
Welcome to Codex: Special Operations Commandos, a book dedicated to the Special Forces of the Imperial Guard.

Overview of the SOCs

The Special Operations Commandos (SOC) were created to give the Imperial Guard a force that could operate independently as either Advanced Reconaissance, Anti-Terrorist (Anti-Heretics/Cultists) Group, and/or to penetrate and operate behind enemy lines, disrupting their communications, supply, and infrastructure. For this type of mission, only the fittest and most well-trained troopers are accepted, and then they are put through grueling training that only three out of 1000 ever completes. Many of the SOC rejects end up in the Stormtroopers, as, even though they were not good enough for SOC, they are still some of the finest troopers in all the Imperium. SOC troopers specialise in Infiltration, Recon, Forward Observer, and Sabotage missions, they are also the troopers called upon for special Rescue missions and Search and Destroy missions of covert nature.

The SOC have a different organisation from normal regiments or battalions, as they are a light unit that depends on Stealth, and quick movement to fulfill their mission and not on massed artillary and tanks.

Why Collect A SOC Army

The SOCs are a fun and challenging army to play.  They combine elements of both the Imperial Guard and Space Marines.  The SOCs are a group of rugged Imperial Guard veterans who have learned the army of stealth and new ways of fighting war.  They are the antithesis of a "normal" Imperial Guard regiment:  Their fighting units are small, they have a loose organization, they rely on stealth and silent movement, and they have very few armoured vehicles.

The SOCs are a great army for people who like the painting and modelling aspect of the hobby.  There is a wide selection of troops, each of which can be made using any variety of models.  The camoflage used by the SOCs provides a wonderful painting experience.  There are few armoured vehicles to model, so you don't have to spend large amounts of time painting tanks.  And best of all, a SOC army is small in comparison to other Imperial Guard armies, so you can spend more time on individual Troopers or vehicles.

What's In This Book?

This Codex includes two sections:

The Army List. Tells you about the different characters, troops, weapons and vehicles available to a SOC army, and how to select an army for use in a Warhammer 40,000 game.

Special Operations Commandos.  This section gives some information on the history and organization of the Special Operations Commandos, as well as three unique individuals serving with the SOCs.

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