Adeptus Mechanicus Master Crafted Weapons

A master crafted weapon follows the normal rules, except that you may re-roll one failed 'to hit' roll per turn for an attack made by the master crafted weapon. Master crafted weapons are taken as an 'upgrade' for a weapon already being carried by a model and should be represented by a suitably ornate weapon on the model itself. Weapons taken from the Adeptus Mechanicus Armory Weapons list are assumed to have been carefully constructed and expertly maintained by the finest artisans in the Imperium. As such, all benefit from the Master Crafted Weapons rules automatically. Note that any weapons chosen from the Tech Relics section cannot gain this ability – even the bravest Tech-Priest would not dare tamper with these ancient and inscrutable devices!


Tech Quest

The Cult Mechanicus is in a never-ending search for lost technology from the Dark Age of Mankind, but also is always on the lookout for new or alien weapons and vehicles to study. The Tech-Priests will have instructed all members of the battle force to be ready to act if they encounter any of the suspected items, and to quickly alert them for their inspection and retrieval.

Before the game starts, randomly pick one unit from the enemy forces (this can be a regular troop unit, or a vehicle squadron, or a even a single character model). Then randomly pick out one vehicle, heavy weapon, or character from that unit. This will be the target of the Tech-Quest. If the model is killed for any reason leave it on the board rather than removing it as normal. If the Tech Quest target was a vehicle, leave it on the table if it is destroyed. If any Tech-Priest can get to it before the end of the game, their side will gain and additional D6x10 extra Victory Points in scenarios that use victory points to determine the winner. If the Quest target runs off the board, the Tech-Priests side automatically get the points. Otherwise the other side gets the extra victory points.


Heavy Weapon Teams

See Codex: Imperial Guard for details on two-man heavy weapon team rules.

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