Lead by the famous Commander Dilliad, the Rainbow Warriors have seen many victories under the command of this venerable warrior. Time and again he has personally gotten his marines out of countless sticky situations, and was the one honored with being in command in the time of the reunification to the Imperium.
The HQ of the Rainbow Warriors remains almost unchanged in the are of the Codex. The only main difference is that of the addition of a personnel body guard for the Lord Commander, this is made up of the top five fighters in the 1st Company and is held as the highest honor within the Chapter. Along with this, the oldest and wisest of the Chapter's Chaplains serves as an advisor to the young commander. Other than these slight additions, the HQ staff remains otherwise unchanged. It still contains the Master of the Fleet, and all the other Senior officers.
The Rainbow Warrior's librarians conform to a somewhat different color scheme then that that is described in the Codex Astartes. The hierarchy however remains the same, they are still led buy their Chief Librarian, who is in turn responsible for the teachings, and skills of all his younger initiates. The main difference comes in the form of their uniforms. The color choice is that of the original Chapter colors, along with a deep purple. This change of the Codex was a result of the Chapters seclusion from the Imperium, and the tribal influence upon the Chapter.
The warrior tribes of Diase Prime believe that the color purple is a direct representation of magic itself. Any warrior or hunter possessing these colors is outcast, for only the tribe's Shaman is allowed to display this sacred color. This is a result of a purple flower that grows along the bases of the forest area of Diase, which is used in the religious ceremonies of the planets inhabitants. As a result, the Rainbow Warriors have carried this tradition over to their Chapter organization, and it is not uncommon to here the battle brother's refer to their Librarian as Shaman, or The Wise One.
This is the only organization within the Chapter that is located on two planets. As described earlier the Rainbow Warriors moved the majority of their forges to the planer Kell. This is were the Tech Priests go through their initial introduction to the Cult of Mechanicus. Having no direct members of the Adeptas present at the time of their seclusion, the initiation was conducted by veteran members of the Tech Marines. These marines in fact never left the planet once given this authority, but rather took it upon themselves to train the Tech Marines who would accompany their brothers to the field of battle. Along with all members of the Chapter the symbol of the Rainbow Warrior is painted on the left shoulder pad
The Tech Marines that were then sent back to Daise were trained to care for the Chapters sacred suits of Terminator armor, as well as their ancient battle brother's contained within the Chapter's dreadnoughts. Once taught all that they need to know these troops are then allowed into the ranks of the Chapter's tech marines. They adopt the red armor of the Codex Tech Marine, and remain some what unchanged from the Codex except in the ways in which all the Rainbow Warriors are.
This order along with that of the Tech Marines remains somewhat unchanged in the ways of the Codex. They have adopted the traditional bone white armor common among high ranking officials of the Rainbow Warriors, and along with this have added red to various places on their armor. The upper part of their helmet, along with their shoulder trim, and medical gear are all painted in a deep red. Along with all members of the Chapter the symbol of the Rainbow Warrior is painted on the left shoulder pad which is always left blue.
The order of the Apothecarian also has a chief who is responsible for training all his initiates in the medical art's of the Chapter. These include all that is necessary for the survival of the Chapter, including implanting thralls with the gene seed material, and necessary organs. However the Chief Apothecary Wels Drath who was responsible for the knowledge of cloning the gene seed has since met his honorable death. Knowing the possible dangers of this knowledge, the hero allowed this gift to follow him to the grave leaving the remainder of the order with no knowledge on how to go about cloning new gene seeds.
The Companies of the Rainbow Warriors remain somewhat unchanged in the visual appearance. However the high number of marines within the Chapter has resulted in the addition of an extra assault, and tactical squad to the 2nd through 9th Companies. Other than this the Chapter organization remains somewhat unchanged. They have kept all the proper Codex colors for each company, along with this the tactical markings remain unchanged from those described in the Codex Astartes. However the Vet. Sergeants have adopted the first company use of white on the legs and powerfists/right gauntlet in order to display their rank. This differs in the sense that the use of colored helmets would disrupt the Chapter layout described later. Also the Rainbow Warrior's have adopted new ways of displaying honors one in battle. Two of the most common are feather's plucked from the giant birds of prey that inhabit Daise, and tails, and pelts of the mountain cat's that prey upon the tribes themselves. These symbols are allowed to be displayed by those members of squads who have proved their valor time and again in battle.
The spectrum of all natural colors is one of the things that the people of Daise use as a basis for their polytheistic religion. They believe that each color represents a part of their human nature, and with this each color, and trait has then been given a God. However, the fact that these nomadic people are extremely aggressive results in most of the colors representing war like human traits. The spectrum is something that has not only been adopted into the Chapters cult and teachings, but also within their uniform, and dress. This is the most major deviation from the Codex Astartes, and the main reason for the rivalries between the Rainbow Warriors and the Ultramarines, Genesis, and Reaper Codex Chapters. This spectrum is represented through out the Chapter in the following way:
Blue: water/represents life/hence Chapter color
Purple: the color of magic/knowledge/Librarius (shown on lower area of
White: purity/honor/color worn by all veterans (lower legs/right arm/)
Green: strength/versatility/All tactical marines
Red: fire/dexterity/punishment/All devastator marines
Yellow: ferocity/speed/All assault marines, and bike squads
All these colors have been adopted by the said squad, and are displayed on the upper part of the helmet. All marines within the Chapter are assigned to a certain type of fighting skill at the beginning of their initiation into the Chapters' official ranks. With this comes an assigned color, which represents the above, the marine will then dedicate their lives to this art of war fare, and display this color with a visual tattoo on their left shoulders.
This unity between each member of a squad gives that fighting force a visual coherency. Also, it is said that to gaze upon a fighting force is a great honor, for the mass of colors will really bring one the idea of a rainbow. Hence the Chapter's saying: "We are here to shed the light, not only that of the Emperor but that of good, that of the Rainbow."
Beside these deviations the Chapter still honors it original Chapter color of blue which is shown on the armor in all areas. The Company color is then displayed on the trim of the shoulder pad, and tactical markings in the appropriate places. The Chapter symbol is displayed on the left shoulder pad, and other various places on the armor, the belt buckle being a common occurrence. All the above colors are displayed in the appropriate areas.
The first company has also adopted a different appearance in their uniform, and this too is based on the legends spoke by the Diase people. On the night of the green moon, it is said that a group of spirit warriors will come, and kill all those who sleep comfortably through the night. It is said that not a single mortal warrior is able to best these men, and it is for this reason that the Chapter's 1st company has adopted the style of war paint these warriors wear into battle. It is said that these warriors are only visible at night by their white ghost like faces, and that the glow of their eyes can send the bravest fighter to his knees in fear.
As a result the 1st company has adopted an almost midnight black armor color, in fact it is a very, very dark blue. They then paint their helmets/powerfists/and lower legs a deep bone white, to be given the honor of fighting in this great company is the dream of all Rainbow Warriors.
The Rainbow Warriors have been lucky enough to have had 35 suits of terminator armor at the time of seclusion. These suits helped win several hundreds of battles were normal squads would have been all but destroyed. Since they have been reunited the Chapter has been granted the use of 20 more suits of terminator armor, as a reward from the Imperium for all they did in the time's of seclusion. These squads all contained new forms of weaponry such as lightning claws, thunder hammers, and cyclone missile launchers. All of which required training in their use, which the 1st Company was honored to go through with their brother's the Deathwing. Since this time, these warriors have held the Dark Angels in a higher light then that of other Chapters, and have vowed to help the Chapter when ever it is needed.
The scout squads of the Rainbow Warriors remain basically the same as those from other Chapters. They are however extremely skilled in the art of laying traps, and using cover to sneak up upon their foes. These qualities have earned these scouts a sort of infamous name across the galaxy that of the Shadow Hunters.
The size of the Chapters 10th Company varies from time to time but is usually between the numbers of 100 and 120.