Tech Priest Explorator Unit

by Tim Huckelberry


This list represents one of the countless units of the Explorator fleets dispatched throughout the galaxy by the Lords of Mars, the Adeptus Mechanicus. Tech-Priests are in constant search for lost relics from the Dark Age of Technology, such as Standard Template Construct (STC) systems. In these missions they often encounter hostile forces (usually determined not to give up such items!), and thus they are usually accompanied by their own combat forces. They sometimes also accompany other forces of the Imperium when it suits their own inscrutable purposes. This list represents one such small detachment accompanying an Imperial force.

How to use this list:

One Explorator unit can be chosen as an Elite selection for any Imperial Guard or Space Marine army, much in the same manner as the regular Heroes of the Imperium from the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook. Note that an Adeptus Ministorum army cannot use any Adeptus Mechanicus forces! Needless to say, they don’t get along at all



Adeptus Mechanicus Forces

Profile WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Tech-Priest Magos 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+
Tech-Priest 3 3 3 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Servitor 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 10 5+



Special Rules

Adeptus Mechanicus Master Crafted Weapons

A master crafted weapon follows the normal rules, except that you may re-roll one failed 'to hit' roll per turn for an attack made by the master crafted weapon. Master crafted weapons are taken as an 'upgrade' for a weapon already being carried by a model and should be represented by a suitably ornate weapon on the model itself. Weapons taken from the Adeptus Mechanicus Armory Weapons list are assumed to have been carefully constructed and expertly maintained by the finest artisans in the Imperium. As such, any and all weapons chosen by the Explorator unit may be given the Master-Crafted Weapon upgrade.

Tech Quest

The Cult Mechanicus is in a never-ending search for lost technology from the Dark Age of Mankind, but also is always on the lookout for new or alien weapons and vehicles to study. Any Explorator units will always keep a constant vigil for such items, even in the midst of combat. Usually they have been assigned to Imperial fighting formations due to intelligence augury indications of such items appearing in conjunction with specific Imperial units, or of enemy who have information about desired relics. The Tech-Priests will have instructed all members of the battle force to be ready to act if they encounter any of the suspected items, and to quickly alert the Explorator unit for inspection and retrieval.

Before the game starts, randomly pick one unit from the enemy forces (this can be a regular troop unit, or a vehicle squadron, or a even a single character model). Then randomly pick out one vehicle, heavy weapon, or character from that unit. This will be the target of the Tech-Quest. If the model is killed for any reason leave it on the board rather than removing it as normal. If the Tech Quest target was a vehicle, leave it on the table if it is destroyed. If any Tech-Priest can get to it before the end of the game, their side will gain and additional D6x10 extra Victory Points in scenarios that use victory points to determine the winner. If the Quest target runs off the board, the Tech-Priests side automatically get the points. Otherwise the other side gets the extra victory points.




Tech-Priests may take weapons and wargear from the Codex: Space Marines Armory list, with the exceptions and additions noted below:

Tech-Priests may not take any items noted as Independent Characters only. They may take any items noted as Techmarine only though.

Tech-Priests may take the following new items.

Single-Handed Weapons:
Cult Mechanicus Power Axe 20 points
Hand Flamer 7 points
Two-Handed Weapons:
Staff of Wisdom (Magos only) 35 points
Acolyte (Magos only) 20 points
Combat Bionics 10 points

Cult Mechanicus Power Axe: These special devices are the signature weapon of the Tech-Priest, and while they are usually not the most exceptional of warriors each Priest becomes totally attuned to his own Axe over many years of training. In combat a Tech-Priest’s Power Axe counts as a Power Weapon. It can be used single-handed, hitting with the user’s strength as normal, or can be swung in a mighty double-handed strike. The latter adds +2 to the user’s strength, but hits at -1 Initiative due to the slower swing of the blade. The user also cannot gain any benefits from any other close combat weapons when used in this manner.

Hand Flamer: This is a smaller, more compact version of the regular flamer seen widely in Imperial forces. It can be used to fire a template area effect shot, with the profile below, but can also be used in close combat like a regular pistol.









Staff of Wisdom: Only the most senior Tech-Priests are gifted with one of these very powerful and rare tech-relics. Glowing with tech-runes, the Staff contains nano-sized warp portals which can be opened on impact. The impacts on the portals create intense localized warp disruptions, causing micro-explosions which devastate the struck enemy. In game play, the Staff strikes in the same manner as a Power Fist, but strikes at the user’s normal initiative rather than always striking last.
Tech-Priest Magos only

Acolyte: Tech-Priest Lords are often accompanied by special Servitor Acolytes, small stunted creatures designed to record everything that happens during their Quests. Their presence also helps ensure the unit acts in a manner which brings honor to the Red Planet as well! In game play, the Acolyte model is always placed within 1 inch of the Magus (if not actually on his base) and does not count as a model for transport purposes. It can never be harmed or attacked in any way during the game, does not block Line of Sight or movement, and is only removed if the Magus is killed. While present, it allows the Tech-Priest unit to re-roll any failed Morale or Pinning Tests. It also allows the unit to attempt to Regroup even if there are enemy with 6" or the unit strength is below 50% of their starting number, as long as the unit is still in coherent.
Tech-Priest Magos only

Combat Bionics: Many members of the Cult Mechanicus augment themselves with special bio-mechanical implants, designed to improve their effectiveness in serving the Machine God. While they may take many forms, the overall effect in combat is to increase the model’s strength by +1 and add an additional +1 Attack.



Tech-Priest Explorator Unit


Masters of Technology, the Tech-Priests rule over their home planet of Mars and countless other Forge Worlds throughout the Imperium. Each was once fully human, but as he has risen in rank in the Cult Mechanicus more and more mechanical augmentations are added to improve the fragile flesh. While they rarely leave their Fortresses, each is expected to lead at least one pilgrimage in search of lost relics such as the Standard Template Construct (STC) systems from the Dark Age of Technology upon reaching the degree of Tech-Priest. Some even make these questing expeditions their life work. Those on their first holy search are given the honorary title Questor, while a Tech-Priest Magos or Master represents one of the highest positions of achievement in the Cult. Any Tech-Priest no matter the rank though is totally committed to recovering the priceless knowledge and technology lost many millennia ago. Outfitted with rare tech-relics and aided by a small Cult Mechanicus contingent, they roam the galaxy in their holy mission.

Profile Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Tech-Priest 20 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 8 3+
Tech-Priest Magos +20 4 4 3 4 2 4 2 9 3+

Unit: The unit consists of 2-7 Tech-Priests. It may also contain a Servitor Bodyguard (see below).

Weapons: Tech-Priests wear Power Armor (3+ Save) and are armed with a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol.

Options: One Tech-Priest may be upgraded to a Tech-Priest Magos for +20 points, one to a Tech-Priest Engineer for +15 points, and one to a Tech-Priest Artisan for +15 points.

All Tech-Priests may choose from the Armory as described above.

Servitor Bodyguard: A Tech-Priest unit may be accompanied by a Servitor Bodyguard, see the entry below for details. Note that the Tech-Priest unit and Bodyguard still count as a single Elites choice.


We Answer Only to the Fabricator General: The Cult Mechanicus guards its secrets carefully, and none but the dreaded Inquisition dare even question them. No other characters in the game are allowed to join the Tech-Priest unit, and no Tech-Priests are allowed to join any other units.

Weapon Repair: Tech-Priest Engineers are highly trained in battlefield repair, and their mech-empathy gives them a chance to bring even the most badly damaged system back to life. Any Tech-Priest Engineer in base contact with an Imperial vehicle at the start of the turn may attempt to repair one destroyed weapon. On a roll of a 6, the weapon is repaired and can fire as normal in the following turns. Any Tech-Priest Engineer attempting a weapon repair may not move that turn (even if the attempt is unsuccessful) but may shoot and Assault as usual.

Improved Performance: Tech-Priest Artisans draw on the accumulated skills and secrets from millennia of Cult Mechanicus Craftsmen. In their hands, even the poorest made devices can work wonders. If an Artisan is in play, before the game starts pick one weapon not mounted on a vehicle in the Imperial force. This weapon as received some special modifications from the Artisan, who had a few space moments to tinker with it before the battle.

At the start of the player’s first shooting phase, roll a D6 to see what effect his modifications have brought:

  1. Improved Accuracy When firing, the player may re-roll the to-hit roll or the D6 roll when scattering the weapon’s impact location.
  2. Improved Range The weapon now has an additional 2D6" Range (this will not effect template weapons however).
  3. Improved Delivery The weapon now has an additional +1 Strength, but can go no higher than S8.
  4. Improved Armor Piercing The weapon now has an AP value of 6, or 1 less than normal (AP 5 is now 4, etc), but can go no lower than AP3.
  5. Improved Appearance The weapon looks rather stunning now, and all are amazed at the shine! However, no other effect is noticed.
  6. Uh oh… The weapon now suffers the same overheating effects as plasma weapons. If a Plasma weapon, it now overheats on a roll of 1 or 2 rather than just a 1.



Servitor Bodyguard

Resistance to the Will of the Machine God is Futile. This is the lesson shown to all who would defy the Adeptus Mechanicus by these, their mindless drones. Servitors are organic machines, cyborg hulks of flesh and metal. Many are grown in artificial bio-vats and mated to special mechanical augmentations, but some are once-human beings convicted of horrible heresies or other crimes. Now mind-wiped and programmed only to serve, they demonstrate the folly of challenging the Imperial might and the Masters of the Red Planet.

Servitors are used for an endless number of tasks throughout the Imperium, and form the bulk of the populations on Forge Worlds. Once programmed for a task they perform it endlessly without complaint, no matter the hazard or tediousness involved. Their mechanical adaptations allow them to function in hostile environments, and to operate specialized machinery. In combat they serve as everything from driving transports to manning dangerous support weapons, to forming small individual fighting units. Tech-Priests have a hard time trusting mere humans, preferring to place their trust in the Machine God and his minions (namely machines). Servitors are thus the perfect bodyguard for them, as their mindless devotion will ensure the best protection when in the field. Special units of these drones are fitted with the finest bio-mech upgrades and combat programming, and serve no other purpose but to preserve the life of their master.























Squad: The Bodyguard unit consists of 5-10 Servitors.

Weapons: None. Servitors have a 5+ armor save due to their mechanized body parts.

Options: Any bio-mech upgrade listed below can be taken, but no single upgrade can be taken more than once per Servitor and all upgrades must be modeled.

Close Combat Bionics - Any number of Servitors may be fitted with special mechanical crushing claw arms or other Assault bionics for +3 points per model. These add +1 Attack and +1 Strength to the model in an Assault.

Ranged Weapon Bionics – Any number of Servitors can be fitted with a single bionically attached lasgun or autogun at +3 points per model, or a boltgun at +5 points per model.

Improved Armor– The entire unit may be fitted with extra bio-plas and armor coating thus improving their armor save to 4+, at +3 points per model.


Bodyguard: Servitor Bodyguards are programmed to defend their masters at all costs. When the unit is struck with ranged weapons, allocate hits as normal but the Tech-Priest player is allowed to allocate two hits per Servitor before having to allocate any on the Tech-Priests.

Emergency Orders: If all of their Tech-Priest masters are killed, the Servitors will go on Emergency Orders for the rest of the game:

  • Move towards the nearest enemy unit
  • Shoot at nearest enemy unit if possible
  • Assault the nearest enemy unit if possible



The entire unit may be transported in an Adeptus Mechanicus Rhino or Land Raider if it numbers 12 models or less. This will not count as a further HQ or Heavy Support selection. Note that models in Terminator armor will count as two models for purposes of unit transport size.













Type: Tank Crew: Servitor

Weapons: Storm Bolter

Transport: The Rhino can transport up to 12 models from a single unit.

Options: Adeptus Mechanicus Rhinos can take any of the vehicle upgrades from the Space Marine Vehicles upgrade list. See Codex: Space Marines for details and points cost.








Land Raider






Type: Tank Crew: Servitors

Weapons: Hull-mounted forward firing Twin-linked Heavy Bolters and two sponsons each with twin-linked Lascannons.

Transport: The Land Raider can transport up to 12 models from a single unit.

Options: Adeptus Mechanicus Land Raiders can take any of the vehicle upgrades from the Space Marine Vehicles upgrade list. See Codex: Space Marines for details and points cost.

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