This is the most numerous Claw, and is the basic Ursa Warrior. They are used in a variety of roles on the battlefield and they are armed for these roles with versatile weapons. Squad: The squad consists of between 5 and 10 Claw Eunarctos. Weapons: Particle beam rifle, particle beam pistol, and frag grenades. The squad leader is armed with a fusion beam pistol, a close combat weapon, and frag grenades. Options: Any member of the squad may replace their particle beam rifle with a fusion beam rifle at an additional cost of +3 points per model. Up to one member of the squad may be armed with missile launcher at +10 points, a Vulcan Particle Beam Cannon at +20 points, a heavy flamer at +10 points, a heavy particle beam projector at +15 points, an autocannon at +15 points, a multi-melta at +15 points, or a plasma cannon at +15 points. Up to one member of the squad may be armed with a flamer at +6 points, a meltagun at +8 points, or a plasma gun at +8 points. Character: The leader of the squad may be upgraded to an Einherr for an additional cost of +10
These Warriors are trained in close combat and specialise in assaults and blitz tactics. They train in martial prowse from an early age and are fierce Warriors. Squad: The squad consists of between 5 and 10 Claw Arctos. Weapons: Fusion beam pistol, close combat weapon, and frag grenades. Options: Any model may be given frag grenades at +1 point, krak grenades at +2 points, blind grenades at +2 points, and/or melta bombs at +5 points. The squad may be equipped with jump packs at an additional cost of +10 points per model. Up to two members of the squad may be armed with a flamer at +6 points, a meltagun at +8 points, or a plasma gun at +8 points. Character: The leader of the squad may be upgraded to an Einherr for an additional cost of +10 |