Harlequin Mimesby Tom SetzerMimes go before the Harlequin troops, scouting their way and eliminating any ambushes or traps set by their enemies. They also in times of war scout for the Harlequin troops and set up ambushes of the enemy troops.
A Harlequin army may purchase any number of Harlequin Mime Troupes as Troops choices. Squad: The troupe consists of between 5 and 10 Harlequin Mimes Weapons: Shuriken pistol and close combat weapon. Options: Up to 2 models in the squad may exchange their close combat weapon for a Harlequin's Kiss at +5 points per model, or a power weapon for +6 points per model. Up to two models in the squad may exchange their shuriken pistol for either a plasma pistol at +5 points, or a fusion pistol for +8 points. The Harlequins can be armed with hallucinogen grenades for +2 points per model, plasma grenades for +2pts per model, tanglefoot grenades for +4 pts per model and haywire grenades for +3 points per model. The entire squad may be armed with needle sniper rifles at +5 points per model. Character: One model in the squad may be upgraded to a Troupe leader for +16 points. A Troupe Leader has the improved profile given above and may take additional equipment allowed by the Harlequins armoury.
Mimes are the Harlequin Masters of Infiltration. Master Mimes are unrivaled in their ability to strike from ambush and their ability to use terrain to their best advantage.
The Army may include up to one Master Mime per Mime Squad. Options: The Master Mime may be given any equipment allowed by the Harlequins Armoury.
(c) Thomas Setzer 2002 |