Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Thor 275 14 14 14 3

The Thor Heavy Assault Tank was developed from an armoured crawler that was used originally to carry mining crews and other personnel across the hostile surfaces of the Squat Homeworlds and to shield them from the many meteor showers that occur. The crawler was modified by installing side sponsons to carry battlecannons and ball mounts for heavy bolters, and converting the passenger compartment to carry ammunition. Also, the front armour was reinforced and commander's and driver's periscopes added. While they were doing the modifications, they also strengthened the tracks and added targeting devices to make it a more efficient tank. The Thor is a strange and ungainly looking vehicle, but it serves its purpose quite well, and has been a highly successful design.

Type: VERY SLOW.  Maximum Move = 6".  Tank.

Crew: Squat Warriors.

Weapons: One hull-mounted forward-firing battlecannon with a 120 degree arc of fire; two sponson-mounted autocannons with a 180 degree arc of fire to each side; and four hull-mounted heavy bolters, each with a 180 degree arc of fire, one to each side, one to the rear, and one forward.

Options: None.

Special Rule:  Due to its immense size, and stability, the Thor may fire all of its weapons including the battlecannon even if it moves the full 6".

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