The smell of ozone and the bright flashes of blue-white herald the arrival of the Electro-Priests into battle. Electrically charged fanatics, they are the warrior elite of the Cult Mechanicus. Each is covered with an elaborate network of circuitry and power-runes embedded into their skin, and in combat they light up the battlefield with arcs of lightning dancing from their bodies. These special Electoos give them superhuman strength, and even allow them to fire short ranged electrical bolts at nearby enemy. Only the most zealous and fanatical of Tech-Adepts are chosen for the subdermal implants, as their new electrical powers are a constant drain on their own mental energies. Even so many fall to the ground in the midst of combat, their minds taxed beyond even their endurance by the intense strain. Unit: An Electro Priest unit consists of 5-10 Electro Priests Weapons: Electoo-augmented bare fists (built into their Strength and Assault values) and lightning bolts.
The Adeptus Mechanicus is responsible for the final training of the Adeptus Astartes Techmarines, those Space Marines who have shown special aptitude in utilizing and maintaining their various weapons systems. At any given time the Tech-Priests are imparting some of their experience to hundreds of aspiring Techmarines, but never are all secrets revealed of course! Often Techmarines accompany the Tech-Priests into the field, both as a learning exercise and also to aid in Tech Quests as experienced warriors. All are bound by powerful hypnoaths never to reveal anything that might be found on these expeditions though, much to the frustration of their chapter leaders. Independent Character: You may include a Techmarine as a single Elites choice. Techmarines operate independently and so follow the rules for independent characters given on p74 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Note that for the purposes of mission objectives Techmarines cannot capture table quarters, hold objectives or count as surviving troops in a Meat Grinder battle. Weapons: Techmarines wear Power Armor (3+ Save) and are armed with a Bolt Pistol. Options: Techmarines may choose weapons and wargear from the Codex: Space Marines Armory listing, as per the restrictions in that list (see Codex: Space Marines for details), with the following exceptions: A Techmarine may ride a Space Marine Bike for +35. He may not take Terminator Honors.
The living embodiments of the Machine God, whose Spirit animates these ancient constructs of arcane metal and circuitry. They stalk the battlefield, implacable and deadly in their advance. Each Robot has a primitive artificial brain of bio-plasm, specially maintained for centuries by the finest Genetors of the Legio Cybernetica. The art of growing new Robot cortex units is an almost lost one dating back prior to the Emperors First Crusade, and thus each Robot is a near priceless tech-relic in its own right. The risk of loss is outweighed though by their superior firepower and combat effectiveness. All members of the Cult Mechanicus venerate these loyal and powerful devices, and they are a source of inspiration to the faithful in battle. Squad: A Robot Cohort consists of 3-5 Robots, under the command of a Tech-Adept Overseer. Weapons: Robots are armed with a Close Combat Weapon Arm (which functions as a Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon) and a Ranged Weapon Arm at the following points cost: Lascannon (+20 pts), Autocannon (+15 pts), Meltagun (+8 pts), Missile Launcher (+15 pts), Plasma gun (+8 pts), Heavy Bolter (+10 pts), Storm Bolter (+5 pts), Flamer (+6 pts), Multi-Laser (+10 pts). Options: Robots may replace their Close Combat Weapon Arm with a Storm Bolter arm for +10 pts. Alternatively, they may replace their Ranged Weapon Arm with an additional Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon for +5 pts (and thus gain an additional Attack). Robots may take an additional weapon (normally shoulder or back mounted) at the following points cost: Lascannon (+25 pts), Autocannon (+20 pts), Multi-Melta (+35 pts), Heavy Bolter (+15 pts), Plasma Cannon (+30 pts), Multi-Laser (+15 pts). This additional weapon cannot however duplicate a weapon already taken by that Robot. Special Rules: Mindless and Implacable: Robots will always pass all Morale Tests, and never Fall Back (even if forced to do so automatically) or suffer Pinning. Tech-Adepts (or Tech-Priests who have joined the unit) leading a Cohort of Robots will draw strength from their implacable followers and so will also pass all Morale tests, never Fall Back or suffer Pinning. If required to take any Leadership-based tests, the unit may always use the Robot Leadership value of 10. Big and Slow Moving: Robots move as if they were always in Difficult Terrain (roll 2 dice, pick highest as the movement distance) but never suffer any other movement penalties. Robots cannot be transported either due to their large size. Integrated Weapons Design: Robots may Move and Fire a single weapon or stay stationary and fire two weapons, even when using Heavy Weapons. Rapid Fire weapons fire as if stationary, even if the Robot moved that turn (like a bike). Bio-mechanical: Due to some of the mecha-organic components used in Robot design, Robots can be effected by Needle Rifles and other items that effect living creatures. They can never be Pinned by them though. Leader: The cohort must be lead by a single Tech-Adept Overseer at the points cost indicated. The Tech-Adept Overseer wears Power Armor, is armed with a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol, and may choose from the Armory as normal except for Tech-Relics or other items as noted. Tech-Adept Overseer Guidance A Robot Cohort must be lead by Tech-Adept Overseer. If at any time he is killed, or is more than 2" away from the Cohort, the Cohort will go on Emergency Orders: Move towards the nearest enemy unit, shoot at nearest enemy unit if possible, Assault the nearest enemy unit if possible, only Consolidate in an Assault. If their leader is killed and any Tech-Priest Engineers are in play, any Tech-Priest Engineer can take control of the unit if he moves within 2" of it. No other Tech-Priest characters have the necessary equipment to control a Robot Cohort. |