Special Operations Commandos |
The Special Operations Commandos (SOC) were created to give the Imperial Guard a force that could operate independently as either Advanced Reconaissance, Anti-Terrorist (Anti-Heretics/Cultists) Group, and/or to penetrate and operate behind enemy lines, disrupting their communications, supply, and infrastructure. For this type of missions, only the fittest and best-trained troopers are accepted, and then they are put through grueling training that only three out of 1000 ever completes. Many of the SOC rejects end up in the Stormtroopers, as, even though they were not good enough for SOC, they are still some of the finest troopers in all the Imperium. SOC troopers specialise in Infiltration, Recon, Forward Observer, and Sabotage missions, they are also the troopers called upon for special Rescue missions and Search and Destroy missions of covert nature.
The SOC have a different organisation from normal regiments or battalions, as they are a light unit that depends on Stealth, and quick movement to fulfill their mission and not on massed artillary and tanks.
The Special Operations Commandos Command structure is as follows:
Battalion Commander is a Senior Colonel.
Company Commanders are Captains or Majors.
Platoon Commanders are Lieutenants.
Squads are led by Veteran Sergeants.
Vehicle Troupes are led by a Captain or Lieutenant.
Vehicle Squadrons (not Bike or Light Vehicle Squadrons) are led by a Lieutenant.
Bike or Light Vehicle Squadrons are led by a Veteran Segeant.
Covert Operatives operate as individuals or in small special units, and the general
Command structure does not apply.
The Supply Company is commanded by a Quartermaster Captain, and is organized as follows:
It has a Transport Section, a Quartermaster Section (Supplies), a Commisary Section (Cooks, etc.), and an Armourers Section. Each of these sections are commanded by either a Lieutenant.
The SOC battalions are organised as per the following chart:
Special Operations Commandos Battalions
The SOC Companies are organized as per the following chart:
Special Operations Commandos Companies
The SOC Platoons are organized as per the following chart:
Special Operations Commandos Platoons