army) 30 pts
Imperial Guard Bike 20 pts
Iron Halo (one per army) 25 pts
Krak grenades 2 pts
Master-crafted weapon +15 pts
Melta bombs 5 pts
Psychic hood (Primaris Psykers only) 25 pts
Purity seals 5 pts
Refractor field* 15 pts
Regimental Standard
(Standard Bearer only**)
20 pts
Servo-arm (Tech-Priests only) 30 pts
Signum (Tech-Priests only) 15 pts
Targeter 1 pt
Trademark item 5 pts

* Officers & Commisars only.
** A regimental standard may only be taken by the Standard Bearer of a Command HQ which includes a Colonel.

The meaning of victory is not to defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his every achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence.  From that defeat no enemy can ever recover.  That is the meaning of victory.

Lord Commander Solar Macharius

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