Eldar, Exodite and Harlequin Wargear

40K3 conversion by Tom and Erik Setzer; Based on 40K2 background and rules by Mike Freeman

Everbody has ideas for wargear, whether it be a little thought about a special weapon for an Inquisitor, or a Chaos Runeblade. And everybody has ideas on how to improve their armies through specific race only wargear. Well here are mine!

Eldar Wargear

Runic Blade......................20 points
This unique Eldar weapon is adorned with runes of power and psychic protection. It may take the form of an axe, a sickle, or other type of blade. The Runic Blade confers a 4+ saving throw on a D6 against any psychic powers directed at the user. If this save is successful, the power is negated automatically. It also negates daemonic saving throws. It may be used in hand-to-hand combat, and increases the user's strength by +1.


Crystal Shredder......................30 points
This is a gauntlet covered by crystal shards, wron by an Eldar warrior of great skill. It is mostly used to shred armour. The crystals are specially adapted to distort and destroy the internal anatomy of a vehicle, causing much destruction, more than most weapons. If you penetrate the armour of a vehicle with the Crystal Shredder, then you may choose to ignore the first roll for damage on the vehicle, and roll again. This roll stands. Nothing may be held in the hand which holds the Crystal Shredder on the model.   The crystral shredder causes a S6 hit with an AP 4 for each hit in close combat.


Harlequin Wargear

Shadowseer Staff......................25 points
Shadowseers are adept psykers, at least as talented as a Farseer. Some use special staffs which bear the totems of The Laughing God, who is said to guide the powers to help those who follow him. Because of this protection, any nullify attempts made on powers cast by this Shadowseer will only work on a 6+. The Staff is treated as a Witch Blade as well.


Laughing Aura......................5 points
This field-like device is fitted into the holo-suit of this Harlequin in order to continue his deadly dance of destruction and confusion. The aura confuses opponents who enter into hand-to-hand combat with the user, and they suffer a -1 to hit penalty.


Shadow Blade......................30 points

This sword is mostly used by Solitaires, and is powered by the user's neural energy. This emphasis on the user's strength of mind makes it a powerful energy weapon. It can be usedin a two handed-one sword method, or a two sword format. The one sword can be split into two less powerful swords in exchange for more speed. This split can be declared at the beggining of the hand-to-hand combat phase.  When using it as one sword, the sword requires two hands to use and counts as a power weapon that adds +2 to the model's Strength.  When used as two swords, it counts as two power weapons with no Strength bonues.

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