Veteran Scouts were Marine candidates that have declined promotion to full Marine status due to a natural affinity for the lighter and more dangerous life of a scout or to some self-imposed penance or exceptional skills as a sniper. These scouts have spent many years in the fields of battle and have become just as deadly as any other Marine. Squad: The Veteran Scout Squad consists of between four and nine Veteran Scouts and a Veteran Scout Sergeant.Weapons: Bolt pistol, close combat weapon, and frag grenades.Options: Any model in the squad may replace their bolt pistol and close combat weapon with a sniper rifle at +5 points, or a bolter or shotgun at no additional points cost.One of the Veteran Scouts may can have one of the following: heavy bolter at +15 pts, autocannon at +20 pts, missile launcher at +20 pts. Up to two of the Marines in the Squad may be armed with: plasma pistol at +5 points, plasma gun at +6 pts, flamer at 4 pts, or meltagun at +10 pts. The entire Squad may have krak grenades at an additional cost of +2 pts per model, blind grenades at an additional cost of +2 pts per model, and/ or melta bombs at an additional cost of +5 per model. The squad may be given terminator Honors at +10 pts. per model. The Veteran Sergeant can any take equipment from the Force Recon armory.