Commisar Cromwell |
Commisar Cromwell is the oldest active Commisar in service to the Emperor. Cromwell originally came from Cadia, and he has fought in several major campaigns over his long life. His steadfast and unyeilding faith is legendary throughout the Imperium. His name alone can bring fear to the hearts of Traitors. He carries the Tome of Judgement with him into battle and it is said that every Traitor's name is recorded there-in, along with the Judgement against him.
Cromwell goes into battle with his battle cry, "True Faith and The Emperor!"
Cromwell always dresses in the severest black, and he is said to never smile. His eyes glow with fanatical devotion.
Points/Model |
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Save | |
Commissar Cromwell | 140 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 3 | 10 | 4+ |
Wargear: Cromwell's Combi-Pistol, sword, frag and krak grenades; Tome of Judgement; The Seal of Devotion.
SPECIAL RULES Summary Execution: Special rules apply to Commissars (see the Commissars' special rules on page 5 of Codex: Imperial Guard for details) Fearless: Commissar Cromwell has seen almost every horror there is to see in this galaxy. He has faced down the most horrible daemons, fought a Hive Tyrant in one-on-one combat, and has seen thousands of men slaughtered in a matter of seconds by a horde of Chaos Cultists. Nothing can move him to fright anymore. Cromwell is assumed to pass any Ld test he is required to make, as well as any squad he joins. Inspiration: Cromwell is an inspirational Commissar, stirring the troopers of the SOC to greater acts of heroism with his orations and his deeds. His sight on the battlefield uplifts many a trooper's heart. Any unit within 8" of Cromwell will automatically pass alll Leadership tests. |
Tome of Judgement
The Tome of Judgement is an ancient book, filled with damning judgements against many of the Imperium's worst enemies: The Traitors who turned their backs on the Imperium. It is said that the names of the damned are written in this tome, as are their dark deeds. But the tome is also a tool of salvation, for if a Traitor were to repent his sins and allow himself to be redeemed in death then his name may be stricken from the book. The SOCs are loyal to the Emperor almost to the point of fanatical devotion, and would do anything to purge the Traitors of the Imperium from the galaxy.
All Traitors (opposing Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Chaos troops, etc.) within 12" of Cromwell fight with a -1 WS and BS. The Tome causes a sense of fear in Traitors, and any Traitors wishing to charge Cromwell must first pass a Ld test to do so. If Cromwell is killed in battle, all Loyalists (including units not belonging to the SOC) within line of sight to the Tome suffer a -1 penalty to any Ld tests they are required to take until someone moves into contact with the fallen Cromwell and gives up their Shooting Phase to recover the tome.
Cromwell's Master-Crafted Combi-Pistol
Commissar Cromwell had a very special pistol built for him in his early days with the SOC. The pistol is a combi-weapon, a combination of a bolt pistol and plasma pistol. But it is far more than just that: The weapon was hand-built by the Tech-Magos Eramus Kardt, masterly crafted into an object of sheer beauty. The pistol has not failed Cromwell yet, and his aim with this weapon is very awesome indeed.
Cromwell's combi-pistol acts as a combi-weapon made up of a bolt pistol and a plasma pistol. He may be allowed to fire either one in a turn. Because of the special care taken in crafting the pistol to suit Cromwell, any misses in the Shooting Phase may be re-rolled.
The Seal of Devotion
The Seal of Devotion was given to Cromwell after he led a charge up Mount Guinen on the planet Wayard. It was said that such was his devotion in carrying out the Emperor's will that no weapon could harm him; no enemy psyker could touch his mind. The Seal was built with a force field in the rounded portion of the seal that holds it to Cromwell's coat.
The Seal of Devotion give Cromwell a 4+ invulnerable save against any attack, including psychic powers.