Known more commonly as the Craftworld of the notorious Shadow Hunters, this particular Eldar community has strong links with both the mysterious Harlequins & the Black Library. Its armed forces are collectively called Shadow Hunters. Unlike most other Craftworlds the Shadow Hunters have maintained contacts with the Dark Eldar (making use of Splinter Rifles/ Cannons & the like). Contacts with the Dark Eldar are often strained due to the Shadow Hunters morals, which closely follow a cross between Eldar Pirate/Mercenary & Craftworld ones, but the common enemy of Chaos worshippers and many of the younger races gives them common ground. This loose alliance has meant that many other Craftworlds distrust the Shadow Hunters or have even ceased all contact with them (such as the Saim-Hann & Alaitoc). Whilst other more open-minded or forward looking ones maintain contact with them (the Harlequin troops in particular, plus those of Ulthwe , Biel-Tan & <Tonys Eldar>).
Shadow Hunter forces include all the normal troop types available to Eldar forces except; they have no Shining Spears, War Walkers, Dire Avengers or militia style Guardian forces. Instead of Guardians they maintain troops of soldiers/raiders, known as Serpent Guards, and the deadly Demon Guard replace the Dire Avengers. Serpents are similar to Dark Eldar Warrior units but with basic Eldar stats (except having a 4 Ballistic Skill, or in the case of Assault squads 4 Weapon Skill) costing 8pts each, same special weapon access as Dark Eldar. Demons on the other hand are equipped like regular Eldar Guardians, but are in fact Aspect Warriors (costing 12pts each) who also have access to both weapon platforms and may have up to one trooper equipped with a Splinter Cannon or Fusion Gun. Whilst the Serpent Guards essentially fill a similar, but more active/continuous position to their Guardian counterparts, the Demon Guard along with the other Aspect warriors are often found actively hunting down Human Invaders/ Ork War Bands/ Tyranid Swarms and most especially their most hated foe servants & followers of the Chaos gods. Shadow Hunter forces are also often encountered with Harlequin, Ulthwe, Biel-Tan, <Tonys Eldar> or on rare occasions with Dark Eldar allies.
Troop Types:
Avatar (0-1),
Farseer (0-1),
Warlock Bodyguard (0-5).
Warp Spiders (average units of 6 warriors),
Striking Scorpions (average units of 6 warriors),
Howling Banshees (average units of 6 warriors),
Fire Dragons (average units of 6 warriors),
Wraithguard (average units of 6 warriors, one can carry a D-cannon +20pts).
Rangers (average units of 6 warriors),
Demon Guard (average units of 10 warriors, Exarch may be equipped with a Hell Mask +5pts),
Assault Serpent Guards (average units of 10 warriors),
Serpent Guards (average units of 10 warriors).
Fast Attack-
Serpent Jetbike Squadron (units of 2-10 warriors, note 4-BS not 3; +1pt),
Vyper Squadron (units of 1-3 vehicles, note 4-BS not 3; +1pt),
Swooping Hawks (average units of 6 warriors).
Heavy Support-
Falcon (note 4-BS not 3; +1pt),
Fire Prism (note 4-BS not 3; +1pt),
Support Weapon Battery (average units of 1-3 weapons, note 4-BS not 3; +1pt),
Dark Reapers (average units of 3 warriors, may change Reaper for Bright Lance +5pts or a
Missile Launcher +10pts).