Ulthwe Craftworld

Ulthwe lies close the Eye of Terror, a dire realm inhabited by many vile followers and creatures of the Chaos Gods.  Ulthwe has many Farseers to quide it through the strands of the future, and many Eldar of Ulthwe follow the Path of the Warlock.   These Farseers and Warlocks must constantly fight off the forces of Chaos.   Ulthwe is constantly in danger of being overwhelmed, by Chaos, by Orks, by the Imperium, and by another threat... the Sleeping Ones.  The craftworld seems almost damned to its destiny, a destiny of destruction.


  Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Warlock 50 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ (Rune)

Warlock Acolytes: An Ulthwe Farseer may be accompanied by 3 to 10 Warlocks.

Weapons: Shuriken pistol and Witch Blade.

Character: Ulthwe Warlocks may lead Guardian and Wraithguard squads.


Psychic Power - Enhance: The Warlock uses his powers to enhance his fighting abilities and those of any troops he is leading.  Warlock and all models in his squad add +1 to their WS and I (this is not included in the profile above).



Ulthwe Army

If you wish to run an Ulthwe army, use the following structure:




Fast Attack:

Heavy Support:

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