Stories! Coming soon, I promise! :)
As a teaser, here are the ones planned. Each will be a
short "interlude" between sections of rules.
- Initial Hulk sighting, along with investigation report and first infestation
- Infestation start infested human retires to countryside/isolated area to marry,
start settlement
- Settlement growing, birth notices. Very secretive, no pics allowed
- Cult emerges as new religion. Report by local Ministorum officials totally safe,
of course!
- Commando raids by Hierarch & infiltrated PDF forces
- Captured Arbite spy brought before Magus (ala Conan brought before James Earl Jones).
Depth of Arbite infiltration revealed
- Revolt starts! Bits from several combats. Lots of betrayals in imperial forces. Surprise
Eldar showup?
Victory! Cult basks in glory, as a Hive Fleet arrives &
blots out the sun. Fade out