Company Composition Changes
The Serpents of Death had incorporated several variations into their chapter structure that differed from codex norms, one of the most noticeable was the variation in company composition. There are also several changes in available wargear, and several additional unit restrictions.
Structural Changes
Note on Serpents of Death Ranks:
If the following lists, the following rank titles are used; Lieutenant, Captain, and
Commander. These ranks are translated into Warhammer 40K rules as follows; Lieutenant is a
Leader Space Marine Hero, Captain is a Commander Space Marine Hero, and Commander is a
Force Commander Space Marine Hero.
Headquarters Composition
Serpents of Death Commander
High Chaplain
Chief Librarian
Chief Apothecary
Company Standard Bearer
3 x 10 Veterans with Tactical Dreadnought Armour
4 Dreadnoughts
3 Land Raiders
Standard Composition for First through Sixth Companies:
Company Captain
Company Chaplain
Company Librarian
Company Apothecary
Company Standard Bearer
1 x 10 strong Veteran Squad
3 x 10 strong Tactical Squads
2 x 10 strong Devastator Squads
1 x 10 strong Assault Squad (may be equipped with jump-packs or bikes)
2 x 10 strong Bike Squads
1 x 10 strong Scout Squad
Notes: Typically equipped with six Rhinos. Razorbacks, Predators, and Land Speeders could be requisitioned from the Company Armoury.
Standard Composition for Seventh and Eighth Companies:
Company Lieutenant
Company Chaplain
Company Librarian
Company Apothecary
Company Standard Bearer
8 x 10 strong Tactical Squads
2 x 10 strong Bike Squads
Notes: Typically equipped with eight Rhinos. Predators, Vindicators, and Whirlwinds could be requisitioned from the Company Armoury if needed.
Standard Composition for the Ninth Company:
Company Captain
Company Chaplain
Company Librarian
Company Apothecary
Company Standard Bearer
10 x 10 strong Bike Squads
Notes: Company also equipped with 10 Land Speeders, and 10 Attack Bikes. Predators could be requisitioned from the Chapter Armoury if needed.
Standard Composition for the Tenth Company:
Company Lieutenant
Company Chaplain
Company Apothecary
Company Standard Bearer
4+ 6-12 strong Scout Bike Squads
Notes: The Tenth Company was reserved for those new to the company, as such they could only requisition additional equipment from the Chapters Armoury for training purposes only.
Wargear Changes
Banner of Hope - The Banner of Hope is a collage of pictures drawn by the children, and then quilted together into a banner that is given to a Standard Bearer as a gift by the populace. The Banner of Hope is treated identically to the Sacred Standard. - 20 points.
Caducus Serpents - The character has been bonded by a caducus serpens that accompanies the character into battle. The Caducus Serpens provides a +1 attack bonus to the character. May not be taken with Terminator Armour. - 15 points.
Childs Hope - This is a small gift given to the marine (typically a drawing given to the marine depicting a marine slaying whatever they are fighting against), and affixed to the marines armour by the Chapters Chaplain. This has the same effect as Purity Seals, and may not be used in conjunction with purity seals. - 5 points.
Favor of the Innocent - This is an item given to either the Chaplain or the Standard Bearer by a representative of the protected populace (typically either a small child or a young maiden). The Favor of the Innocent is treated identically to a Holy Relic - 40 points
Holy Relic - Holy Relics are not used by the Serpents of Death, they are replaced by Favors of the Innocent.
Sacred Standard - Sacred Standards are not used by the Serpents of Death, they are replaced by the Banner of Hope.
Terminator Honours - Terminator Honours may not be taken by the Serpents of Death, only characters with actually have Terminator armour have received Terminator Honours, and it is already included in the entry for Terminator Armour
Unit Variations
Veteran Sergeants - Due to the Serpents of Death not having Terminator Honours, Veteran Sergeants have their Attacks reduced by 1, and their points cost reduced by 10.
Terminator Squad - A Serpents of Death force is restricted to no more than 1 Terminator Squad. In addition, the Terminator squad may not have more than 1 Terminator Heavy Weapon, and at least one half of the remaining terminators must replace their storm bolter with a Combi-Bolter (no add. Cost), Bolter-Flamer (+2), or a Bolter-Melta (+3). Any model may replace its Power Fist with Power Weapon or Lightning Claw at no additional cost, or with a Chain Fist for +5 points.
Terminator Assault Squad - The Serpents of Death may not take Terminator Assault Squads due to the limited number of Terminators available to them.
Dreadnought - A Serpents of Death force is restricted to no more than 1 Dreadnought due to the limited numbers of Dreadnoughts available to them.
Assault Squad - The Serpents of Death may not take more than 1 Jump Pack equipped Assault Squad, due to the limited numbers of jump packs available to them.
Bike Squadron - Due to the large numbers of bikes in use by the Serpents of Death, and their extensive training in their use, Serpents of Death Bike Squadrons may number up to ten marines. However, attack bikes may only be included in the squadron if the Serpents of Death force is representing the Ninth company, in which case all units must be mounted on bikes for the additional cost of 20 points per model (this does not include characters, they must purchase bikes from the wargear list).
Attack Bike Squadron - May only be used in a Serpents of Death Ninth Company force with the above restrictions.
Land Speeder Squadron - A Serpents of Death force is restricted to 1 Land Speeder Squadron, unless it is a Ninth Company force.
Land Raider - A Serpents of Death force is restricted to 1 Land Raider.