Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Desert Raiders 90 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Veteran Sergeant +10 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+

These are the soldiers of the Mordian Iron Guard that have fought through many campaigns and have shown their ability to stand against the enemy.

Squad: A squad consists of a Sergeant and nine Guardsmen.

Weapons: Lasgun, and frag grenades. The sergeant has a laspistol, close combat weapon and frag grenades.

Wargear: The entire squad may be armed with krak grenades at a cost of +20 points.

You may replace the squad's lasguns with hellguns for +1 pt/model. If you replace any lasguns, you must replace all lasguns. The sergeant may replace his laspistol with a hellpistol for +1 pt.

Up to two models may be armed with one of the following weapons: flamer at +5 pts; meltagun at +10 pts; plasma gun at +8 pts; grenade launcher at +8 pts.

One model can have a comm-link at +10 pts.

Character: The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at +10 points.  A Veteran Sergeant may choose extra equipment from the Armoury.

Chimera: The squad may include a Chimera for an additional +95 points, for details see the Chimera transport entry at the end of the Troops section.


The Veteran Eisenschutzen squads are so accustomed to fighting, they no longer fear their enemy.  They ignore all psychology tests and do not have to make a Break test unless they lose 50% of their number.


  Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Fut Jaegar 210 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Veteran Sergeant - 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+

Mordian Fut Jaeger squads are specially trained to infiltrate enemy lines and set up ambushes and to assassinate enemy leaders.

Squad: A Mordian Fut Jaeger squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 4 Troopers.

Weapons: Needle Sniper Rifle, Hotshot laspistol, sword, frag, krak and blind grenades.

Wargear: One trooper may be given a LAW at +5 points.

The Veteran Sergeant may choose extra equipment from the Armoury.

One model can have a comm-link at +10 pts.


Infiltrators: Fut Jaegars are trained at sneaking up on their enemy before the battle starts.  They may use the Infiltrators rules in any scenario that allows it.



See Codex: Imperial Guard

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