See Codex: Imperial Guard

Command Section

Add the following entries into the Command Section.



WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Tech-Priest Engineer 40 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 9 3+

Medic: One Guardsmen may be upgraded to a medic at an additional cost of +10 points.  The medic is equipped with a medi-pack.

Tech-Priest Engineer: The Command Section may include 1 Tech-Priest Engineer at an additional cost of +40 points.  He carries a power and a laspistol and can be given any equipment allowed from the Armoury.



Infantry Platoon:    

1 Command Section
2-5 Assault Squads

Command Section..................35 points



WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Guardsmen - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Lieutenant 35 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Veteran Sergeant +10 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Tech-Priest Engineer 40 4 4 3 3 1 4 2 9 3+

The Imperial Guard is a vast fighting formation, and unlike smaller forces such as Space Marines even basic troop movements involve the mobilisation of thousands of men.   In order for these orders to go smoothly the Tallarn Imperial Guard has a substantial command structure.  The first link in this chain of command is a Lieutenant and his Command squad.

Squad: The Command section consists of 1 Lieutenant and 4 Impeial Guardsmen.

Weapons: Laspistol and close combat weapon.

Options: Up to four of the Guardsmen may have one of the following each: flamer +3 points; a plasma gun at +8 points; a meltagun at +8 points or a grenade launcher at +8 points.

The entire Command Section may be equipped with frag grenades for +5 points and/or krak grenades for +10 points.

Characters: One Guardsman may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at an extra cost of +10 pts.  The Lieutenant and the Veteran Sergeant may be given additional equipment from the Armoury.

Medic: One Guardsmen may be upgraded to a medic at an additional cost of +10 points.  The medic is equipped with a medi-pack.

Tech-Priest Engineer: The Command Section may include 1 Tech-Priest Engineer at an additional cost of +40 points.  He carries a power and a laspistol and can be given any equipment allowed from the Armoury.

Chimera: The squad may include a Chimera for an additional +95 points, for details see the Chimera transport entry at the end of the Troops section.


Leadership: Any Imperial Guard squad within 12" of a Command Section may use the Lieutenant's Leadership value for all Morale and Pinning tests.



Troop Type Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Guardsmen 65 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Sergeant - 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+

Assault Squads are squads that have been armed and equipped to deal with opponents in hand to hand combat.

Squad: A Squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 9 Guardsmen.

Weapons: Lasptisol, chainsword, and frag and krak grenades.

Options: Up to two models may be armed with: flamer at +3 points; plasma gun at +5 points; meltagun at +8 points; or a grenade launcher at +12 points.


Transport: CHIMERA

See Codex: Imperial Guard

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