Solitaire (Arebennian)

Solitaires are outside the Masque and roam the universe alone, occasionally joining a masque for a single performance or battle. They are the only Harlequins able to play the role of Slaanesh in the great Harlequin Masterwork known as The Dance. The Solitaire is also the only Harlequin whose soul belongs to Slaanesh when he dies. Your Masque may never include more Solitaires then there are Troupes of Harlequin.

Troop Type Pts/model WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Solitaire 40 5 5 4 4 2 6 3 9 Holo

WARGEAR: Rictus mask.

OPTIONS: The Solitaire may be given up to 100 pts. of Wargear.

Special Rules:

Individual: Solitaires operate as individuals on the battlefield. They may not join or lead squads.

Fearless: Harlequin Solitaires are implacable foes and automatically pass all morale checks.


Harlequin Mimes (Distaur)

In performances Mimes play mystical and demonic roles, using gesture and movement only. Even in everyday life the mimes do not speak, communicating amongst themselves by Lambruith, their system of hand signals. It is customary for mimes to go in advance of a masque or troupe to announce their arrival. Frequently they simply appear on a Craftworld or elsewhere, without anyone knowing when or how they arrived. This skill is also used in warfare... Infiltration and assassination are their specialty.

Troop Type Pts/model WS BS S T W I A Ld Save
Master Mime (Athistaur) +17 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 10 Holo
Mime (Distaur) 16 5 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 Holo

SQUAD: A Mime squad consists of 5-10 Harlequin Mimes. One of these may be upgraded to a Master Mime (Athistaur)

WARGEAR: Agaith, Shuriken Pistol and close combat weapons. The Master Mime is equipped with an Agaith, Shuriken pistol and close combat weapon as well as a Creidann (mini-grenade launcher)

OPTIONS: Any model may be given a power weapon at +10 pts. Any model in a squad may be given a Brathu-angau (harlequin’s kiss) at a cost of +15 pts per model. All models may be equipped with Krak grenades at a cost of +2 pts per model and/or melta bombs at a cost of +5 per model. The entire squad may be equipped with Refractor Fields at a cost of +5 pts per model.

Special Rules:

Infiltrators: Harlequin Mimes have the ability to work their way into a forward position the battlefield. To represent this they may set up using the Infiltrators rule. They may do so even if the mission does not normally allow Infiltrators.

Back to Codex: Harlequins.

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