Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Desert Raiders 100 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Veteran Sergeant +10 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+

The Desert Raiders are the Veterans of the Tallarn army, troopers who have fought through many campaigns and survived.

Squad: A squad consists of a Sergeant and nine Guardsmen.

Weapons: Hellgun, hellpistol, and frag grenades. The sergeant has a hellpistol, close combat weapon and frag grenades.

Wargear: The entire squad may be armed with krak grenades at a cost of +20 points.

Up to two models may be armed with one of the following weapons: flamer at +5 pts; meltagun at +10 pts; plasma gun at +8 pts; grenade launcher at +8 pts.

One model can have a comm-link at +10 pts.

Character: The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at +10 points.  A Veteran Sergeant may choose extra equipment from the Armoury.

Chimera: The squad may include a Chimera for an additional +95 points, for details see the Chimera transport entry at the end of the Troops section.


  Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Scouts 110 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Veteran Sergeant - 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+

Tallarn Scouts are troops trained for infiltration and long range recon patrols.   They are also pathfinders, moving ahead of the main forces, scouting the way and finding the best routes to the battlefield. 

Squad: A squad consists of a Veteran Sergeant and nine Guardsmen.

Weapons: Lasguns and frag grenades. The sergeant has a hellpistol, close combat weapon and frag grenades.

Wargear: The entire squad may be armed with krak grenades at a cost of +20 points.

Up to two models may be armed with one of the following weapons: flamer at +5 pts; meltagun at +10 pts; plasma gun at +8 pts; grenade launcher at +8 pts.

Any model in the squad may be armed with a needle sniper rifles at a cost of +5 points per model.

The Veteran Sergeant may choose extra equipment from the Armoury.

One model can have a comm-link at +10 pts.


Infiltrators: Tallarn Scouts are trained at sneaking up on their enemy before the battle starts.  They may use the Infiltrators rules in any scenario that allows it.


  Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Al-Halqa 120 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 4+/5+ inv.
Veteran Sergeant - 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 8 4+/5+ inv.

The Al-Halqa are the elite Rough Riders of the Tallarn armies.

Squad: A squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 4 Guardsmen.

Weapons: Close combat weapon, Laspistol, and Power shield (5+ inv. save)

The entire squad may be armed with frag grenades at a cost of +5 points or krak grenades at a cost of +10 points.

Up to two models may be armed with one of the following weapons: flamer at +5 pts; meltagun at +10 pts; plasma gun at +8 pts; grenade launcher at +8 pts.

Any model in the squad may be armed with a needle sniper rifles at a cost of +5 points per model.

The Veteran Sergeant may choose extra equipment from the Armoury.

One model can have a comm-link at +10 pts.


Blood Standard: Tallarn Rough Riders carry a special standard into battle called the Blood Standard, this is a standard that has been dipped in the blood of the Tallarnns' fallen comrades. This standard can be given to any or all Tallarn squads including Command Squads for a cost of 10 points per squad. Any squad carrying the Blood Standard into battle may add +1 to their hand to hand combat score.

Horsemanship:  Tallarns have the ability to guide their horses in quick maneuvers from right to left and back, making themselves harder to hit by enemy missile fire, so all enemy fire at Tallarn Rough Riders have a -1 penalty to the shooters' BS.

Hit and Run:  Al-halqa Squads may make hit and run attacks.  This means that they may disengage from combat by making a fall-back move.  Their enemy may only consolidate, never advance.  They automatically regroup at the end of the turn.  (Note that this is the only time Al-Halqa automatically regroup.)

Steady Shots:  Tallarn Rough Riders always fire their weapons as if they remained stationary during the turn, even if they moved.

Rough Riders.  Al-Halqa are Rough Riders and follow all rules presented for Rough Riders in Codex Imperial Guard.



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