Ull the Hunter

SOC Operative

Ull joined the SOC as a recruit from the death world of Catachan. He has served in the standard squads working his way steadily up through the ranks and after several battles transfered to the recon unit, where he was trained as a scout and showed an adeptness for finding hidden enemy camps and searching out enemy troops that had set up to ambush the Imperial forces in the area. While on a mission during the campaign on Arx, his squad of five recon troopers was attacked by a Khorne Berzerker Champion accompanied by three Flesh Hounds. The squad managed to kill two of the Flesh Hounds before the skirmish was over. Ull returned to consciousness after being severely wounded during the skirmish, and found himself lying at the bottom of a ravine amongst thick brush, this must have been what saved him, because when he climbed out, which took several hours due to his severe wounds, all that was to be found of his squad was bloody bits of uniforms, a few bloody bits of flesh, and some bloody and mangled equipment. To this day Ull is not sure how long he wandered, out of his head from his wounds and loss of his companions, but he was finally found by a Space Marine Scout patrol and returned to his unit's medical facility, where he lay for weeks mending the many wounds and broken bones he had. For a long time the medics thought that he would not survive, due to the corruption and poisoning of his flesh caused by the teeth and claws of the foul Chaos beast. During his recovery, the medics tried newly developed drugs and serums on him to combat the poisons and corruption. After he had healed, it was discovered that his physical abilities had been much enhanced. His strength, toughness, endurance, dexterity, and agility were well above that of normal men. But he had paid a price: His hair had turned to purist white, and his face and torso were horribly scarred. The medics repaired the damage to his face to where the scars are no longer visible, but to any of his old friends he is no longer recognizable. The medics had to give him a whole new face, and his right eye was beyond saving, so it was replaced with a bionic replacement that looks almost normal, but not quite.

Ull has sworn to kill every Chaos creature or Cultist that crosses his path, and he has sworn to hunt down the one that set the foul Flesh Hounds upon his companions and himself. His ongoing search for this minion of the Chaos god Khorne has earned him his nickname, "The Hunter." Ull has became a lone hunter and enemy of all of Chaos, he takes on missions that no one else will. His hatred for Chaos has imbued him with a strength of will that their foul aura cannot affect. He is no fool, but he has no terror of Chaos. He makes his life's mission that of hunting down the followers of Chaos wherever they may be found.

Ull has worked with the Techpriests to develop his own unique weapons for his fight. This has been condoned by his superiors, as they have recognized that he makes a useful tool in the never-ending fight against Chaos and Heresy.



WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Ull the Hunter 210 5 5 4 4 3 6 4 10 4+

Wargear: Striker Combat Shotgun, bolt pistol, the sword Retribution, frag and krak grenades; Carapace armour; Bionic Eye; C'tan Phase Field


Infiltrator: Ull has been trained well in the arts of stealth and infiltration.  He may use the Infiltrators rules in any mission that allows them to be used.

Fearless: Ull has seen many horrors in his career as a SOC Trooper.  He has fought the dark forces of Chaos thousands of times, and still he has not shown an ounce of fright.  Ull is assumed to pass any Ld test he is required to make.

Individual:  Ull fights alone.  He will not join any SOC unit.

Hates Chaos:  Ull has an intense hatred for all things Chaos.  Whenever Ull is in hand to hand combat with a Chaos model, he will hit on a 3+ regardless of his opponent's WS.

Stealthy:  Ull has learned from some of the best how to keep himself hidden from the eyes of the enemy.  Ull gains a +1 cover save when standing in cover.


Striker Combat Shotgun

The Striker Combat Shotgun is a special modification of the heavy bolt throwers used by dangerous game hunters on death worlds. This weapon fires an explosive bolt that uses a specially designed propellant charge. It also is capable of firing a special Force Bolt that has been designed by the Techpriests with the aid of the Adeptus Telepathica psykers.

  Range Str AP Type
Bolt rounds 24" 4 6 Assault 1
Scatter rounds 18" 3 - Assault 1/Blast, no cover save
Executioner rounds 18" 4 5 Assault 1, no cover save
Force Bolts 24" 6 4 Assault 1, no daemon/psyker save



The sword Retribution was forged some time in the dim past before any reliable records were kept. All that is known is that it was carried by Andrus the Daemon Slayer, a legendary hero of the Imperium that lived in the time of legend during the period just after the Dark Age of Technology during the first of the incursions of the foul Chaos Spawn.  Retribution counts as a power sword striking a Strength 8, and allows no daemonic aura saves.


C'tan Phase Field

The C'tan Phase Field is a generator that is worn as a special harness that goes up and over the shoulders and fastens with a belt at the waist. It creates a field of phase energy around the wearer that makes him appear to phase in and out of realspace, making it hard for an opponent to hit him with either ranged or close combat weapons. It also will cause the enemy's weapons to deflect away from the wearer. They almost appear to pass through the wearer without harming him. This gives the wearer a 3+ invulnerable save, and it deducts -1 at ranges up to 24" and -2 at ranges of 25"+ from the opponent's Ballistic Skill when rolling to hit when they are firing any ranged weapon at the wearer. It also deducts -1 from the opponent's Weapon Skill in hand-to-hand combat.

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