Death Jester (Margorach) or Death-head

The Death Jesters are the heavy weapons specialists of the Harlequin who tend to stand somewhat aloof from the rest of the Masque. In performance they play the part of Death, performing daring stunts of escapology and risk- ‘dicing with Death’ they call it. In battle they stand off from the other Harlequins providing support and delivering their punchline with Lascannon and Shuriken Cannon.

Troop Type Pts/model WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Death Jester 65 5 5 3 4 2 6 2 9 4+/Holo

WARGEAR: Shuriken shrieker cannon (Buanna), Death Jester Carapace armor, and Rictus mask (Marathag).

OPTIONS: The shuriken shrieker cannon may be replaced with a lascannon for +10 pts or a with a reaper launcher for free. Each Death Jester may be given up to 100 pts. of Wargear.

Special Rules:

Force Organization Charts: up to 2 Death jesters may be taken per Heavy Support choice.

Independent Character: Each Death Jester is an independent Character and follows all rules for characters given in the Warhammer 40,000 rules.

Movement: Each Death Jester wears a suspensor belt (Geirgilath) to offset any penalties to his movement by heavy weapons. Any Heavy Weapon carried by a Death Jester may be fired even if the model moved during the movement phase in a manner similar to rapid fire weapons. If the Death Jester remains stationary he may fire as many times as his weapon allows ( 3 for Shuriken cannon, 2 for Reaper Launcher, and once for Lascannon) at full range. If the Death Jester moves then he may only fire his weapon one time (regardless of weapon) and the range is halved. (i.e. 24" for lascannon and reaper launcher and 12" for shuriken cannon.)



A Wraithlord is a robotic body that houses the spirit stone of a dead Solitaire whose soul escaped from Slaanesh. Only one in a thousand Solitaires ever escape from the doom that Slaanesh promises. These souls of the Harlequin’s tragic heroes are integrated into this huge war machine. The Wraithlord strides into battle with the grace and ease of a living Harlequin, Crushing their foes with their mighty fists. A Harlequin Army may only ever include one Wraithlord.

Troop Type Pts/model WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Wraithlord 85 5 5 10 7 3 5 3 10 3+/Holo

WEAPONS: Two Dreadnought close combat weapons. Each fist also incorporates either a flamer OR a shuriken catapult. Note the Wraithlord’s profile already includes the extra attack for having two close combat weapons.

OPTIONS: The Wraithlord may be fitted with a shoulder mounted heavy weapon from the following list: Shuriken cannon +25 pts, Scatter Laser +30 pts, Missile Launcher +50 pts, Brightlance +45 pts, Starcannon +45, Distortion cannon +45 pts.

Special Rules:

Implacable Advance: The Wraithlord is a towering construct capable of laying down a curtain of fire as it advances into combat. The Wraithlord can shoot up to 2 weapons if it moves, and all of its weapons if it remains stationary. It may even fire heavy weapons whilst moving.

Fearless: The Wraithlord carries the spirit of a mysterious Solitaire who has witnesses many battles and atrocities over the centuries. The Wraithlord automatically passes any Leadership tests and morale tests it is required to take.

Grenades: The Wraithlord may be attacked in close combat with grenades such as Krak and Melta-bombs. These attacks always require a 6 to hit.


War Walker

The War Walker is a is a vaguely Dreadnought-like vehicle with long but tremendously powerful limbs.  The Harlequin Orchestrata pilot is protected by a sophisticated energy shield. The Pilot is able to maneuver over steep and broken ground with the mechanical legs that have the agility of a living Harlequin. The War Walker is also a potent weapon of war, carrying a deadly armament equal to the payload of more heavily constructed vehicles.

Troop Type Pts/model WS BS S Armour: Front Side Rear I A
War Walker 55 4 4 5   14 10 10 5 2

TYPE: Walker, Open-topped

WEAPONS: The War Walker is armed with two of the following weapons: Shuriken cannon +20, scatter laser +25 pts, Missile launcher +45 pts, Brightlance +35 pts, Starcannon +35 pts.

OPTIONS: The Warwalker may have the following options at the cost listed in the Harlequin Armory: Holo-field, crystal targeting matrix, and spirit stone.

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