Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus V. 02-27-00

The Cult of the Machine God

Some quick notes for all you budding engineers out there:

This is a codex in work still, with a lot of more to go! Several short stories are still to be finished & added, plus I’d like to add a sample army list and possibly a tactics article too. Once its finished, hopefully we’ll see it in Citadel Journal (the more people writing in to the Journal staff urging them to print it the better too! They are at Alas, no plans for this to appear in White Dwarf though.

Permission is given for people to post this up on websites, or email it around, or make copies for others. Spread it around! Only restrictions are please don’t change anything, keep the email address below correct, and keep my name on it. The goal is for others to try out the list & comment back, especially on the new missions added at the end. Please email me back if you post it up on your website too – I’d love to check out how it looks!

When emailing back with playtest results, please list out:

  • Points used
  • Mission played, and who was attacker/defender
  • Rough army lists for each army
  • Who won, and details if possible as to why
  • What worked, what didn’t rules-wise. Which rules were forgotten, or got in the way of the fun. Etc.
  • Anything else you can think of. The more comments the better! Suggestions are fine too – this list is still very rough.

Thanks in advance to everyone in advance, and may the Spirit of the Machine God keep your system from crashing.

Tim HuckelberyFabricator General


What else will be coming?

  • Introduction
  • Special Mission
  • Special Character or two
  • Figures Conversion article

Thanks for getting all the way to the end. Please email back with comments, ideas, and battle reports! I can’t promise I’ll use them all, but I can promise I’ll read & respond to each email. Thanks again, and Semper Mechanicus!

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