The Saim Hann Crafworld employs the use of a large number of jetbikes and skimmers. In battle they use these skimmers to make fast hit and run attacks against their enemies, slashing at them with lasers, shuriken, and plasma fire. The crafworld is also know for its Wild Riders - jetbike riders who are very skilled and very deadly. The Wild Riders swoop down upon their foe relentlessly, destroying them with massed shuriken fire.
Squadron: The squadron consists of 3-10 Jetbikes. Type: Jetbike. Weapons: The jetbike is armed with twin-linked shuriken catapults. The riders are armed with a shuriken pistol. Options: Up to one in three jetbikes may replace their shuriken catapults with a single shuriken cannon at +20 points per model. |
If you want to run a Saim Hann army, use the following structure:
Fast Attack:
Heavy Support: