Sergeant Major O'Brian

Sergeant Major O'Brian of the 3rd Platoon of the Recon Company of the 1st SOC Battalion

Sgt. Major O'Brian comes from the Hell World of Catachan, and is one of the most skilled and Stealthy Jungle Fighters in the Imperium. He is renowned for his skill in setting up ambushes and booby-traps, his ability to use cover to get close to the enemy is uncanny, and the men of his platoon and company have come to calll him O'Brian the Phantom, and the nickname is starting to spread wherever the SOC has operated.



WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Sergeant Major O'Brian 120 4 5 3 3 2 5 2 9 4+

Weapons: Hellpistol, hellgun/flamer combi-weapon, power sword, frag, krak, and white phorphorous grenades, and a LAW; Cameoline; Carapace Armour.


Infiltrator: O'Brian has been trained well in the arts of stealth and infiltration.  He, and any unit he is leading, may use the Infiltrators rules in any mission that allows them to be used.

Stealthy:  O'Brian's ability to conceal himself has gained quite a reputation.  He is able to blend in with shadows, an ability that is double deadly when combined with his cameoline.  O'brain gains a +1 cover save when standing in cover.  This bonus is added to the bonus for his cameoline.

Independent Character:  O' Brian may operate as an indepent character. He may only join SOC squads and if he does, he may take command from its sergeant and use his Ld for all rolls.

Force Commander:  O'Brian may be the commander of any force of less than 1000 points, unless a Colonel or Captain is included in the Force.


O'Brian wears a special suit made of materials which alter their colour to blend in with the scenery around them, almost like the way a chameleon changes colour to hide itself.  This suit hides O'Brian from the eyes of his enemies, allowing him to sneak up on them and assault them from an unexpected area.

The cameoline suit gives O'Brian a +1 bonus to all cover saves.  When standing in the open, O'Brian counts as having a 6+ cover save.

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