Scouts are the newly acquired recruits of the Chapter that have yet to prove themselves in battle. They are trained to clear the way for Space Marines, secure vital strongpoints, and scout the enemies firepower. Force Recon Scouts are expected to be able to meet opposition and may be called upon to meet the enemy in full battle. Squad: The Scouts Squad consists of between four and nine Scouts and a Sergeant.Weapons: Bolt pistol and close combat weapon.Options: Any model in the squad may replace their bolt pistol and close combat weapon with a sniper rifle at +5 points, or a bolter or shotgun at no additional points cost.One of the Scouts may have one the following: heavy bolter at +15 pts, autocannon at +20 pts, missile launcher at +20 pts. The entire Squad can have frag grenades at an additional cost of +1 pt per model, krak grenades at an additional cost of +2 pts per model, and/ or blind grenades at an additional cost of +2 pts per model. The Scout Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at an additional cost of +13 points.
Squad: The Scout Bike Squadron consists of between two and nine Scouts and a Scout Sergeant.Weapons: Each bike is fitted with twin-linked bolters. Each Scout is armed with a bolt pistol.Options: Any model in the squad may replace their bolt pistol with a bolter or combat shotgun at no extra cost. The entire squad may have frag grenades at +1 pt per model and krak grenades at an additional cost of +2 pts per model, and/ or blind grenades at an additional cost of +2 pts per model.Any model in the squadron may be armed with a close combat weapon at +3 pts. Character: The Scout Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Scout Sergeant for a cost of +15 pts. The Veteran Scout Sergeant may be given additional equipment from the Force Recon Armory.