Space Wolf UlfhednarSpace Wolf Ulfhednars (Wolf-Skinned Ones) are young Space Wolves in which the Wulfen curse has not yet subsided. They live for battle and rage with the Wulfen's battle lust.
A unit of Ulfhednar is selected as an Elites choice in a Space Wolves army. Squad: An Ulfhednar Pack consists of 5-10 models, including a Wolf Priest, which must be paid for extra and selected as an HQ pick. Weapons: Bolt pistol and close combat weapon.
Modeling the Ulfhednar: To model the Ulfhednar, you can use any of the oversized 28mm Viking Ulfhednar figures that are available (Essex, Heartbreaker (the Barbarian figure with the wolf pelt), and several others). Just take the figure and clip the historical or fantasy weapons off, and add 40K weapons on them.