Arch-Magus Janos Armistadt the Traveler

******Inquisitorial Report. Eyes Only – Level L

Thought for the Day: "When we Rest, We Fail"

89% Probability Sighting of the Heretic/Alien Armistadt (ref: Ichar IV Heresy) in sector Segmentum Tempestus on Agri-world Roxxas 3.

Report made by Stealth-Watcher Hayne (no contact for 13 days past next scheduled contact time; presumed captured or dead).

Current designation: "Most Holy Father Aldoux Gennings."
Cult Title: "Fellowship of the Faithful."
Cult Incept Duration: 4 Generational Cycles, plus/minus 1 cycle.

Recommendation: Fleet blockade of the Roxxas system, followed by light planetary bombardment and assault landings. Heavy resistance to be expected, including Alien presence (cross-ref morphology Genestealer).

Imperative Primus: Target Heretic retrieved, either alive or corpus.

Imperative Secundus: All alien and genetic deviants destroyed. Planetary population expendable.

Designated Forces: Nova Marines, two Imperial Guard regiments (Tallarn 14th & Xanderan 22nd).

Comments: Armistadt must not be allowed to escape again! Initiate house to house identification of remains if needed. Planetary Bombardment alone cannot guarantee success. This attempted before, and he has been sighted three times since (ref file: Prandium-Deathworld). Do not make this foolish mistake again - we must know he is eliminated!

Signed: Agmar (Personal Note – ensure Kryptman gets this data to add to his study – his insights have been invaluable)

Message Ends********

Legends have sprung up on dozens of worlds of a charismatic preacher, elderly but still vital, who brings the word of the faithful to the masses then leaves to spread the word elsewhere. On Mossba he was known as The Blessed Gilessen Bogtat. On Prandium, Revered Pater Noveen the Meek. It was on Ichar IV that he took the name that the Inquisition hunts him by to this day: Learned Brother Janos Armistadt.

Under a variety of names and shifting guises this being has moved from system to system, preaching to the downtrodden and raising up new religious fervor while secretly initiating Genestealer infiltration. How long he has lived is unknown (certainly many decades longer than a normal human). He has always managed to stay a step ahead of any arriving Imperial forces sent to deal with the revolutions he instigates. Unlike most other Magi, he usually leaves the planetary system once a Cult is established, rarely staying for outright revolution to begin. One of the Purestrain Genestealers he brings with him to each new planet begins a new life as Patriarch for the emerging Cult. After his departure (along with a cadre of Genestealers and Brood Brothers) the Cult usually continues to flourish, due to the training and experience he imparts on the new leaders.

On Ichar IV he lead the Brotherhood, a religious fundamentalist group which masked his secret objectives. It was Inquisitor Agmar who finally realized that the descriptions of the missing Magus from that uprising (only barely averted due to a combined Imperial Guard and Ultramarines counter-attack) matched those of religious leaders seen on several other planets stretching back over many decades. On each of these worlds, serious revolts had later begun, not hapless uprisings as commonly seen in badly governed worlds but well-orchestrated and professional insurrections. Agmar alerted others, and the mysterious preacher was sighted shortly again and nearly captured. Since then though Armistadt has been more careful, adopting a new disguise as he arrives at each new world. One step behind usually though are the Arbites and Inquisitorial forces, keeping him from staying too long on any one planet. It is still not known how long or why he operates in this manner, or how many other Magi might also be doing so, or even his true name. It is even more uncertain if he is possibly aware of his true Tyranid heritage, or if he might even be guided from afar by the Hive Mind. The fact that these are still unknown has been the cause for great concern amongst the Inquisition, especially Agmar who has made it his personal quest to eradicate this threat to the Imperium at any cost.  

Arch-Magus Armistadt may be chosen to lead your Genestealer Cult Army. If selected, he will count as a HQ choice, and replaces the Magus selection (you cannot take both Armistadt and a regular Magus). He must be taken exactly as described below and may not be given any extra equipment from the Armory. The points value indicated for him includes all of his items except for Bodyguard and Transport. In addition he can only be used in battles where both players have decided to allow special characters. Armistadt is an Independent Character and follows all normal rules for Independent Characters in the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook, unless accompanied by a Protectorate (see below).












Arch-Magus Janos Armistadt











Weapons: Armistadt is armed with a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol, The Serpent’s Tooth, and The Shepherd’s Staff

Wargear: Armistadt wears Carapace Armor (4+ save) with a Chitin Armor Covering under his flowing robes.

Psychic Powers: As a Magus, Armistadt has the psychic power Hypnotic Gaze as described above, plus the new power Test of Wills. Armistadt has refined his hypnotic powers to the level that he can actually reach out and take control of enemy minds. At the start of the Cult player’s Assault Phase, Armistadt may attempt to use this power against a single enemy model with 6" to which he has Line of Sight. First he must pass a Psychic Test as normal, then both models roll 2D6 and add it to their Leadership. If Armistadt’s total is higher, he has taken over the mind of the enemy, and can immediately make a normal Assault move with the model. The Assault Phase is then conducted as normal, but Armistadt also controls that model and it counts as being part of the Cult Army for the rest of the phase. If the result is a tie, or the enemy’s total is higher, nothing happens. The power will only work on living creatures – so Vehicles, Demons, Necrons, Thousand Sons, Avatars, Wraithguard, etc. are not effected. Tyranids of any type are not effected by the power either. At the end of that Assault Phase, the effects wear off and the enemy model regains control of his senses.

Special Rules: As a Magus, Armistadt can use the "He who runs away…" special rules described above. Also, his ages of experience give him an additional edge in ensuring his safety. If desired, when attempting to make this voluntary Fall-back test he can declare that he is deciding to quit the battlefield altogether and flee the area. If his test is successful, he is simply removed from play, but no Victory Points are scored for his removal. He will though count as being dead for purposes of any other special Cult rules.

Special Wargear:

The Shepherd’s Staff

Moving from planet to planet, Armistadt has acquired a collection of rare and arcane artifacts, which have served him well as he has sown the seeds of heresy and revolt throughout the Imperium. While not confirmed, it is believed that the Staff was captured in a pitched battle with rival Chaos Worshippers. Where they got (or stole) it from was never revealed, but the Staff has become a signature mark of Armistadt ever since. Glowing with unholy power and coronal discharges, the Staff counts as a Power Weapon in Assaults. The Staff takes both hands to use as a weapon though, so if used then no other combat bonuses for extra attacks can be used.

The Staff also amplifies Armistadt’s hypnotic powers throughout his followers, allowing any unit he is leading to re-roll any and all Leadership-based tests they are required to make. For any effects that cause automatic failure of a test, the unit may still make a single test but may not re-roll it. This power is in effect even if the Staff is not being used for combat at the time.

The Serpent’s Tooth

According to Imperial Intelligence reports this ornate dagger was made from a claw from the long-dead Patriarch who founded Armistadt’s original Cult family. Witnesses say the blade of polished bone is covered with small notches, believed to represent each Cult the Arch-Magus has founded, or possibly each Imperial Agent he has killed. In combat it operates like a normal Genestealer Claw Totem, but can be used with another Close Combat Weapon. Armistadt’s skill with the dagger though results in +2 Attacks when he uses it (rather than the normal +1), for a base total of 3 Attacks for normal combat (4 if he charged that turn). All attacks gain the special AP 4 Totem ability.

Transport: If a Bodyguard is taken, they and Armistadt (up to a maximum of 8 models) may ride in a Cult Limousine for +40 points (see HQ-Transport for full rules). He will never take an un-armored Limousine though, as he is almost never caught un-prepared!

Bodyguard: When necessary to fight, Armistadt commonly leads a personal cadre of followers into battle. This will either be a Protectorate (see below) or a unit of 3-12 Genestealers at 16 points each. Note that none of the Genestealers in his Bodyguard can use their normal Cult Genestealer special movement rules – their total devotion to his safety keeps them too busy to run faster or seek cover.


































Protectorate: The Protectorate is formed from 5-10 models of highly trained & fanatical Brood Brothers chosen among all others to serve as his personal Bodyguard.

Weapons: Protectorate members wear well-made Flak Armor (Sv 5+) and are armed with a Close Combat Weapon.

Options: Each Protectorate member may make any weapon options as per the regular Magus Bodyguard entry, with the exception that they may not take any Heavy Weapons. Armistadt knows the importance of keeping on the move, and never likes to be tied down in the midst of combat! Protectorate members cannot be upgraded to Relic Bearer either.

Special Rules: All normal Magus Bodyguard special rules apply.

Suicide Bombers: Honed over the years, Armistadt’s incredible powers of hypnotic persuasion and mind control can create bodyguards even more fanatical than normal. His Protectorate are even willing to commit suicide for him, knowing that they will have a place at his side in the afterlife. Protectorate members are armed with special contact bombs, designed for maximum explosive power in a shaped charge. At the start of either player’s Assault Phase (but after all models have charged) each Protectorate model may detonate their bomb, instantly killing themselves but causing any one model in contact to take an automatic Strength 6 hit. Only models in base contact are effected, and any casualties (both Protectorate and enemy) count toward resolving the Assault. Once any Suicide Bombs are completed, resolve the rest of the Assault Phase as normal. This special attack can be used against vehicles as well, with each model causing an automatic hit with an Armor Penetration value of 6+D6 no matter the vehicle type or speed. In a Death or Glory Attack, each Protectorate member who stands and detonates his bomb will be removed as a casualty as normal. Note that the player must declare how many Protectorate models are being used in attacking a vehicle or doing a Death or Glory attack before rolling any dice to penetrate! Even if the first bomb destroys the vehicle, all of the declared Protectorate models are still removed from play.


Manos the Mad, Mutant Hybrid

Manos (certainly not his original name) began life on a backwater planet, the first generation offspring in a newly formed Cult. Oddly though for a first generation hybrid, he appeared fully human. His parents were killed mere months after his birth though, attempting to rescue their Genestealer master from the wreck of a burning transport vehicle. Orphaned, Manos was raised by a local seminary and thoroughly immersed in proper Imperial Cult and worship of the Emperor.

Young Manos showed himself to be quite brilliant and fervent as a student. His devotion to the Ministorum was without doubt, and he had lead several local crusades against heretics, saving hundreds of souls from living as unbelievers. Soon he was readied to leave the planet and embark on what looked to be a successful career as a Preacher. Then his true heritage emerged.

A small blue growth appeared under his left arm, which grew rapidly in mere days to become an additional arm! Shocked to the core to discover his heresy as a mutant, he immediately severed the limb and burned the foul flesh. Praying to the Emperor for deliverance he drifted off to a troubled sleep filled with monstrous visions of hissing demons with deep hypnotic eyes. Salvation was not forthcoming though as the next morning he awoke to not only find the arm regrown, but a hard layer of blue chitin forming over his now purple-ish skin! Needless to say his world view shifted a bit, and he snapped quite utterly and completely. Effortlessly slaughtering his former brethren, he boarded his ship and left the planet. Abandoned by his former God-Emperor, one vision now fills his brain – to find his true father, a mighty being of daggered teeth and razor claws who must be out there somewhere in the stars. Only he can cure poor Manos of his heresy, and forgive him of his sins. Manos travels from system to system in search of his father and new god, hiding his heresy with robes and skin-paint. Periodically his alien urges take control, and he spreads the Genestealer infection amongst the local populace before regaining his "senses" and continuing with his quest for redemption.

Manos may be taken as an single Elite choice in a Genestealer Cult Army, and can join and lead a unit in the same manner as other Independent Characters. He must be taken exactly as described below and may not be given any extra equipment from the Armory. The points value indicated for him includes all of his items. In addition he can only be used in battles where both players have decided to allow special characters. Manos is an Independent Character and follows all normal rules for Independent Characters in the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook.












Manos the Mad










5+ cvr

Weapons: Manos is armed with a Close Combat weapon plus a special Flamer which fires The Flames of Blood. He also carries The Brazier of Damnation, The Eye of Judgement, and The Crown of Iron.

Special Wargear & Weapons:

Brazier of Damnation

Neither of his true parents realized that they carried recessive taints of heresy in their genes. Even had they not been implanted with Genestealer viral DNA, Manos would have been born a mutant. His mutation caused his first new arm to grow back, and did the same thing each other time Manos tries to severe his heretical limbs. He chops up his severed parts to burn in a brazier he carries on a pole, surrounding him with the foul evidence of his sins. These fumes give him a 5+ cover save at all times, allowing him to strike first as if in cover all the time. If he has joined a Cult unit, the scent of his burning flesh also allows them to gain +1 Initiative and +1 Attack in the first round of each Assault.

Flames of Blood

Manos mixes flammable liquid with his own vile blood, producing a toxic potion he stores in special canisters. When fired from his Flamer, it results in an even more potent effect than a regular Flamer hit, thus proving to others the depth of his heresy.








Assault 1

The Eye of Judgement

Manos wears special device on his back – the all-seeying Eye of Judgement. Made it long ago in one of his more lucid moments to aid him in his search, it uses illegal and forbidden tech from variety of planets and races. The Eye projects a scanning beam of psychic energy designed to search for his visionquest creature – any who do not measure up against the programmed criteria are filled with pain as their brains or spirits are suddenly ingulfed with his horrifying visions! The beam will always target the closest enemy model in any direction, whoever he is, and hit automatically (vehicles or models without a Leadership value are never targeted). The Eye can be fired even if Manos also fired his flamer, and even when he is in close combat (it will automatically hit one enemy model he is touching at random as an additional attack). A model hit by the Eye must pass a Leadership test (using only their own Leadership value), or take a Strength 5 hit with no armor or cover saves allowed.








Assault 1, Independent weapon

The Crown of Iron

In one of his more mad moments (and he has had many over his many years of roaming the galaxy), as a self-inflicted curse Manos drove still-glowing steel spikes into his head, forming a circlet of metal. This didn’t hurt him of course, but it did make him almost impervious to pain and allows him shrug off wounds that would kill others. This is represented by his higher than normal Toughness, and in that he cannot be wounded by weapons with a Strength lower than his Toughness (ie., he cannot be harmed by Strength 4 or lower weapons). He can still be wounded as normal by a Sniper Rifle though.

Special Rules:

Manos usually has at least one extra limb (or more depending on how many he’s cut off lately) as well as a close combat weapon (usually a sword). This results in his higher than normal of attacks, which is already built into his characteristics.


Genestealer Ark

Some Cults are naturally more successful than others, and grow to large sizes. As the years pass though, and their Patriarch grows older and not as light on their feet as he once was, it becomes more difficult to have their father lend his guidance to his flock in battle. Many Cults convert other vehicles into command and control centers, doubling as mobile transports for their Patriarch. The Chimera chassis is commonly used, and fitted scanning and imaging systems plus powerful defensive fields. Special trained multi-limb hybrids are chosen to operate the vehicle mounted weapons. The Patriarch is aided by a Hierarch, who monitors the gathered battlefield intelligence data and relays his instructions to the rest of the Cult.

A Genestealer Ark may be taken together as an single HQ choice in a Genestealer Cult Army for games of 2000 points of higher only. It must be taken exactly as described below and may not be given any extra equipment from the Armory. The points value indicated for it includes the Genestealer Patriarch, plus the Ark and other associated crew & weapons. In addition it can only be used in battles where both players have decided to allow special characters.














Genestealer Ark










Type: Tank, Open-topped
Crew: Patriarch, Genestealer Hierarch, Genestealer Hybrids, Brood Brother Comrade

Weapons: Pintel-mounted Storm Bolter, plus Heavy Flamers mounted in the hull and both side sponsons.

Options: The side sponsons may be dropped if desired. If this is done the cost for the Ark is reduced to 135 points.

Special Rules:

The Ark: The vehicle, Patriarch and crew all constitute a single model. The Patriarch cannot take a Bodyguard and neither he or anyone else can leave the vehicle. If the vehicle is destroyed, he & the crew are automatically killed. The enemy cannot target separate parts of the Ark from the Patriarch

Hybrid Gunners: Each of the Heavy Flamers can fire together as if they were a single weapon, not three (one of the benefits of having extra arms!). Thus all three can be fired even if the Ark moves up to 6 inches. The fire may be targeted at any enemy desired as well, not just one unit. The Comrade driving the Ark can fire Pintel-mounted Storm Bolter as normal, as per the rules for that vehicle upgrade.

Command and Control: The Ark carries an array of command & control equipment, with multiple video systems displaying the gathered data for the Hierarch. He can then relay this information to his fellow Cult units. This allows any one unit with Line of Sight to the Ark to re-roll any shooting misses once per turn, as long as the Ark also had Line of Sight to that target.

Power Field: Power fields are usually much too wasteful, cumbersome and energy draining for regular vehicle mounting, but for a single special vehicle the Cult will spare no expense! Built into the Patriarch’s Throne, it gives the Ark an Armor Value of 14 all around for shooting attacks. In Close Combat however the regular armor values of 12 to the front and 10 to the side & rear take effect.

Movement: The Ark has a maximum movement of 12". If the Ark moved 6" or less in the Movement Phase, then it can make an assault movement of up to 6" in the Assault Phase. As a tank, it can perform Tank Shock in the Movement Phase, but if the unit passes its Morale Test the Ark must stop there and remain stationary in the Assault Phase to fight them. If the Shocked unit fails its test, the Ark is free to keep moving and continue the turn as normal.

Close Combat: The Ark fights in an Assault exactly as a Dreadnought, using the characteristics given above. Any extra attacks from additional weapons are already included in the Attacks characteristic. All hits are worked out using the Strength value in the profile, with the normal effects for Genestealer Claws. Note that since the Ark is a Vehicle, it will never Falls Back in an Assault, even if defeated.

Back to Codex: Genestealer Cults

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