Conversion Field: The Conversion Field contains a device that converts harmful kinetic or electromagnetic energy into a blinding flash of light, giving the wearer a 4+ Invulnerable same that may be taken instead of its normal armor save. All other models in base contact (friend and foe!) with the wearer must make their regular saving throw (armor, invulnerable, cover, etc) or have their Weapon Skill reduced by ½ for the rest of the turn. Note that models may only select one Field from the Wargear list.

Displacer Field: The Displacer Field contains a device that detects possible injury to the wearer, and activates a miniature warp-jump engine to move the wearer out of harm’s way. This device gives a 3+ Invulnerable save that may be used instead of taking a normal armor save. Take these saves as normal, but at the end of the Shooting or Assault Phase (assuming the model is still alive!), roll the Scatter die and move the model in that direction D6 inches (use the small arrow if a "Hit" is rolled). If the scatter movement would move the model off the table edge, or into a scenery section like a rock, roll again. If this moves the model into base contact with any enemy models, place it 1" away from them. Note that models may only select one Field from the Wargear list.

Force Weapon: Force weapons are potent psychic weapons that can only be used by a trained psyker such as a Librarian. They are treated as a power weapon, but can unleash a psychic attack that can kill an opponent outright. Roll to hit, to wound and to save as normal. Then, as long as at least one wound has been inflicted, make a Psychic test for the psyker against one opponent wounded by the weapon. The normal rules for using psychic powers apply, and you can not use another psychic ability in the same turn. If the test is passed then the opponent is slain outright, no matter how many wounds it has (but count the actual amount inflicted for determining which side won the assault).

Haywire Grenades: Haywire grenades are used to disable the electronic components in an opposing army's vehicles.    They can only be used against vehicles.  A model making an attack with these grenades may only make one attack, regardless of Attacks characteristic or any other factor.  If the attack hits, roll a D6:  1=no effect; 2-5=glancing hit; 6=penetrating hit.  A Haywire grenade may only be used against a Dreadnought if it has already been immobilized or stunned.

Master-Crafted Weapons: A master-crafted weapon follows the normal rules for the weapon, except that you may re-roll one failed to hit roll per turn. Master-crafted weapons are taken as an upgrade for a weapon that is already being carried by a model and should be represented by a suitably ornate weapon on the model itself. Please note that you may not master-craft grenades!

The cost listed in the Wargear section is in addition to the cost of the weapon itself leg a master-crafted power weapon costs 15+15=30 pts). However, only the upgrade costs are taken against the 100 points limit on wargear for a model (so the master-crafted power weapon above would count as 15 points against the 100 points limit, not 30 points).

Medi-Pack: Medi-packs allow you to ignore the first failed saving throw each turn for the unit that the character is with. The Narthecium may not be used on any model who has been unfortunate enough to suffer 'Instant Death' (e.g., hit by a weapon with twice its Toughness) or that has been hit by a weapon that allows no save. It may also not be used if the character is in base contact with an enemy model.

Null Field: A null field is a field of negative Warp energy which nullifies any psychic power's affects.  A model wearing a null field is unaffected by a psychic power on a D6 roll of a 4+.  If the psychic power affected any models other than the model wearing the null field, they are still affected by it.

Power Field: A Power Field generates a powerful energy bubble around the user, giving the wearer a 2+ Invulnerable same that may be taken instead of its normal armor save. This save can only be used against ranged attacks – in an Assault, the enemy is inside the area of the energy bubble and the field can offer no help. The device is bulky as well, and the wearer will suffer –1 Initiative. Note that models may only select one Field from the Wargear list.

Refractor Field: This piece of equipment produces an energy field that gives the model a 5+ invulnerable save.  This may be used instead of the model's normal armour save.

Scanner: A scanner is used to detect hidden enemy troops. If enemy infiltrators set up within 4D6" of a model with a scanner, then that model is allowed to take a 'free' shot at them (or sound the alarm in a Raid scenario). If the model is part of a unit then the whole unit may shoot. These shots are taken before the battle begins, and may cause the infiltrators to fall back. The normal shooting rules apply.

Targeter: Models equipped with a targeter are allowed to pre-measure the range to a target before they decide who to shoot at in the shooting phase.

Temple Standard: Add +1 to the Slann combat resolution score of any assault that takes place within 6" of an ancestral banner. However, if the model bearing the banner is slain in close combat, then the enemy model that slew him captures the banner and gets the bonus from then on. It is possible for a banner to change hands several times in a single battle, as long as the model holding the banner is slain in close combat each time.

Terradon Jetbike: These operate just like a regular jetbike (see page 94 of the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook), and are mounted with twin-linked Boltcasters. The rider gains +1 Toughness and +2 to his save (this does not apply to invulnerable saves, only normal armour saves).



Weapon Range Strength AP Type Special
Boltcaster 32" 4 5 Rapid Fire See description
Beamer 72" 10 1 Heavy 1  
Burst Cannon 36" 6 3 Heavy 3  
Graviton Gun 24" - - Heavy 1  
Hand Caster 16" 4 5 Pistol  
Hand Flamer Template 3 6 Pistol  
Needler 18" X 6 Assault 1 See description
Needle Pistol 12" X 6 Pistol See description
Neuro-Disruptor 12" 8 1 Assault 1 Roll against Ld to wound
Webber 12" - - Assault 1 See description


Beamer: The Slann have become very capable at making weapons that fire concentrated energy.  The Beamer is one such weapon.  It fires a highly concentrated bolt of super-heated energy, much in the same way as the small boltcasters and hand casters.

Boltcaster: The boltcaster appears to be a very high tech crossbow, but instead of firing a crossbow bolt, it fires a high tech bolt that has a super-heated penetrator that fires a blast of concentrated super-heated energy upon impact, literally burning its way through the target.
Boltcasters fire 16" when rapid-fired, instead of the normal 12".

Burst Cannon:
The Burst Cannon fires a burst of energy bolts, scything down troops in a hail of deadly shots.  The burst cannon is capable of firing through the toughest of armour, with anything less than Terminator armour giving no protection at all from its bolts.

Force Halberd: The Force Halberd is an ancient weapon developed by the Slann Mages working with technicians to combine psychic energy and warp technology.  It is treated as a Slann halberd (ie power weapon with +1 Strength), but can unleash a psychic attack that can kill an opponent outright. Roll to hit, to wound and to save as normal. Then, as long as at least one wound has been inflicted, make a Psychic test for the psyker against one opponent wounded by the halberd. The normal rules for using psychic powers apply, and you can not use another psychic ability in the same turn. If the test is passed then the opponent is slain outright, no matter how many wounds it has (but count the actual amount inflicted for determining which side won the assault).  Against daemons, they use a combination of stored psychic energy and Warp field technology.  All hits against daemons wound on a 4+ regardless of the daemon's Toughness, and the halberd negates all Daemonic Aura saves.

Graviton Gun: This arcane rifle fires a stream of graviton particles, which disrupt the gravimetric field around the target. Infantry, cavalry, bikes, and vehicles (except Skimmers) hit once by a Gravitron Gun move as if always in Difficult Terrain (even if it can ignore Difficult Terrain). Non-vehicle models already in Difficult Terrain when effected now can only roll 1D6 for movement. When hit twice or more, the model cannot move that turn and counts as Immobilized; it will still count as having moved though for weapon fire rules though. These effects last the rest of the game. Normal vehicles hit more than once suffer no additional penalty. Skimmers hit by a Graviton gun take an automatic Glancing Blow hit (roll a D3 for the result on the table though) as the graviton particles disrupt their anti-grav drives, but have no other lasting effects.

Hand Caster: The hand caster is a smaller version of the boltcaster, designed for use in close combat.  It appears in form to be a high tech hand crossbow.

Hand Flamer: This is a smaller, more compact version of the regular flamer seen widely in Imperial forces. It can be used to fire a template area effect shot, with the profile above, but can also be used in close combat like a regular pistol.

Needler: Also known as a Needle Gun, it has the same effects as a Sniper Rifle but is shorter range and not as accurate. It still wounds automatically on a 4+, but the bearer must roll to hit as normal. Units hit must still test for pinning as per the normal Sniper Rifle rules.

Needle Pistol: A needle pistol is a small, one handed. version of a needler.  It uses the same rules as the needler to wound and for pinning.

Neuro-Disruptor:  A Neuro Disruptor is an extremely advanced weapon.  It uses a series of high technology circuits and delicately cut crystals to launch a different sort of attack from most weapons:  The neuro-disruptor attacks the mind.  In game terms, the neuro-disruptor counts as having a Str. 8, but you do not roll against the Toughness as normal.  Instead, roll against the target's Ld characteristic to wound it, as if its Ld was its Toughness.

Slann Halberd: The Slann Halberd has a generator in its long metal shaft that projects a power field around the blade, strengthening the hits caused by the wielder.  It counts as a power weapon, but adds +1 to the user's Strength.

Webber: Web Guns (also commonly known as Webbers) fire a compressed mass of thin plaswire at the target, which explodes into a large web on contact. An enemy model hit by a Webber must roll under their Strength (a 6 always fails) or be entangled by the webbing. If they roll equal to or above, they are unaffected, but if they fail place the model on it’s side. While webbed, the model cannot move, and cannot fight back in an Assault. It may test at the start of each of its turns to free itself; if it succeeds then it may move & fight as normal. Multiple hits from a webber have no cumulative effect, and models still webbed at the end of the game do not count towards enemy casualties for Victory Points as they are still very much alive (just not kicking).


Slann Vehicle Upgrades

Ablative Armour: The vehicle is fitted with extra armour plates covering various areas of its hull.  When a vehicle is hit by an attack that causes damage (ie, anything except Crew Shaken/Stunned), the ablative armour absorbs the shot and no damage is done to the vehicle.  Ablative armour will only stop one penetrating hit; after that it is destroyed in that facing.

Electro-Hull:  The vehicle's hull is protected from an assault by an electrical field.  When a unit or character assaults the vehicle, they must take an Initiative test.  If it is failed, the unit or character must be moved back so that they are 2" from the vehicle.

Extra Armour: Some Slann vehicle crews add additional armour plating to their vehicles to provide a little extra protection, Vehicles equipped with extra armour count 'crew stunned' results on the Vehicle Damage tables as a 'crew shaken' result instead.

Rough Terrain Modification: This is a catch-all category for the many upgrades that help vehicles move through difficult terrain, such as dozer blades.  They allow a vehicle moving no further than 6" that turn to re-roll a failed Difficult Terrain test.

Searchlight: Searchlights are only of any use in missions where the rules for night fighting are being used. They allow one enemy unit spotted by the vehicle to be fired at by any other Slann that are in range and have a line of fire (the enemy unit has been illuminated by the vehicle's searchlight). However, a vehicle that uses a searchlight can be fired on by any enemy units in their next turn, as they can see the searchlight shining out into the dark

Supercharged Engines:  The vehicle is fitted with engines that have been souped-up to hit speeds much faster than it was ever meant to achieve.  The vehicle is allowed to move a further 6" every turn.  This does not count against shooting or embarking/disembarking.


Fiery Convocation
The Slann blasts his target with a fiery spell, incinerating him in seconds.   This power is used just like a shooting attack with the following statistics.

Range Strength AP Type
24" 5 4 Assault 1

The Glory of Quatl
All friendly units within 12" of the caster automatically pass Ld tests. Fleeing units within 12" will rally immediately.  This power lasts until the Slann's next shooting phase.

This power can be directed at an enemy unit within 24". The target unit must take a morale test immediately. If it fails, the unit begins falling back.

Psychic Blast
The Slann blasts his target with a psychic bolt, overloading it with psychic energy..  This power is used just like a shooting attack with the following statistics.  It may be used either way.

Range Strength AP Type
24" 6 3 Assault 1
18" 10 1 Heavy 1

This power can be cast upon the Mage himself, or upon a friendly model within 12" that has suffered 1 or more wounds. The model immediately recovers 1 wound.

The Mage opens a gate through the Warp.  Make two special Gate markers and place them within 18" of the Mage.  The two markers represent the two sides of the Gate.  Any models which move into one of the Gate markers disappear, instantaneously reappearing out of the other Gate marker.   Models expend no movement between the Gate markers and may charge or make run moves through them as normal.  Only models small enough to get through the tunnel may use it, so no vehicles, etc. can pass through.  The Gate remains in play until the Slann using it is killed.  Place a token or die with the Gate markers or at the edge of the table to remind yourself that the Gate is in use.

Energy Shield
The Slann conjures a shield of psychic energy to protect himself.  Should the Slann subsequently suffer 1 or more wounds from either shooting or close combat the shield will absorb and negate each wound on the D6 roll of 3, 4, 5 or 6; roll 1D6 per wound caused.  If the Slann is attacked by a psychic power which either causes wounds or kills him outright, the Energy Shield will save him on the D6 roll of a 4, 5 or 6.

The Slann examines the skeins of probability to try to determine which courses of action will give a single Slann squad or vehicle the best chances of success.  As a result a +1 modifier is applied to all the squad's shooting and close combat to hit rolls.  Fate remains in play until the beginning of the next shooting phase.

Mind Assault
The Slann reaches out and blasts the mind of a single enemy model within 36".  The Slann rolls 4D6 plus +1D6 for each force card he uses to energize the power.  Mind Assault automatically inflicts 1 wound on the target for each 6 the Slann rolls, with no armour saving throws possible.  Mind Assault may be used on a vehicle crewman but the Slann only rolls 2D6.

The Slann hurls his powers against a daemon in an attempt to banish it back into the warp.  The Banishment power travels up to 24" and strikes the first target in its path.  The Slann rolls 2D6 and adds 3 to the result; the daemon rolls 1D6 and adds its current number of wounds to the result.  If the Slann's score beats the daemon's score the daemon is instantly destroyed.  If the scores are drawn the daemon loses half its remaining wounds, rounding down.  If the Slann's score is lower the Banishment power does not work.  If the daemon's score is twice that of the Slann or more the Slann suffers D3 wounds from the psychic feedback.

The Slann turns his immense will power on the mind of a single enemy model and takes over its body for a model in range as his victim.  The victim must pass a Ld test with a -2 modifier to resist the power of the Subjugation.  If the model fails the player can force it to perform one action immediately - this could be to make a normal move, fire a weapon, throw a grenade, etc.  Any firing uses the subjugated model's BS and normal rules apply as regards targeting, line of sight, etc.  Vehicle crew can be targeted with Subjugation but those in enclosed vehicles count as having a Ld of 10; exposed vehicle crew test on their basic Leadership.  A subjugated model cannot be forced to kill itself.

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