
Thunderers are heavy weapon specialists and are used in support of the other squads in the Brotherhood.

  Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Thunderer 11 4 3 3 4 1 3 1 9 5+
Hearthguard +8 4 3 3 4 1 3 2 9 4+

Squad: The squad consists of between 5 and 10 Thunderers.

Weapons: Thunderers are armed with a Squat laspistol and close combat weapon, plus frag and krak grenades.

Options: The squad may be armed with Squad lasguns at +1 points per model.  This replaces the Squat laspistol.

Any number of models in the squad may be armed with: flamer +5 points; plasma gun at +8 points; meltagun at +10 points; grenade launcher at +12 points; heavy bolter at +10 points; missile launcher at +15 points; lascannon at +20 points; autocannon at +15 points; mortar at +10 points.

Character: The Squad may have one member upgraded to a Hearthguard leader for an additional +8 points.  He is armed with a Squat laspistol and close combat weapon.  He may be given one pick from the Squat Armoury.

Transport:  The squad may be mounted in a Chimera for +95 points or a Termite for +70 points.  See the end of the Troops section for details for the Chimera and Termite.

Thudd Gun Battery

Troop Type Points/Team WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Thudd Gun Battery 50 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 5+

Squad: Consists of 1 to 3 Thudd Gun teams consisting of 2 Squat crew and one Thudd Gun.

Weapons: The Squat crew are armed with Squat Lasguns.  Each team has 1 Thudd Gun.


Thudd Gun: If you have one, use a thudd template.  It is used in the following way:

  1. Place the shot where it lands.
  2. With the landing point established, take the thudd template and position the middle of burst 1 where the shell has landed.  The arrow is positioned so that it points directly back towards the thudd gun (the 6 o'clock position).
  3. Roll a D12 and move blast 2 so that the arrow on it corresponds with the number rolled on blast 1.
  4. Roll a D12 and move blast 3 so that the arrow on it corresponds with the number rolled on blast 2.
  5. Roll a D12 and move blast 4 so that the arrow on it corresponds with the number rolled on blast 3.

If you do not have a thudd template then make four 1" radius circle templates.   Place one where the shot lands.  Then roll a scatter die. Measure 1" inch from the center of the first template, place another 1" circle template, then roll a scatter die again to determine where the third template lands, and so on until all four shots have been placed..

Batteries: If you have three or less Thudd Gun teams, they must be organized into one battery.  If you have 4 to 6 Thudd gun teams, they will be in two batteries divided with three in one battery and excess teams in another battery, etc.

(Note:  The Thudd Gun is based on a weapon from Warhammer 40,000 2nd Edition, created by Rick Priestley.)

All vehicles are crewed by Squat Warriors.


  Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Thor 275 14 14 14 3

The Thor Heavy Assault Tank was developed from an armoured crawler that was used originally to carry mining crews and other personnel across the hostile surfaces of the Squat Homeworlds and to shield them from the many meteor showers that occur. The crawler was modified by installing side sponsons to carry battlecannons and ball mounts for heavy bolters, and converting the passenger compartment to carry ammunition. Also, the front armour was reinforced and commander's and driver's preiscopes added. While they were doing the modifications, they also strengthened the tracks and added targeting devices to make it a more efficient tank. The Thor is a strange and ungainly looking vehicle, but it serves its purpose quite well, and has been a highly successful design.

Type: VERY SLOW.  Maximum Move = 6".  Tank.

Crew: Squat Warriors.

Weapons: One hull-mounted forward-firing battlecannon with a 120 degree arc of fire; two sponson-mounted autocannons with a 180 degree arc of fire to each side; and four hull-mounted heavy bolters, each with a 180 degree arc of fire, one to each side, one to the rear, and one forward.

Options: May be given vehicle upgrades from the Squat Armoury.

Special Rule:  Due to its immense size, and stability, the Thor may fire all of its weapons including the battlecannon even if it moves the full 6".


sq3-blitz.jpg (21387 bytes)

  Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Blitz 100 12 10 10 3

The Blitz Light Tank was developed for reconaissance, to be a high speed vehicle, with a rapid-firing weapon for engaging massed infantry and light vehicles. It is also used to support the heavier tanks and give them protection from infantry assaults and assaults by fast moving light vehicles. It is a very small and maneuverable vehicle, relying more on speed than it does on armour for protection.

Type: Tankette, Fast.

Crew: Squat Warriors.

Weapons: Twin-linked heavy bolters; one multi-laser with a 90 degree arc of fire forward; one grenade launcher with a 90 degree arc of fire forward.

Options: May be given vehicle upgrades from the Squat Armoury.

Special Rule:  The Blitz is fitted with special gyro-stabilizers allowing all weapons to be fired on the move; in game terms this means the Blitz may fire all of its weapons if it moves up to 12".  It can fire one weapon up to full move (remember, twin-linked weapons count as one).



Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Ulf 150 14 12 12 3

Type: Tank.

Crew: Squat.

Weapons: The Ulf is armed with turret-mounted twin-linked rail guns and a hull-mounted lascannon.

Options: A Ulf may have a smoke launcher for +3 points.   An Ulf may be given vehicle upgrades from the Squat Armoury.

Transport: CHIMERA


Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Chimera 95 12 10 10 3

Type: Tank.

Crew: Squat.

Weapons: The Chimera is armed with a turret-mounted multi-laser and a hull-mounted heavy bolter.

Options: A Chimera may have a smoke launcher for +3 points.  May be given vehicle upgrades from the Squat Armoury.

Transport: CHIMEDON


Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Chimedon 110 13 11 10 3

Chimedon assault vehicles have had their turret strengthened to mout a short barreled battle cannon similar to those carried by a Leman Russ. The battle cannon's powerful armour-piercing shells can easily smash opposing tanks, giving it tremendous tactical flexibility when combined with the Chimera's sturdy and maneuverable hull. They provide supporting fire for platoons of infantry which are facing enemy armour or dug-in infantry. They are also used in the mobile formations such as the SOCs and armoured cavalry to replace tanks.

Type: Tank.

Crew: Squat Warriors.

Weapons: The Chimedon is armed with a turret-mounted battlecannon and a hull-mounted heavy bolter.

Options: A Chimedon may have a smoke launcher for +3 points.  May be given vehicle upgrades from the Squat Armoury.

Transport: CHIMERAX


Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Chimerax 140 12 10 10 3

Chimerax assault vehicles are easily recognisable because their turret has been upgraded to mount four light autocannon. These multiple autocannon allow the Chimerax to lay down a withering curtain of fire. This is highly effective for keeping enemy infantry, light skimmers and flyers at bay even though the Chimerax is not equipped with complex tracking and ranging sensors like its larger cousin, the Hydra self propelled anti-aircraft gun.

Type: Tank.

Crew: Squat Warriors.

Weapons: The Chimerax is armed with four turret-mounted autocannons (counts as two sets of twin-linked autocannons, they must all be fired at the same target and they can all be fired if moving) and a hull-mounted heavy bolter.

Options: A Chimerax may have a smoke launcher for +3 points.  May be given vehicle upgrades from the Squat Armoury.



Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Basilisk 100 12 10 10 3

The Basilisk is a mobile artillery platform based on the Chimera chassis.   It is fully mobile and can keep pace with the main infantry advance, and can be deployed ready for battle in a manner of moments.

Type: Tank, Open-topped.

Crew: Squat Warriors.

Weapons: The Basilisk is armed with an Earthshaker artillery gun and a hull-mounted heavy bolter.

Options: A Basilisk may have a smoke launcher for +3 points.  May be given vehicle upgrades from the Squat Armoury.



Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Griffon 75 12 10 10 3

The Griffon armoured weapons carrier is one of the most frequently employed of all special Chimera variants.  It is tailored to provide close to medium range mobile artillery support.  Its armament is a deadly heavy mortar designed to lob shells high over the battlefield and onto concealed enemy targets.

Type: Tank, Open-topped.

Crew: Squat Warriors.

Weapons: The Griffon is armed with a heavy mortar and a hull-mounted heavy bolter.

Options: A Griffon may have a smoke launcher for +3 points.  May be given vehicle upgrades from the Squat Armoury.

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