History of the Realm

The Prophecy:

  In the time when the Kindred first ventured to the stars, the Great Seer Myrlin saw a great time of troubles would come upon the Kindred, and they would be sundered and cast down for their excesses. He foresaw that a great Seer and Navigator would lead a chosen gathering to a promised Realm where they would keep the true ways of the Kindred. This place would be called Inisfail (“The Realm of Destiny”), and in this Realm the Kindred would grow strong once more in the true ways.

The Immran:

  Four hundred turnings of the seasons (100 Imperial years) before the time of troubles, the young Seer Valindil went out from the Kindred, taking with him a group of the finest Craftsmen and Philososphers of the Kindred. He traveled amongst the many worlds of Eldar, Human, and Squat, gathering knowledge and skills. He and his Bretheren returned to the Homeworlds of the Eldar after 200 turnings of the seasons, and they began to build a Great Fleet, and gather in those who believed as they did. After 160 more turnings of the seasons, all was prepared. They went into the ships and started the Great Immran to their destined Realm. After 40 turnings of the season, they found a cluster of stars with worlds rich in the resources needed to prosper. Some of the Kindred settled upon the six habitable planets, the rest built two great Craftworlds, Tarrel the Capital World, and Caer Draoi the World of Learning, the Home of the Seers and Warlocks colleges.

The Founding:

  The first world settled was Almaren of the Three Moons. The Grey Moon is called Anfauglir, for the Wolf Anfauglir. The Blue Moon is called Luinil, the Blue Light. The Yellow Moon is called Malnair, the Golden Stone.

  This world was already inhabited by the Anfauglir Clans. They are humans that have a warrior society, and use the Wolf as a totem animal. In the Beginning, war raged between the Kindred and the Anfauglir. After centuries of slaughter and killing, peace finally came to the world, when the young Anfauglir Chieftan Borrs saved the life of the young Kindred Duchas Lycculluss and they became fast friends. The Anfauglir have been loyal subjects of the Rhi from that time, under their own Prince.

  The ruling house of Almaren are descendants of the first Rhi Almar, and each succeeding Rhi has used the name Almar.

  The second world to be settled was Lothlorien, the Forest of the Blossoms. This world was only inhabited by wildlife, many of which would be familiar to those who dwelt in the Homeworlds, or even Terra. This world was settled by the Kindred of Loren, and they still follow the Ways of the Forest. Their Rhi and Rhiana are Orion and Ariel, of the Great Oak.

  The third world is called Dimbar, the Land of the Rivers. Those who settled here follow a sea-faring life, they both fish and farm the sea, and many rivers of this world. Their Rhiana is Hareth, and her consort is Maglor, of the Silver Axe, called the Navigator.

  The fourth world is called Mithrim, for the great veins of Mithril found here. Their Rhi is Mabdlung, called the Silver Hand, for his Mithril Hand. The Kindred of this planet are great craftsmen and artificers, it is from here that the finest Mithril Armour comes, also the very finest of swords and other weapons are crafted here.

  The fifth world is named Belfalas, for the Great Mountians that run through its main continent. The Kindred of this world raise the Great Dragons that are ridden by the Dragon Lords into battle. They are herders and great hunters. Their Rhi is CuThalion of the Far Sight.

  The sixth world is Malinal, for the Great Plains of golden grain that is raised by its farmers. This world has been called the Cornucopia of Inisfail, much of the grain is exported to the other worlds and the two Great Craftworlds. Their Rhi is Aethel, who is also one of the Great Draoi.

  All of these worlds are united under the Ard Rhi Valindil, who makes his capital on the Craftworld Tarrel. From Tarrel comes the Guidance for the Realm. The Rhis and Rhianas of all the worlds meet in a Great Council, and advise the Ard Rhi. This council also includes the leadership of the different Draoi Orders and the Craftguilds.

  Each world maintains its own home defense force, and supplies troops to the Sluagh (the Great Hosting) whenever the Crann Tarith (the Firey Branch, the Call to War) goes out. The Ard Rhi also maintains a professional army, the Fianna (the Warrior Ways).

  After millenia of invasion by vile Chaos, the Grand Council decided to hide the Realm from outside intruders. And so the Great Bawn of Inisfail was created. This is a curtain of mystical Warp energy that misdirects intruders from discovering Inisfail. his curtain is not a complete bariier, but it has saved the Realm from most of the destruction unleashed by the minions of Chaos and other enemies. The Webways to the Realm are kept secret, and the only outsiders with knowledge of them are the Harlequin troupes.

  When the Kindred left the homeworlds, they brought with them the great treasures, from Falias they brought the Lia Fail, the Stone of Destiny, they brought it and placed it on the Craftworld Tarrel, and placed it on the dais of the throne, and when the true king stands upon it, it screams a scream that is heard through all the Realm. From Gorias they brought the Spear Answerer. From Findias they brought the Sword Aelbrand. From Murias they brought the Cauldron of Plenty. From Ulthuan they brought the Phoenix Throne. From Loren, they brought the Tree of Destiny (the Oak of Ages). From Anglar they brought the Crown of Anglar. These are the great treasures of the Kindred.

  The Rhi and Rhian are the central part of the social structure of each Rhiad, they are responsible for Harmony between the Kindred and the land, and also for the Prosperity of the Kindred. It is their job to make sure that all of the people prosper, as well as exist in good repute. They are expected to be generous, and if they are stingy, they suffer the Olaav’s Satire, or Glam Diccin, this could well cause their fall from power. They also have to be without blemish in intelligence, character, and physiology.

  To the kindred, there are three legs upon the Cauldron of the World, the wise or Fili (Draoi, Fianns) Ruadh (nobility), and the Aire (the common Eldar). The great crafts are smithing, the silversmith, carpentry, clothmaking, dying, mason, farming, husbandry, and shoemaker. The great arts are magic (psychic powers), story telling, music, rhetoric, oratory, navigation of the starways, strategy, diplomacy, and statecraft. Society is actually divided into seven levels, the common laborer who is allowed one color, the Aire who have some skill are allowed two colors. The Aire who are highly skilled, or own property are allowed three colors, the Brughaides who run the hosteleries are allowed four colors, the average Fili (Olaavs, Draoi, Healers, Fianns, etc.) are allowed five colors, the Ard Fili who are the Chief of their Orders or Societies are allowed six colors, the Rhi and Rhian are allowed seven colors.

  The Kindred break the year into four seasons, and have four main festivals. These are Samhain, Imbolc, Beltaine, and Lughnasadh. Every year, there is the Feis Tarrel, to which all the Rhis, Rhiannas, and the holders of the Great Duchas come to the Ard Rhi’s palace, for this is both feast and Grand Council, and each turning of the season in every Rhiad, there is a very great Feis (feast) held, at other times of the year there are lesser Feis. Each Great Festival also hosts a Mor Dal (Grand Fair). At the lesser Feis, there is the Dal (fair). At each of these, there are meetings of the Fili to discuss the laws and to read the laws to the people, at this time the most important trials are held, and the testing for the new recruits to the Fiann and the Draoi orders. At each testing, only the very best and most dedicated are chosen, the tests are open to all Kindred, and those who decide to be tested know that the tests can be both trying and dangerous, many Kindred have not survived these test whole, be it magical or test of arms. The Kindred know that upon the Fiann and the Draoi orders, rest the safety and protection of the Realm, and they must be the best to survive.

The Fiann

Inisfail Armoury

Inisfail Wargear

Fleet of Foot Rule

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