Squat Armoury

Characters can have up to two single-handed weapons, or a single-handed weapon and a two-handed weapon.  You may also pick 100 points worth of wargear per model but no model may be given the same item twice.  The full rules for Imperial Wargear can be found in the section of this codex titled 'Imperial Wargear'.  All wargear and weapons must be represented on the model.



Squat laspistol

1 pt

Close combat weapon 1 pt
Force weapon
(Living Ancestor only)
30 pts
Power weapon 10 pts
Power fist 15 pts
Plasma pistol 10 pts


Squat Lasgun 2 pt
Shotgun 1 pt
      Bolter-flamer 10 pts
      Bolter-grenade launcher 10 pts
      Bolter-plasma gun 15 pts
      Bolter-meltagun 15 pts



Any Squat vehicle stated in the army lists can have the following additional equipment.  All upgrades must be shown on the model and no upgrade can be taken more than once.

Dozer blade 5 pts
Extra armour 5 pts
Hunter-killer missile 15 pts
Pintle-mounted storm bolter 10 pts
Searchlight 1 pt
Smoke launchers 3 pts


Auspex 2 pts
Bionics 10 pts
Carapace armour 7 pts
Frag grenades 1 pt
Exo-armour 20 pts
Holy Relic (Standard Bearer only, no more than one per army) 40 pts
House banner
(Standard Bearer only*)
60 pts
Iron Halo (one per army) 25 pts
Krak grenades 2 pts
Master-crafted weapon +15 pts
Melta bombs 5 pts
Psychic hood (Living Ancestor only) 25 pts
Sacred standard (Standard Bearer only) 20 pts
Servo-arm (Guildmaster Technician only) 30 pts
Signum (Guildmaster Technician only) 15 pts
Squat Bike 20 pts
Stabilised Anti-Grav Harness 10 pts


1) Only armies of 2,000 points or more may take a House banner, and only armies of 3,000 points or more may have a House banner and a holy relic.


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