Ursa characters may pick up to two single-handed weapons, or one single-handed weapon and one two-handed weapon. In addition you may pick up to 100 points worth of items of additional wargear for each character from the Wargear lists. You may not take duplicate items for the same model.

Single Handed Weapons

Close combat weapon 1 pt
Fusion beam pistol 5 pt
Ion Claw 25 pts
Ion sword, axe, or mace 15 pts
Particle beam pistol 1 pt
Plasma pistol 15 pts
Power fist 25 pts
Storm Shield 10 pts
Thunder Hammer 30 pts

Two-Handed Weapons

Fusion beam rifle 10 pts
Particle beam rifle 2 pts


Ursa psykers may pick psychic powers from the list below.  Kalds may be given up to four powers.  The cost of the powers counts toward the 100 point wargear limit.

The Curse of Din 20 pts
The Speed of Fra 15 pts
The Shield of Din 15 pts
The Hand of Torul 20 pts
The Hammer of Torul 20 pts
The Lightning of Torul 15 pts
The Scourge of Din 15 pts


Battle Armour 15 pts
Blind Grenades 2 pts
EEHBA 25 pts
Frag Grenades 1 pts
Icon of Torul 40 pts
Krak Grenades 2 pts
Melta-bombs 5 pts
Nano-Droid Medi-Pack 25 pts
Null Field 25 pts
Scanner 2 pts
Targeter 1 pt
War Banner 20 pts




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