Ulf Villtur Special Rules

Acute Senses

Due to their acute senses Ulf Villtur may re-roll to see how far they can see when fighting at night.


Models who are not in combat in a squad that has been charged may move 6" into contact with the enemy, although they get no attack bonus.

No Matter the Odds

The Ulf Villtur never know when to give up, and will keep on fighting no matter what the odds. They may ignore the negative morale check modifiers for being outnumbered in close combat. Somethimes this headstrong attitude can get the younger Ulf Villtur into trouble. Bloot Klauen and Ulf Scouts may never choose to fall back voluntarily and must charge if one of their models is within 6" of the enemy, unless the Pack is led by an Ulf Geata Champion or independent character.

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