Book of The Faith

Cult Leaders often carry massive tomes with them, enormous volumes detailing the Cult beliefs and prophecies. Between battles they read to their enthralled followers, both to inspire them for the coming conflict and remove any doubts they might have in their actions. In actual combat there is little time for reading, but the thick velum (or sometimes less savory materials used in covers and pages) does often provide a modicum of protection by absorbing what might have been a lethal blow. Unless killed outright by an Instant Death effect, when the model suffers its last wound do not remove it as a casualty. Instead, place it on its side, and at the end of the current phase roll a D6. On a roll of 6, the Book has preserved its owner; stand the model back up and it is restored to 1 wound. Note this is done before determining Assault Results, but still count any wounds the owner originally took towards determining who won the assault.


Chitin Armor Coating

A special protective aid made from specially treated layers of Genestealer Chitin skin fashioned over regular armor. Though difficult and time-consuming to make, its unique properties are sought by most Cult leaders. A model with Chitin armor has the same saving throw as normal, but in order for a weapon to negate the model’s save it must have an AP value that is better than the saving throw, not just equal to it. For example, for a model wearing Flak Armor with an armor save of 5+, this means that only weapons with an AP of 4 or better will negate their saving throw, while weapons with an AP value of 5 or better can be saved against as normal. This must be combined with actual Armor to be effective though; it does nothing without Carapace Armor or Flak Armor.


Genestealer Claw Totem

Cults often fashion weapons from the razor sharp claws of their departed kinsmen, both to remember them in battle and to slay more of the enemy! Usually these take the form of a long staff or club, with several claws (or an entire Genestealer arm) attached at the end. A Totem takes both hands to wield, so the user will not gain an extra Attack by using it, but the extra sharp claws slice through most enemy armor. Any attacks from a Totem-wielding cultist which roll a 6 to hit will wound automatically and ignore armor saving throws, exactly in the same manner as regular Genestealer Claws. Other attacks which hit on a roll other than 6 must roll to wound as normal and the victim receives their normal armor saving throw.


Patriarch Ichor Vial (one per Cult)

A small amount of ichor from the Patriarch is mixed with rare unholy herbs and forbidden chemicals to form a potent brew! Once per battle at any time in any Assault Phase the bearer may shatter the vial, releasing the fumes into the air. All Cult members (including Genestealers & Hybrids) belonging to any units or open-topped vehicles within 2D6" of the Cultist who shattered the vial are filled with fanatical zeal from the vapors. Roll once on the table below to see what effects occur. After the turn ends, the vapors disperse and the effects are lost. Note that the Vial can be used in the opponent’s Assault Phase if desired.

D6 Effects
1 +1 Initiative
2 +1 Attack
3 +1 Strength
4 +1 Weapon Skill
5 May re-roll any misses in the Assault
6 May re-roll any failed rolls to wound or to penetrate vehicle armor



Cult Relics:

Most Cults have special icons or relics that serve to inspire the faithful. Before battle, special Brood Brothers are chosen to carry them as they launch their holy crusades against their oppressors. These chosen are called Relic Bearers, and only the most devoted are allowed this honor and duty. Relics are usually affixed to long poles for all too see, and can either be carried in one hand or strapped to the back of the Bearer, or his mount or bike. There can only be one Relic Bearer per unit, and thus only one Relic per unit. The two most common types of Relics are described below:


Cult Censer

During Cult services, special braziers are lit to fill the halls with scented smoke. Unknown to all but the Cult leaders, these fumes are laced with special chemicals and Genestealer pheromones. Designed to interact with the altered DNA of the membership, they work to deaden independent thinking and reinforce faith in the Cult. In battle they serve to repress any thought of slowing the fanatical advance and ensure Cult forces continue towards the enemy. Any unit which has a Censer may roll 3 dice for any Pinning Tests, and use the lowest two for the result. However, if the test is still failed the fumes have wrecked havoc with the drugged minds of the faithful, and they immediately Fall Back as if they had failed a Morale Test! This will even effect Bodyguard Initiates for the Magus (who will never normally Fall Back).


Remains of the Unbeliever

Often the Cult will carry into battle the remains of a slain enemy, usually the reminder of a previous glorious victory or assassination, mounted high on a pole for all to see. This could be the head of a high ranking planetary official, the crested helm of the local Adeptus Arbites Chief, or possibly even a mighty Space Marine’s helmet! No matter what form the Remains take they serve to strengthen the resolve of the Cult members by reminding them of their past successes. If the unit carrying this Relic has just failed a Morale test and is Falling Back, after it has completed the Fall Back movement (but before the enemy decides to Consolidate or Pursue) it can take another Morale test to Regroup. They must take the test using their own Leadership – the Our Father Watches Us rules cannot be used, and normal restrictions for Regrouping apply. Note this does not apply to beginning of the turn Regrouping attempts, but to Falling Back from an Assault, as a result of casualties from enemy fire, etc.


Special Optional Rule (both players must agree to it before the game!): If the Remains are from the same army as the current enemy (i.e., a Commissar’s head when fighting Imperial Guard), then the Cult may take them at half price. However, the enemy will be filled with righteous zeal to recover them, and gains +1 Attack when fighting against any units carrying those Remains!


New Weapons:

Unlike "proper" armies, Genestealer Cults often find themselves utilizing anything that can be found or stolen as weapons. This almost always includes large numbers of civilian weapons drafted into combat roles. All of the following weapons are very common throughout Imperial planets, but are almost never used by actual military forces. Cults cannot be so choosy though, and to their best to make good use of them in their bids for revolution.


Primitive Weapons

This is a new weapon class, used for those weapons which are simply not up to the normal standards for warfare in the 41st Millennium (or even the 21st). Though widely used in Cult forces they are all very much inferior to normal military weaponry, and even the poorest armor is usually sufficient to protect the wearer against such weapons. As such, enemy models which fail a saving throw after being wounded by a Primitive Weapon are allowed to re-roll the saving throw (once!). Note this includes all types of saving throws (armor, cover, invulnerable, or any others that might come up), but if the enemy model doesn’t have any sort of saving throw they still don’t get one!

Bow: Primitive weapon used on almost all planets, heavily so on Feudal Worlds. Skilled users can fire off arrows at a fast rate at short distances, or draw back fully for extra range.








Rapid Fire, Primitive Weapon

Crossbow: Slightly more high-tech than a Bow, it hits slightly harder but is slower to use.








Heavy 1, Primitive Weapon

Double-Handed Close Combat Weapon: A common weapon in Cults (even the poorest Cultist can find or create one from common materials), these can take many forms – huge axes, great swords, halberds, spears, flails, etc. A model armed with one of these large weapons adds +2 to his Strength, but strikes at -1 Initiative due to the ponderous nature of the attack. It takes both hands to use one though, so the user will not gain an extra Attack by using it even if he has any other close combat weapons.

Firebombs: While many Cults lack the expertise to make or the access to steal large supplies of Frag Grenades, it is very easy for Brood Brothers to create their own home-made incendiary devices from small (usually glass) containers of flammable liquids. Hurling them at enemy units in cover, the resulting flames buy some time as the Brood Brothers advance into Assault. The Cult uprising on Moltov Prime saw these used to great effect. The planet’s more famous fermented products were turned into thousands of lethal projectiles in the bid to overthrow the entrenched aristocratic government, and the battle cry of "Let them Drink Moltov Cocktails!" was heard throughout the capitol city.

Firebombs in game play work exactly like Frag Grenades, but the resulting flames prevent any assaulting Cultists from Advancing; any Cult units involved in that Assault may only Consolidate. Firebombs are also more bulky and unwieldy than regular grenades, so they can only be used once per game.

Heavy Stubber: A cheap and easy to mass-produce weapon used mostly by Hive gangs or criminals. Reliable and easy to use, it can spread down a hail of solid slug ammunition quickly and is a favorite weapon in almost every Cult force.








Heavy 3

Poorly Made Flak Armor: Most Cults simply do not have the materiel access to ensure all members get normal Flak Armor, and thus many of the lower members must make so with cheaper substitutes constructed from whatever is at hand. While not as good as the real thing, the heavy material provides some protection and gives the wearer a 6+ Armor Save.

Stubb Gun: Possibly the most common weapon in the Imperium, this small pistol is very simple to construct (often being home-made for many criminal or gang elements). In game play it has the same effects as a Laspistol or Autopistol.











Regular Wargear & Special Rules Summaries

See Codex: Imperial Guard for special rules for the following wargear items and special rules:

Carapace Armor, Combi-Weapon, Master Crafted Weapons , Scanner, Targeter, Heavy Weapon Teams



Bell of Righteousness: Before going into battle, many Cults remove sacred items from their covens to carry with them, displaying their fanatical signs of devotion for the enemy to gaze on and despair. Commonly these are huge bells, once used to call the brood faithful to gather but now used to reinforce their faith in the Cult. Any unit within 6" of a vehicle mounted with a Bell can re-roll their Morale test after losing an Assault. Note that any given test can only be re-rolled once, no matter how many Bells are within 6" of the unit.


Regular Vehicle Upgrades

See Codex: Imperial Guard and the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook for special rules for the following vehicle upgrades

Extra Armour, Hunter-Killer Missile, Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter, Rough Terrain Modifications, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers

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